OpenSSH OpenBSD OpenSSH SSH Server Implementation

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By the Year

In 2024 there have been 1 vulnerability in OpenBSD OpenSSH with an average score of 8.1 out of ten. Last year OpenSSH had 7 security vulnerabilities published. Right now, OpenSSH is on track to have less security vulnerabilities in 2024 than it did last year. However, the average CVE base score of the vulnerabilities in 2024 is greater by 0.81.

Year Vulnerabilities Average Score
2024 1 8.10
2023 7 7.29
2022 1 3.70
2021 3 6.47
2020 3 7.07
2019 5 6.52
2018 3 6.03

It may take a day or so for new OpenSSH vulnerabilities to show up in the stats or in the list of recent security vulnerabilties. Additionally vulnerabilities may be tagged under a different product or component name.

Recent OpenBSD OpenSSH Security Vulnerabilities

A security regression (CVE-2006-5051) was discovered in OpenSSH's server (sshd)

CVE-2024-6387 8.1 - High - July 01, 2024

A security regression (CVE-2006-5051) was discovered in OpenSSH's server (sshd). There is a race condition which can lead sshd to handle some signals in an unsafe manner. An unauthenticated, remote attacker may be able to trigger it by failing to authenticate within a set time period.

Race Condition

OpenSSH through 9.6, when common types of DRAM are used, might

CVE-2023-51767 7 - High - December 24, 2023

OpenSSH through 9.6, when common types of DRAM are used, might allow row hammer attacks (for authentication bypass) because the integer value of authenticated in mm_answer_authpassword does not resist flips of a single bit. NOTE: this is applicable to a certain threat model of attacker-victim co-location in which the attacker has user privileges.

In ssh-agent in OpenSSH before 9.6, certain destination constraints can be incompletely applied

CVE-2023-51384 5.5 - Medium - December 18, 2023

In ssh-agent in OpenSSH before 9.6, certain destination constraints can be incompletely applied. When destination constraints are specified during addition of PKCS#11-hosted private keys, these constraints are only applied to the first key, even if a PKCS#11 token returns multiple keys.

In ssh in OpenSSH before 9.6

CVE-2023-51385 6.5 - Medium - December 18, 2023

In ssh in OpenSSH before 9.6, OS command injection might occur if a user name or host name has shell metacharacters, and this name is referenced by an expansion token in certain situations. For example, an untrusted Git repository can have a submodule with shell metacharacters in a user name or host name.

Shell injection

The SSH transport protocol with certain OpenSSH extensions, found in OpenSSH before 9.6 and other products, allows remote attackers to bypass integrity checks such

CVE-2023-48795 5.9 - Medium - December 18, 2023

The SSH transport protocol with certain OpenSSH extensions, found in OpenSSH before 9.6 and other products, allows remote attackers to bypass integrity checks such that some packets are omitted (from the extension negotiation message), and a client and server may consequently end up with a connection for which some security features have been downgraded or disabled, aka a Terrapin attack. This occurs because the SSH Binary Packet Protocol (BPP), implemented by these extensions, mishandles the handshake phase and mishandles use of sequence numbers. For example, there is an effective attack against SSH's use of ChaCha20-Poly1305 (and CBC with Encrypt-then-MAC). The bypass occurs in and (if CBC is used) the MAC algorithms. This also affects Maverick Synergy Java SSH API before 3.1.0-SNAPSHOT, Dropbear through 2022.83, Ssh before 5.1.1 in Erlang/OTP, PuTTY before 0.80, AsyncSSH before 2.14.2, before 0.17.0, libssh before 0.10.6, libssh2 through 1.11.0, Thorn Tech SFTP Gateway before 3.4.6, Tera Term before 5.1, Paramiko before 3.4.0, jsch before 0.2.15, SFTPGo before 2.5.6, Netgate pfSense Plus through 23.09.1, Netgate pfSense CE through 2.7.2, HPN-SSH through 18.2.0, ProFTPD before 1.3.8b (and before 1.3.9rc2), ORYX CycloneSSH before 2.3.4, NetSarang XShell 7 before Build 0144, CrushFTP before 10.6.0, ConnectBot SSH library before 2.2.22, Apache MINA sshd through 2.11.0, sshj through 0.37.0, TinySSH through 20230101, trilead-ssh2 6401, LANCOM LCOS and LANconfig, FileZilla before 3.66.4, Nova before 11.8, PKIX-SSH before 14.4, SecureCRT before 9.4.3, Transmit5 before 5.10.4, Win32-OpenSSH before, WinSCP before 6.2.2, Bitvise SSH Server before 9.32, Bitvise SSH Client before 9.33, KiTTY through, the net-ssh gem 7.2.0 for Ruby, the mscdex ssh2 module before 1.15.0 for Node.js, the thrussh library before 0.35.1 for Rust, and the Russh crate before 0.40.2 for Rust.

Improper Validation of Integrity Check Value

The PKCS#11 feature in ssh-agent in OpenSSH before 9.3p2 has an insufficiently trustworthy search path

CVE-2023-38408 9.8 - Critical - July 20, 2023

The PKCS#11 feature in ssh-agent in OpenSSH before 9.3p2 has an insufficiently trustworthy search path, leading to remote code execution if an agent is forwarded to an attacker-controlled system. (Code in /usr/lib is not necessarily safe for loading into ssh-agent.) NOTE: this issue exists because of an incomplete fix for CVE-2016-10009.

Unquoted Search Path or Element

ssh-add in OpenSSH before 9.3 adds smartcard keys to ssh-agent without the intended per-hop destination constraints

CVE-2023-28531 9.8 - Critical - March 17, 2023

ssh-add in OpenSSH before 9.3 adds smartcard keys to ssh-agent without the intended per-hop destination constraints. The earliest affected version is 8.9.

OpenSSH server (sshd) 9.1 introduced a double-free vulnerability during options.kex_algorithms handling

CVE-2023-25136 6.5 - Medium - February 03, 2023

OpenSSH server (sshd) 9.1 introduced a double-free vulnerability during options.kex_algorithms handling. This is fixed in OpenSSH 9.2. The double free can be leveraged, by an unauthenticated remote attacker in the default configuration, to jump to any location in the sshd address space. One third-party report states "remote code execution is theoretically possible."


An issue was discovered in OpenSSH before 8.9

CVE-2021-36368 3.7 - Low - March 13, 2022

An issue was discovered in OpenSSH before 8.9. If a client is using public-key authentication with agent forwarding but without -oLogLevel=verbose, and an attacker has silently modified the server to support the None authentication option, then the user cannot determine whether FIDO authentication is going to confirm that the user wishes to connect to that server, or that the user wishes to allow that server to connect to a different server on the user's behalf. NOTE: the vendor's position is "this is not an authentication bypass, since nothing is being bypassed.


sshd in OpenSSH 6.2 through 8.x before 8.8, when certain non-default configurations are used

CVE-2021-41617 7 - High - September 26, 2021

sshd in OpenSSH 6.2 through 8.x before 8.8, when certain non-default configurations are used, allows privilege escalation because supplemental groups are not initialized as expected. Helper programs for AuthorizedKeysCommand and AuthorizedPrincipalsCommand may run with privileges associated with group memberships of the sshd process, if the configuration specifies running the command as a different user.

OpenSSH through 8.7 allows remote attackers, who have a suspicion

CVE-2016-20012 5.3 - Medium - September 15, 2021

OpenSSH through 8.7 allows remote attackers, who have a suspicion that a certain combination of username and public key is known to an SSH server, to test whether this suspicion is correct. This occurs because a challenge is sent only when that combination could be valid for a login session. NOTE: the vendor does not recognize user enumeration as a vulnerability for this product

ssh-agent in OpenSSH before 8.5 has a double free

CVE-2021-28041 7.1 - High - March 05, 2021

ssh-agent in OpenSSH before 8.5 has a double free that may be relevant in a few less-common scenarios, such as unconstrained agent-socket access on a legacy operating system, or the forwarding of an agent to an attacker-controlled host.


scp in OpenSSH through 8.3p1

CVE-2020-15778 7.8 - High - July 24, 2020

scp in OpenSSH through 8.3p1 allows command injection in the scp.c toremote function, as demonstrated by backtick characters in the destination argument. NOTE: the vendor reportedly has stated that they intentionally omit validation of "anomalous argument transfers" because that could "stand a great chance of breaking existing workflows."

Shell injection

The client side in OpenSSH 5.7 through 8.4 has an Observable Discrepancy leading to an information leak in the algorithm negotiation

CVE-2020-14145 5.9 - Medium - June 29, 2020

The client side in OpenSSH 5.7 through 8.4 has an Observable Discrepancy leading to an information leak in the algorithm negotiation. This allows man-in-the-middle attackers to target initial connection attempts (where no host key for the server has been cached by the client). NOTE: some reports state that 8.5 and 8.6 are also affected.

Side Channel Attack

The scp client in OpenSSH 8.2 incorrectly sends duplicate responses to the server upon a utimes system call failure, which

CVE-2020-12062 7.5 - High - June 01, 2020

The scp client in OpenSSH 8.2 incorrectly sends duplicate responses to the server upon a utimes system call failure, which allows a malicious unprivileged user on the remote server to overwrite arbitrary files in the client's download directory by creating a crafted subdirectory anywhere on the remote server. The victim must use the command scp -rp to download a file hierarchy containing, anywhere inside, this crafted subdirectory. NOTE: the vendor points out that "this attack can achieve no more than a hostile peer is already able to achieve within the scp protocol" and "utimes does not fail under normal circumstances.

Improper Input Validation

OpenSSH 7.7 through 7.9 and 8.x before 8.1

CVE-2019-16905 7.8 - High - October 09, 2019

OpenSSH 7.7 through 7.9 and 8.x before 8.1, when compiled with an experimental key type, has a pre-authentication integer overflow if a client or server is configured to use a crafted XMSS key. This leads to memory corruption and local code execution because of an error in the XMSS key parsing algorithm. NOTE: the XMSS implementation is considered experimental in all released OpenSSH versions, and there is no supported way to enable it when building portable OpenSSH.

Integer Overflow or Wraparound

An issue was discovered in OpenSSH 7.9

CVE-2019-6109 6.8 - Medium - January 31, 2019

An issue was discovered in OpenSSH 7.9. Due to missing character encoding in the progress display, a malicious server (or Man-in-The-Middle attacker) can employ crafted object names to manipulate the client output, e.g., by using ANSI control codes to hide additional files being transferred. This affects refresh_progress_meter() in progressmeter.c.

Output Sanitization

An issue was discovered in OpenSSH 7.9

CVE-2019-6111 5.9 - Medium - January 31, 2019

An issue was discovered in OpenSSH 7.9. Due to the scp implementation being derived from 1983 rcp, the server chooses which files/directories are sent to the client. However, the scp client only performs cursory validation of the object name returned (only directory traversal attacks are prevented). A malicious scp server (or Man-in-The-Middle attacker) can overwrite arbitrary files in the scp client target directory. If recursive operation (-r) is performed, the server can manipulate subdirectories as well (for example, to overwrite the .ssh/authorized_keys file).

Directory traversal

In OpenSSH 7.9, due to accepting and displaying arbitrary stderr output

CVE-2019-6110 6.8 - Medium - January 31, 2019

In OpenSSH 7.9, due to accepting and displaying arbitrary stderr output from the server, a malicious server (or Man-in-The-Middle attacker) can manipulate the client output, for example to use ANSI control codes to hide additional files being transferred.

Inappropriate Encoding for Output Context

In OpenSSH 7.9, scp.c in the scp client allows remote SSH servers to bypass intended access restrictions via the filename of

CVE-2018-20685 5.3 - Medium - January 10, 2019

In OpenSSH 7.9, scp.c in the scp client allows remote SSH servers to bypass intended access restrictions via the filename of . or an empty filename. The impact is modifying the permissions of the target directory on the client side.


Remotely observable behaviour in auth-gss2.c in OpenSSH through 7.8 could be used by remote attackers to detect existence of users on a target system when GSS2 is in use

CVE-2018-15919 5.3 - Medium - August 28, 2018

Remotely observable behaviour in auth-gss2.c in OpenSSH through 7.8 could be used by remote attackers to detect existence of users on a target system when GSS2 is in use. NOTE: the discoverer states 'We understand that the OpenSSH developers do not want to treat such a username enumeration (or "oracle") as a vulnerability.'

Information Disclosure

OpenSSH through 7.7 is prone to a user enumeration vulnerability due to not delaying bailout for an invalid authenticating user until after the packet containing the request has been fully parsed

CVE-2018-15473 5.3 - Medium - August 17, 2018

OpenSSH through 7.7 is prone to a user enumeration vulnerability due to not delaying bailout for an invalid authenticating user until after the packet containing the request has been fully parsed, related to auth2-gss.c, auth2-hostbased.c, and auth2-pubkey.c.

Race Condition

sshd in OpenSSH before 7.4

CVE-2016-10708 7.5 - High - January 21, 2018

sshd in OpenSSH before 7.4 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (NULL pointer dereference and daemon crash) via an out-of-sequence NEWKEYS message, as demonstrated by Honggfuzz, related to kex.c and packet.c.

NULL Pointer Dereference

The process_open function in sftp-server.c in OpenSSH before 7.6 does not properly prevent write operations in readonly mode, which

CVE-2017-15906 5.3 - Medium - October 26, 2017

The process_open function in sftp-server.c in OpenSSH before 7.6 does not properly prevent write operations in readonly mode, which allows attackers to create zero-length files.

Incorrect Permission Assignment for Critical Resource

The client in OpenSSH before 7.2 mishandles failed cookie generation for untrusted X11 forwarding and relies on the local X11 server for access-control decisions, which

CVE-2016-1908 9.8 - Critical - April 11, 2017

The client in OpenSSH before 7.2 mishandles failed cookie generation for untrusted X11 forwarding and relies on the local X11 server for access-control decisions, which allows remote X11 clients to trigger a fallback and obtain trusted X11 forwarding privileges by leveraging configuration issues on this X11 server, as demonstrated by lack of the SECURITY extension on this X11 server.


sshd in OpenSSH before 7.3, when SHA256 or SHA512 are used for user password hashing, uses BLOWFISH hashing on a static password when the username does not exist, which

CVE-2016-6210 5.9 - Medium - February 13, 2017

sshd in OpenSSH before 7.3, when SHA256 or SHA512 are used for user password hashing, uses BLOWFISH hashing on a static password when the username does not exist, which allows remote attackers to enumerate users by leveraging the timing difference between responses when a large password is provided.

Information Disclosure

The shared memory manager (associated with pre-authentication compression) in sshd in OpenSSH before 7.4 does not ensure

CVE-2016-10012 7.8 - High - January 05, 2017

The shared memory manager (associated with pre-authentication compression) in sshd in OpenSSH before 7.4 does not ensure that a bounds check is enforced by all compilers, which might allows local users to gain privileges by leveraging access to a sandboxed privilege-separation process, related to the m_zback and m_zlib data structures.

Buffer Overflow

sshd in OpenSSH before 7.4, when privilege separation is not used, creates forwarded Unix-domain sockets as root, which might

CVE-2016-10010 7 - High - January 05, 2017

sshd in OpenSSH before 7.4, when privilege separation is not used, creates forwarded Unix-domain sockets as root, which might allow local users to gain privileges via unspecified vectors, related to serverloop.c.

Permissions, Privileges, and Access Controls

Untrusted search path vulnerability in ssh-agent.c in ssh-agent in OpenSSH before 7.4

CVE-2016-10009 7.3 - High - January 05, 2017

Untrusted search path vulnerability in ssh-agent.c in ssh-agent in OpenSSH before 7.4 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary local PKCS#11 modules by leveraging control over a forwarded agent-socket.

Untrusted Path

authfile.c in sshd in OpenSSH before 7.4 does not properly consider the effects of realloc on buffer contents, which might

CVE-2016-10011 5.5 - Medium - January 05, 2017

authfile.c in sshd in OpenSSH before 7.4 does not properly consider the effects of realloc on buffer contents, which might allow local users to obtain sensitive private-key information by leveraging access to a privilege-separated child process.

Key Management Errors

The kex_input_kexinit function in kex.c in OpenSSH 6.x and 7.x through 7.3

CVE-2016-8858 7.5 - High - December 09, 2016

The kex_input_kexinit function in kex.c in OpenSSH 6.x and 7.x through 7.3 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (memory consumption) by sending many duplicate KEXINIT requests. NOTE: a third party reports that "OpenSSH upstream does not consider this as a security issue."

Resource Management Errors

The auth_password function in auth-passwd.c in sshd in OpenSSH before 7.3 does not limit password lengths for password authentication, which

CVE-2016-6515 7.5 - High - August 07, 2016

The auth_password function in auth-passwd.c in sshd in OpenSSH before 7.3 does not limit password lengths for password authentication, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crypt CPU consumption) via a long string.

Improper Input Validation

The do_setup_env function in session.c in sshd in OpenSSH through 7.2p2, when the UseLogin feature is enabled and PAM is configured to read .pam_environment files in user home directories

CVE-2015-8325 7.8 - High - May 01, 2016

The do_setup_env function in session.c in sshd in OpenSSH through 7.2p2, when the UseLogin feature is enabled and PAM is configured to read .pam_environment files in user home directories, allows local users to gain privileges by triggering a crafted environment for the /bin/login program, as demonstrated by an LD_PRELOAD environment variable.

Permissions, Privileges, and Access Controls

The ssh_packet_read_poll2 function in packet.c in OpenSSH before 7.1p2

CVE-2016-1907 5.3 - Medium - January 19, 2016

The ssh_packet_read_poll2 function in packet.c in OpenSSH before 7.1p2 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (out-of-bounds read and application crash) via crafted network traffic.

Buffer Overflow

The resend_bytes function in roaming_common.c in the client in OpenSSH 5.x, 6.x, and 7.x before 7.1p2

CVE-2016-0777 6.5 - Medium - January 14, 2016

The resend_bytes function in roaming_common.c in the client in OpenSSH 5.x, 6.x, and 7.x before 7.1p2 allows remote servers to obtain sensitive information from process memory by requesting transmission of an entire buffer, as demonstrated by reading a private key.

Information Disclosure

The (1) roaming_read and (2) roaming_write functions in roaming_common.c in the client in OpenSSH 5.x, 6.x, and 7.x before 7.1p2, when certain proxy and forward options are enabled, do not properly maintain connection file descriptors, which

CVE-2016-0778 8.1 - High - January 14, 2016

The (1) roaming_read and (2) roaming_write functions in roaming_common.c in the client in OpenSSH 5.x, 6.x, and 7.x before 7.1p2, when certain proxy and forward options are enabled, do not properly maintain connection file descriptors, which allows remote servers to cause a denial of service (heap-based buffer overflow) or possibly have unspecified other impact by requesting many forwardings.

Buffer Overflow

The monitor component in sshd in OpenSSH before 7.0 on non-OpenBSD platforms accepts extraneous username data in MONITOR_REQ_PAM_INIT_CTX requests, which

CVE-2015-6563 - August 24, 2015

The monitor component in sshd in OpenSSH before 7.0 on non-OpenBSD platforms accepts extraneous username data in MONITOR_REQ_PAM_INIT_CTX requests, which allows local users to conduct impersonation attacks by leveraging any SSH login access in conjunction with control of the sshd uid to send a crafted MONITOR_REQ_PWNAM request, related to monitor.c and monitor_wrap.c.

Improper Input Validation

Use-after-free vulnerability in the mm_answer_pam_free_ctx function in monitor.c in sshd in OpenSSH before 7.0 on non-OpenBSD platforms might

CVE-2015-6564 - August 24, 2015

Use-after-free vulnerability in the mm_answer_pam_free_ctx function in monitor.c in sshd in OpenSSH before 7.0 on non-OpenBSD platforms might allow local users to gain privileges by leveraging control of the sshd uid to send an unexpectedly early MONITOR_REQ_PAM_FREE_CTX request.

Permissions, Privileges, and Access Controls

sshd in OpenSSH 6.8 and 6.9 uses world-writable permissions for TTY devices, which

CVE-2015-6565 - August 24, 2015

sshd in OpenSSH 6.8 and 6.9 uses world-writable permissions for TTY devices, which allows local users to cause a denial of service (terminal disruption) or possibly have unspecified other impact by writing to a device, as demonstrated by writing an escape sequence.

Permissions, Privileges, and Access Controls

The x11_open_helper function in channels.c in ssh in OpenSSH before 6.9, when ForwardX11Trusted mode is not used, lacks a check of the refusal deadline for X connections, which makes it easier for remote attackers to bypass intended access restrictions

CVE-2015-5352 - August 03, 2015

The x11_open_helper function in channels.c in ssh in OpenSSH before 6.9, when ForwardX11Trusted mode is not used, lacks a check of the refusal deadline for X connections, which makes it easier for remote attackers to bypass intended access restrictions via a connection outside of the permitted time window.

Permissions, Privileges, and Access Controls

The kbdint_next_device function in auth2-chall.c in sshd in OpenSSH through 6.9 does not properly restrict the processing of keyboard-interactive devices within a single connection, which makes it easier for remote attackers to conduct brute-force attacks or cause a denial of service (CPU consumption) via a long and duplicative list in the ssh -oKbdInteractiveDevices option, as demonstrated by a modified client

CVE-2015-5600 - August 03, 2015

The kbdint_next_device function in auth2-chall.c in sshd in OpenSSH through 6.9 does not properly restrict the processing of keyboard-interactive devices within a single connection, which makes it easier for remote attackers to conduct brute-force attacks or cause a denial of service (CPU consumption) via a long and duplicative list in the ssh -oKbdInteractiveDevices option, as demonstrated by a modified client that provides a different password for each pam element on this list.

Permissions, Privileges, and Access Controls

The hash_buffer function in schnorr.c in OpenSSH through 6.4, when is modified to enable the J-PAKE protocol, does not initialize certain data structures, which might allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (memory corruption) or have unspecified other impact via vectors

CVE-2014-1692 - January 29, 2014

The hash_buffer function in schnorr.c in OpenSSH through 6.4, when is modified to enable the J-PAKE protocol, does not initialize certain data structures, which might allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (memory corruption) or have unspecified other impact via vectors that trigger an error condition.

Buffer Overflow

The auth_parse_options function in auth-options.c in sshd in OpenSSH before 5.7 provides debug messages containing authorized_keys command options, which

CVE-2012-0814 - January 27, 2012

The auth_parse_options function in auth-options.c in sshd in OpenSSH before 5.7 provides debug messages containing authorized_keys command options, which allows remote authenticated users to obtain potentially sensitive information by reading these messages, as demonstrated by the shared user account required by Gitolite. NOTE: this can cross privilege boundaries because a user account may intentionally have no shell or filesystem access, and therefore may have no supported way to read an authorized_keys file in its own home directory.

Credentials Management Errors

OpenSSH, when using OPIE (One-Time Passwords in Everything) for PAM

CVE-2007-2768 - May 21, 2007

OpenSSH, when using OPIE (One-Time Passwords in Everything) for PAM, allows remote attackers to determine the existence of certain user accounts, which displays a different response if the user account exists and is configured to use one-time passwords (OTP), a similar issue to CVE-2007-2243.

Information Disclosure

Signal handler race condition in OpenSSH before 4.4 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash), and possibly execute arbitrary code if GSSAPI authentication is enabled, via unspecified vectors

CVE-2006-5051 8.1 - High - September 27, 2006

Signal handler race condition in OpenSSH before 4.4 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash), and possibly execute arbitrary code if GSSAPI authentication is enabled, via unspecified vectors that lead to a double-free.


sshd in OpenSSH 3.6.1p2 and earlier, when PermitRootLogin is disabled and using PAM keyboard-interactive authentication, does not insert a delay after a root login attempt with the correct password

CVE-2003-1562 - December 31, 2003

sshd in OpenSSH 3.6.1p2 and earlier, when PermitRootLogin is disabled and using PAM keyboard-interactive authentication, does not insert a delay after a root login attempt with the correct password, which makes it easier for remote attackers to use timing differences to determine if the password step of a multi-step authentication is successful, a different vulnerability than CVE-2003-0190.

Race Condition

A "buffer management error" in buffer_append_space of buffer.c for OpenSSH before 3.7 may

CVE-2003-0693 - September 22, 2003

A "buffer management error" in buffer_append_space of buffer.c for OpenSSH before 3.7 may allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code by causing an incorrect amount of memory to be freed and corrupting the heap, a different vulnerability than CVE-2003-0695.

OpenSSH-portable (OpenSSH) 3.6.1p1 and earlier with PAM support enabled immediately sends an error message when a user does not exist, which

CVE-2003-0190 - May 12, 2003

OpenSSH-portable (OpenSSH) 3.6.1p1 and earlier with PAM support enabled immediately sends an error message when a user does not exist, which allows remote attackers to determine valid usernames via a timing attack.

Side Channel Attack

Integer overflow in sshd in OpenSSH 2.9.9 through 3.3

CVE-2002-0639 9.8 - Critical - July 03, 2002

Integer overflow in sshd in OpenSSH 2.9.9 through 3.3 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code during challenge response authentication (ChallengeResponseAuthentication) when OpenSSH is using SKEY or BSD_AUTH authentication.

Integer Overflow or Wraparound

Buffer overflow in sshd in OpenSSH 2.3.1 through 3.3 may

CVE-2002-0640 - July 03, 2002

Buffer overflow in sshd in OpenSSH 2.3.1 through 3.3 may allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a large number of responses during challenge response authentication when OpenBSD is using PAM modules with interactive keyboard authentication (PAMAuthenticationViaKbdInt).

Off-by-one error in the channel code of OpenSSH 2.0 through 3.0.2

CVE-2002-0083 9.8 - Critical - March 15, 2002

Off-by-one error in the channel code of OpenSSH 2.0 through 3.0.2 allows local users or remote malicious servers to gain privileges.


The SSH protocol server sshd allows local users without shell access to redirect a TCP connection through a service

CVE-2000-0143 - February 11, 2000

The SSH protocol server sshd allows local users without shell access to redirect a TCP connection through a service that uses the standard system password database for authentication, such as POP or FTP.

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SSH Server Implementation
