Superset Apache Superset

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Known Exploited Apache Superset Vulnerabilities

The following Apache Superset vulnerabilities have been marked by CISA as Known to be Exploited by threat actors.

Title Description Added
Apache Superset Insecure Default Initialization of Resource Vulnerability Apache Superset contains an insecure default initialization of a resource vulnerability that allows an attacker to authenticate and access unauthorized resources on installations that have not altered the default configured SECRET_KEY according to installation instructions. CVE-2023-27524 January 8, 2024

By the Year

In 2024 there have been 1 vulnerability in Apache Superset with an average score of 5.4 out of ten. Last year Superset had 28 security vulnerabilities published. Right now, Superset is on track to have less security vulnerabilities in 2024 than it did last year. Last year, the average CVE base score was greater by 0.52

Year Vulnerabilities Average Score
2024 1 5.40
2023 28 5.92
2022 3 6.87
2021 6 6.45
2020 3 7.80
2019 2 5.30
2018 1 9.80

It may take a day or so for new Superset vulnerabilities to show up in the stats or in the list of recent security vulnerabilties. Additionally vulnerabilities may be tagged under a different product or component name.

Recent Apache Superset Security Vulnerabilities

A stored cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability exists in Apache Superset before 3.0.3

CVE-2023-49657 5.4 - Medium - January 23, 2024

A stored cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability exists in Apache Superset before 3.0.3. An authenticated attacker with create/update permissions on charts or dashboards could store a script or add a specific HTML snippet that would act as a stored XSS. For 2.X versions, users should change their config to include: TALISMAN_CONFIG = {     "content_security_policy": {         "base-uri": ["'self'"],         "default-src": ["'self'"],         "img-src": ["'self'", "blob:", "data:"],         "worker-src": ["'self'", "blob:"],         "connect-src": [             "'self'",             """ ;,             """ ;,         ],         "object-src": "'none'",         "style-src": [             "'self'",             "'unsafe-inline'",         ],         "script-src": ["'self'", "'strict-dynamic'"],     },     "content_security_policy_nonce_in": ["script-src"],     "force_https": False,     "session_cookie_secure": False, }


Uncontrolled resource consumption can be triggered by authenticated attacker

CVE-2023-46104 6.5 - Medium - December 19, 2023

Uncontrolled resource consumption can be triggered by authenticated attacker that uploads a malicious ZIP to import database, dashboards or datasets.   This vulnerability exists in Apache Superset versions up to and including 2.1.2 and versions 3.0.0, 3.0.1.

Resource Exhaustion

An authenticated Gamma user has the ability to create a dashboard and add charts to it, this user would automatically become one of the owners of the charts

CVE-2023-49734 6.5 - Medium - December 19, 2023

An authenticated Gamma user has the ability to create a dashboard and add charts to it, this user would automatically become one of the owners of the charts allowing him to incorrectly have write permissions to these charts.This issue affects Apache Superset: before 2.1.2, from 3.0.0 before 3.0.2. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 3.0.2 or 2.1.3, which fixes the issue.


A where_in JINJA macro

CVE-2023-49736 8.8 - High - December 19, 2023

A where_in JINJA macro allows users to specify a quote, which combined with a carefully crafted statement would allow for SQL injection in Apache Superset.This issue affects Apache Superset: before 2.1.2, from 3.0.0 before 3.0.2. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 3.0.2, which fixes the issue.

SQL Injection

An authenticated malicious user could initiate multiple concurrent requests

CVE-2023-42504 6.5 - Medium - November 28, 2023

An authenticated malicious user could initiate multiple concurrent requests, each requesting multiple dashboard exports, leading to a possible denial of service. This issue affects Apache Superset: before 3.0.0

Allocation of Resources Without Limits or Throttling

An authenticated attacker with update datasets permission could change a dataset link to an untrusted site by spoofing the HTTP Host header, users could be redirected to this site when clicking on

CVE-2023-42502 5.4 - Medium - November 28, 2023

An authenticated attacker with update datasets permission could change a dataset link to an untrusted site by spoofing the HTTP Host header, users could be redirected to this site when clicking on that specific dataset. This issue affects Apache Superset versions before 3.0.0.

Open Redirect

An authenticated user with read permissions on database connections metadata could potentially access sensitive information such as the connection's username

CVE-2023-42505 4.3 - Medium - November 28, 2023

An authenticated user with read permissions on database connections metadata could potentially access sensitive information such as the connection's username. This issue affects Apache Superset before 3.0.0.

Improper authorization check and possible privilege escalation on Apache Superset up to but excluding 2.1.2

CVE-2023-40610 8.8 - High - November 27, 2023

Improper authorization check and possible privilege escalation on Apache Superset up to but excluding 2.1.2. Using the default examples database connection that allows access to both the examples schema and Apache Superset's metadata database, an attacker using a specially crafted CTE SQL statement could change data on the metadata database. This weakness could result on tampering with the authentication/authorization data.


Improper payload validation and an improper REST API response type

CVE-2023-43701 5.4 - Medium - November 27, 2023

Improper payload validation and an improper REST API response type, made it possible for an authenticated malicious actor to store malicious code into Chart's metadata, this code could get executed if a user specifically accesses a specific deprecated API endpoint. This issue affects Apache Superset versions prior to 2.1.2.  Users are recommended to upgrade to version 2.1.2, which fixes this issue.


Unnecessary read permissions within the Gamma role would allow authenticated users to read configured CSS templates and annotations

CVE-2023-42501 4.3 - Medium - November 27, 2023

Unnecessary read permissions within the Gamma role would allow authenticated users to read configured CSS templates and annotations. This issue affects Apache Superset: before 2.1.2. Users should upgrade to version or above 2.1.2 and run `superset init` to reconstruct the Gamma role or remove `can_read` permission from the mentioned resources.

Incorrect Default Permissions

An Incorrect authorisation check in SQLLab in Apache Superset versions up to and including 2.1.0

CVE-2023-32672 4.3 - Medium - September 06, 2023

An Incorrect authorisation check in SQLLab in Apache Superset versions up to and including 2.1.0. This vulnerability allows an authenticated user to query tables that they do not have proper access to within Superset. The vulnerability can be exploited by leveraging a SQL parsing vulnerability.


If an attacker gains write access to the Apache Superset metadata database, they could persist a specifically crafted Python object

CVE-2023-37941 6.6 - Medium - September 06, 2023

If an attacker gains write access to the Apache Superset metadata database, they could persist a specifically crafted Python object that may lead to remote code execution on Superset's web backend. The Superset metadata db is an 'internal' component that is typically only accessible directly by the system administrator and the superset process itself. Gaining access to that database should be difficult and require significant privileges. This vulnerability impacts Apache Superset versions 1.5.0 up to and including 2.1.0. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 2.1.1 or later.

Marshaling, Unmarshaling

Apache Superset would

CVE-2023-39265 6.5 - Medium - September 06, 2023

Apache Superset would allow for SQLite database connections to be incorrectly registered when an attacker uses alternative driver names like sqlite+pysqlite or by using database imports. This could allow for unexpected file creation on Superset webservers. Additionally, if Apache Superset is using a SQLite database for its metadata (not advised for production use) it could result in more severe vulnerabilities related to confidentiality and integrity. This vulnerability exists in Apache Superset versions up to and including 2.1.0.

Improper Input Validation

An improper default REST API permission for Gamma users in Apache Superset up to and including 2.1.0

CVE-2023-36387 5.4 - Medium - September 06, 2023

An improper default REST API permission for Gamma users in Apache Superset up to and including 2.1.0 allows for an authenticated Gamma user to test database connections.


Improper REST API permission in Apache Superset up to and including 2.1.0

CVE-2023-36388 5.4 - Medium - September 06, 2023

Improper REST API permission in Apache Superset up to and including 2.1.0 allows for an authenticated Gamma users to test network connections, possible SSRF.


By default, stack traces for errors were enabled, which resulted in the exposure of internal traces on REST API endpoints to users

CVE-2023-39264 4.3 - Medium - September 06, 2023

By default, stack traces for errors were enabled, which resulted in the exposure of internal traces on REST API endpoints to users. This vulnerability exists in Apache Superset versions up to and including 2.1.0.

Generation of Error Message Containing Sensitive Information

Improper data authorization check on Jinja templated queries in Apache Superset up to and including 2.1.0

CVE-2023-27523 4.3 - Medium - September 06, 2023

Improper data authorization check on Jinja templated queries in Apache Superset up to and including 2.1.0 allows for an authenticated user to issue queries on database tables they may not have access to.


A non Admin authenticated user could incorrectly create resources using the import charts feature

CVE-2023-27526 4.3 - Medium - September 06, 2023

A non Admin authenticated user could incorrectly create resources using the import charts feature, on Apache Superset up to and including 2.1.0. 


An authenticated user with specific data permissions could access database connections stored passwords by requesting a specific REST API

CVE-2023-30776 6.5 - Medium - April 24, 2023

An authenticated user with specific data permissions could access database connections stored passwords by requesting a specific REST API. This issue affects Apache Superset version 1.3.0 up to 2.0.1.

Insufficiently Protected Credentials

Session Validation attacks in Apache Superset versions up to and including 2.0.1

CVE-2023-27524 9.8 - Critical - April 24, 2023

Session Validation attacks in Apache Superset versions up to and including 2.0.1. Installations that have not altered the default configured SECRET_KEY according to installation instructions allow for an attacker to authenticate and access unauthorized resources. This does not affect Superset administrators who have changed the default value for SECRET_KEY config. All superset installations should always set a unique secure random SECRET_KEY. Your SECRET_KEY is used to securely sign all session cookies and encrypting sensitive information on the database. Add a strong SECRET_KEY to your `` file like: SECRET_KEY = <YOUR_OWN_RANDOM_GENERATED_SECRET_KEY> Alternatively you can set it with `SUPERSET_SECRET_KEY` environment variable.

Insecure Default Initialization of Resource

An authenticated user with Gamma role authorization could have access to metadata information using non tri

CVE-2023-27525 4.3 - Medium - April 17, 2023

An authenticated user with Gamma role authorization could have access to metadata information using non trivial methods in Apache Superset up to and including 2.0.1


A malicious actor who has been authenticated and granted specific permissions in Apache Superset may use the import dataset feature in order to conduct Server-Side Request Forgery attacks and query internal resources on behalf of the server where Superset is deployed

CVE-2023-25504 6.5 - Medium - April 17, 2023

A malicious actor who has been authenticated and granted specific permissions in Apache Superset may use the import dataset feature in order to conduct Server-Side Request Forgery attacks and query internal resources on behalf of the server where Superset is deployed. This vulnerability exists in Apache Superset versions up to and including 2.0.1.


A vulnerability in the SQL Alchemy connector of Apache Superset allows an authenticated user with read access to a specific database to add subqueries to the WHERE and HAVING fields referencing tables on the same database

CVE-2022-41703 5.4 - Medium - January 16, 2023

A vulnerability in the SQL Alchemy connector of Apache Superset allows an authenticated user with read access to a specific database to add subqueries to the WHERE and HAVING fields referencing tables on the same database that the user should not have access to, despite the user having the feature flag "ALLOW_ADHOC_SUBQUERY" disabled (default value). This issue affects Apache Superset version 1.5.2 and prior versions and version 2.0.0.

SQL Injection

When explicitly enabling the feature flag DASHBOARD_CACHE (disabled by default), the system

CVE-2022-45438 5.3 - Medium - January 16, 2023

When explicitly enabling the feature flag DASHBOARD_CACHE (disabled by default), the system allowed for an unauthenticated user to access dashboard configuration metadata using a REST API Get endpoint. This issue affects Apache Superset version 1.5.2 and prior versions and version 2.0.0.

Exposure of Resource to Wrong Sphere

An authenticated attacker with update datasets permission could change a dataset link to an untrusted site, users could be redirected to this site when clicking on

CVE-2022-43721 5.4 - Medium - January 16, 2023

An authenticated attacker with update datasets permission could change a dataset link to an untrusted site, users could be redirected to this site when clicking on that specific dataset. This issue affects Apache Superset version 1.5.2 and prior versions and version 2.0.0.

Open Redirect

Dashboard rendering does not sufficiently sanitize the content of markdown components leading to possible XSS attack vectors

CVE-2022-43717 5.4 - Medium - January 16, 2023

Dashboard rendering does not sufficiently sanitize the content of markdown components leading to possible XSS attack vectors that can be performed by authenticated users with create dashboard permissions. This issue affects Apache Superset version 1.5.2 and prior versions and version 2.0.0.


Upload data forms do not correctly render user input leading to possible XSS attack vectors

CVE-2022-43718 5.4 - Medium - January 16, 2023

Upload data forms do not correctly render user input leading to possible XSS attack vectors that can be performed by authenticated users with database connection update permissions. This issue affects Apache Superset version 1.5.2 and prior versions and version 2.0.0.


Two legacy REST API endpoints for approval and request access are vulnerable to cross site request forgery

CVE-2022-43719 8.8 - High - January 16, 2023

Two legacy REST API endpoints for approval and request access are vulnerable to cross site request forgery. This issue affects Apache Superset version 1.5.2 and prior versions and version 2.0.0.

Session Riding

An authenticated attacker with write CSS template permissions can create a record with specific HTML tags

CVE-2022-43720 5.4 - Medium - January 16, 2023

An authenticated attacker with write CSS template permissions can create a record with specific HTML tags that will not get properly escaped by the toast message displayed when a user deletes that specific CSS template record. This issue affects Apache Superset version 1.5.2 and prior versions and version 2.0.0.

Apache Superset up to 1.5.1 allowed for authenticated users to access metadata information related to datasets they have no permission on

CVE-2021-37839 4.3 - Medium - July 06, 2022

Apache Superset up to 1.5.1 allowed for authenticated users to access metadata information related to datasets they have no permission on. This metadata included the dataset name, columns and metrics.

Improper Check for Dropped Privileges

Apache Superset before 1.4.2 is vulnerable to SQL injection in chart data requests

CVE-2022-27479 9.8 - Critical - April 13, 2022

Apache Superset before 1.4.2 is vulnerable to SQL injection in chart data requests. Users should update to 1.4.2 or higher which addresses this issue.

SQL Injection

Apache Superset up to and including 1.3.2 allowed for registered database connections password leak for authenticated users

CVE-2021-44451 6.5 - Medium - February 01, 2022

Apache Superset up to and including 1.3.2 allowed for registered database connections password leak for authenticated users. This information could be accessed in a non-trivial way. Users should upgrade to Apache Superset 1.4.0 or higher.

Insufficiently Protected Credentials

Improper output neutralization for Logs

CVE-2021-42250 6.5 - Medium - November 17, 2021

Improper output neutralization for Logs. A specific Apache Superset HTTP endpoint allowed for an authenticated user to forge log entries or inject malicious content into logs.

Output Sanitization

Apache Superset up to and including 1.3.1 allowed for database connections password leak for authenticated users

CVE-2021-41972 6.5 - Medium - November 12, 2021

Apache Superset up to and including 1.3.1 allowed for database connections password leak for authenticated users. This information could be accessed in a non-trivial way.

Apache Superset up to and including 1.1 does not sanitize titles correctly on the Explore page

CVE-2021-32609 5.4 - Medium - October 18, 2021

Apache Superset up to and including 1.1 does not sanitize titles correctly on the Explore page. This allows an attacker with Explore access to save a chart with a malicious title, injecting html (including scripts) into the page.


Apache Superset up to and including 1.3.0 when configured with ENABLE_TEMPLATE_PROCESSING on (disabled by default)

CVE-2021-41971 8.8 - High - October 18, 2021

Apache Superset up to and including 1.3.0 when configured with ENABLE_TEMPLATE_PROCESSING on (disabled by default) allowed SQL injection when a malicious authenticated user sends an http request with a custom URL.

SQL Injection

Apache Superset up to and including 1.0.1 allowed for the creation of an external URL that could be malicious

CVE-2021-28125 6.1 - Medium - April 27, 2021

Apache Superset up to and including 1.0.1 allowed for the creation of an external URL that could be malicious. By not checking user input for open redirects the URL shortener functionality would allow for a malicious user to create a short URL for a dashboard that could convince the user to click the link.

Open Redirect

Apache Superset up to and including 0.38.0

CVE-2021-27907 5.4 - Medium - March 05, 2021

Apache Superset up to and including 0.38.0 allowed the creation of a Markdown component on a Dashboard page for describing chart's related information. Abusing this functionality, a malicious user could inject javascript code executing unwanted action in the context of the user's browser. The javascript code will be automatically executed (Stored XSS) when a legitimate user surfs on the dashboard page. The vulnerability is exploitable creating a div section and embedding in it a svg element with javascript code.


In the course of work on the open source project it was discovered

CVE-2020-13952 8.1 - High - September 30, 2020

In the course of work on the open source project it was discovered that authenticated users running queries against Hive and Presto database engines could access information via a number of templated fields including the contents of query description metadata database, the hashed version of the authenticated users password, and access to connection information including the plaintext password for the current connection. It would also be possible to run arbitrary methods on the database connection object for the Presto or Hive connection, allowing the user to bypass security controls internal to Superset. This vulnerability is present in every Apache Superset version < 0.37.2.

While investigating a bug report on Apache Superset, it was determined

CVE-2020-13948 8.8 - High - September 17, 2020

While investigating a bug report on Apache Superset, it was determined that an authenticated user could craft requests via a number of templated text fields in the product that would allow arbitrary access to Pythons `os` package in the web application process in versions < 0.37.1. It was thus possible for an authenticated user to list and access files, environment variables, and process information. Additionally it was possible to set environment variables for the current process, create and update files in folders writable by the web process, and execute arbitrary programs accessible by the web process. All other operations available to the `os` package in Python were also available, even if not explicitly enumerated in this CVE.

An information disclosure issue was found in Apache Superset 0.34.0, 0.34.1, 0.35.0, and 0.35.1

CVE-2020-1932 6.5 - Medium - January 28, 2020

An information disclosure issue was found in Apache Superset 0.34.0, 0.34.1, 0.35.0, and 0.35.1. Authenticated Apache Superset users are able to retrieve other users' information, including hashed passwords, by accessing an unused and undocumented API endpoint on Apache Superset.

Information Disclosure

In Apache Incubator Superset before 0.31 user could query database metadata information

CVE-2019-12413 5.3 - Medium - December 16, 2019

In Apache Incubator Superset before 0.31 user could query database metadata information from a database he has no access to, by using a specially crafted complex query.

In Apache Incubator Superset before 0.32, a user can view database names

CVE-2019-12414 5.3 - Medium - December 16, 2019

In Apache Incubator Superset before 0.32, a user can view database names that he has no access to on a dropdown list in SQLLab

Information Disclosure

Versions of Superset prior to 0.23 used an unsafe load method

CVE-2018-8021 9.8 - Critical - November 07, 2018

Versions of Superset prior to 0.23 used an unsafe load method from the pickle library to deserialize data leading to possible remote code execution. Note Superset 0.23 was released prior to any Superset release under the Apache Software Foundation.

Marshaling, Unmarshaling

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