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Products by FreeBSD Sorted by Most Security Vulnerabilities since 2018

FreeBSD156 vulnerabilities
Unix OS

FreeBSD Cvsweb1 vulnerability

FreeBSD Libfetch1 vulnerability

By the Year

In 2024 there have been 1 vulnerability in FreeBSD with an average score of 8.1 out of ten. Last year FreeBSD had 14 security vulnerabilities published. Right now, FreeBSD is on track to have less security vulnerabilities in 2024 than it did last year. However, the average CVE base score of the vulnerabilities in 2024 is greater by 0.84.

Year Vulnerabilities Average Score
2024 1 8.10
2023 14 7.26
2022 2 7.50
2021 25 7.08
2020 27 7.43
2019 25 7.66
2018 21 7.12

It may take a day or so for new FreeBSD vulnerabilities to show up in the stats or in the list of recent security vulnerabilties. Additionally vulnerabilities may be tagged under a different product or component name.

Recent FreeBSD Security Vulnerabilities

A security regression (CVE-2006-5051) was discovered in OpenSSH's server (sshd)

CVE-2024-6387 8.1 - High - July 01, 2024

A security regression (CVE-2006-5051) was discovered in OpenSSH's server (sshd). There is a race condition which can lead sshd to handle some signals in an unsafe manner. An unauthenticated, remote attacker may be able to trigger it by failing to authenticate within a set time period.

Race Condition

sendmail through 8.17.2 allows SMTP smuggling in certain configurations

CVE-2023-51765 5.3 - Medium - December 24, 2023

sendmail through 8.17.2 allows SMTP smuggling in certain configurations. Remote attackers can use a published exploitation technique to inject e-mail messages with a spoofed MAIL FROM address, allowing bypass of an SPF protection mechanism. This occurs because sendmail supports <LF>.<CR><LF> but some other popular e-mail servers do not. This is resolved in 8.18 and later versions with 'o' in srv_features.

Insufficient Verification of Data Authenticity

The SSH transport protocol with certain OpenSSH extensions, found in OpenSSH before 9.6 and other products, allows remote attackers to bypass integrity checks such

CVE-2023-48795 5.9 - Medium - December 18, 2023

The SSH transport protocol with certain OpenSSH extensions, found in OpenSSH before 9.6 and other products, allows remote attackers to bypass integrity checks such that some packets are omitted (from the extension negotiation message), and a client and server may consequently end up with a connection for which some security features have been downgraded or disabled, aka a Terrapin attack. This occurs because the SSH Binary Packet Protocol (BPP), implemented by these extensions, mishandles the handshake phase and mishandles use of sequence numbers. For example, there is an effective attack against SSH's use of ChaCha20-Poly1305 (and CBC with Encrypt-then-MAC). The bypass occurs in and (if CBC is used) the MAC algorithms. This also affects Maverick Synergy Java SSH API before 3.1.0-SNAPSHOT, Dropbear through 2022.83, Ssh before 5.1.1 in Erlang/OTP, PuTTY before 0.80, AsyncSSH before 2.14.2, before 0.17.0, libssh before 0.10.6, libssh2 through 1.11.0, Thorn Tech SFTP Gateway before 3.4.6, Tera Term before 5.1, Paramiko before 3.4.0, jsch before 0.2.15, SFTPGo before 2.5.6, Netgate pfSense Plus through 23.09.1, Netgate pfSense CE through 2.7.2, HPN-SSH through 18.2.0, ProFTPD before 1.3.8b (and before 1.3.9rc2), ORYX CycloneSSH before 2.3.4, NetSarang XShell 7 before Build 0144, CrushFTP before 10.6.0, ConnectBot SSH library before 2.2.22, Apache MINA sshd through 2.11.0, sshj through 0.37.0, TinySSH through 20230101, trilead-ssh2 6401, LANCOM LCOS and LANconfig, FileZilla before 3.66.4, Nova before 11.8, PKIX-SSH before 14.4, SecureCRT before 9.4.3, Transmit5 before 5.10.4, Win32-OpenSSH before, WinSCP before 6.2.2, Bitvise SSH Server before 9.32, Bitvise SSH Client before 9.33, KiTTY through, the net-ssh gem 7.2.0 for Ruby, the mscdex ssh2 module before 1.15.0 for Node.js, the thrussh library before 0.35.1 for Rust, and the Russh crate before 0.40.2 for Rust.

Improper Validation of Integrity Check Value

In versions of FreeBSD 14.0-RELEASE before 14-RELEASE-p2

CVE-2023-6534 7.5 - High - December 13, 2023

In versions of FreeBSD 14.0-RELEASE before 14-RELEASE-p2, FreeBSD 13.2-RELEASE before 13.2-RELEASE-p7 and FreeBSD 12.4-RELEASE before 12.4-RELEASE-p9, the pf(4) packet filter incorrectly validates TCP sequence numbers.  This could allow a malicious actor to execute a denial-of-service attack against hosts behind the firewall.

When a program running on an affected system appends data to a file

CVE-2023-6660 6.5 - Medium - December 13, 2023

When a program running on an affected system appends data to a file via an NFS client mount, the bug can cause the NFS client to fail to copy in the data to be written but proceed as though the copy operation had succeeded. This means that the data to be written is instead replaced with whatever data had been in the packet buffer previously. Thus, an unprivileged user with access to an affected system may abuse the bug to trigger disclosure of sensitive information. In particular, the leak is limited to data previously stored in mbufs, which are used for network transmission and reception, and for certain types of inter-process communication. The bug can also be triggered unintentionally by system applications, in which case the data written by the application to an NFS mount may be corrupted. Corrupted data is written over the network to the NFS server, and thus also susceptible to being snooped by other hosts on the network. Note that the bug exists only in the NFS client; the version and implementation of the server has no effect on whether a given system is affected by the problem.

In versions of FreeBSD 13-RELEASE before 13-RELEASE-p5, under certain circumstances the cap_net libcasper(3) service incorrectly validates

CVE-2023-5978 7.5 - High - November 08, 2023

In versions of FreeBSD 13-RELEASE before 13-RELEASE-p5, under certain circumstances the cap_net libcasper(3) service incorrectly validates that updated constraints are strictly subsets of the active constraints.  When only a list of resolvable domain names was specified without setting any other limitations, an application could submit a new list of domains including include entries not previously listed.  This could permit the application to resolve domain names that were previously restricted.

In versions of FreeBSD 12.4-RELEASE prior to 12.4-RELEASE-p7 and FreeBSD 13.2-RELEASE prior to 13.2-RELEASE-p5 the __sflush() stdio function in libc does not correctly update FILE objects' write space members for write-buffered streams when the write(2) system call returns an error

CVE-2023-5941 9.8 - Critical - November 08, 2023

In versions of FreeBSD 12.4-RELEASE prior to 12.4-RELEASE-p7 and FreeBSD 13.2-RELEASE prior to 13.2-RELEASE-p5 the __sflush() stdio function in libc does not correctly update FILE objects' write space members for write-buffered streams when the write(2) system call returns an error.  Depending on the nature of an application that calls libc's stdio functions and the presence of errors returned from the write(2) system call (or an overridden stdio write routine) a heap buffer overflow may occur. Such overflows may lead to data corruption or the execution of arbitrary code at the privilege level of the calling program.

Memory Corruption

On an msdosfs filesystem, the 'truncate' or 'ftruncate' system calls under certain circumstances populate the additional space in the file with unallocated data

CVE-2023-5368 6.5 - Medium - October 04, 2023

On an msdosfs filesystem, the 'truncate' or 'ftruncate' system calls under certain circumstances populate the additional space in the file with unallocated data from the underlying disk device, rather than zero bytes. This may permit a user with write access to files on a msdosfs filesystem to read unintended data (e.g. from a previously deleted file).

Insecure Default Initialization of Resource

Before correction

CVE-2023-5369 7.1 - High - October 04, 2023

Before correction, the copy_file_range system call checked only for the CAP_READ and CAP_WRITE capabilities on the input and output file descriptors, respectively. Using an offset is logically equivalent to seeking, and the system call must additionally require the CAP_SEEK capability. This incorrect privilege check enabled sandboxed processes with only read or write but no seek capability on a file descriptor to read data from or write data to an arbitrary location within the file corresponding to that file descriptor.

Improper Check for Dropped Privileges

On CPU 0 the check for the SMCCC workaround is called before SMCCC support has been initialized

CVE-2023-5370 5.5 - Medium - October 04, 2023

On CPU 0 the check for the SMCCC workaround is called before SMCCC support has been initialized. This resulted in no speculative execution workarounds being installed on CPU 0.

Improper Initialization

In pf packet processing with a 'scrub fragment reassemble' rule, a packet containing multiple IPv6 fragment headers

CVE-2023-4809 7.5 - High - September 06, 2023

In pf packet processing with a 'scrub fragment reassemble' rule, a packet containing multiple IPv6 fragment headers would be reassembled, and then immediately processed. That is, a packet with multiple fragment extension headers would not be recognized as the correct ultimate payload. Instead a packet with multiple IPv6 fragment headers would unexpectedly be interpreted as a fragmented packet, rather than as whatever the real payload is. As a result, IPv6 fragments may bypass pf firewall rules written on the assumption all fragments have been reassembled and, as a result, be forwarded or processed by the host.

A set of carefully crafted ipv6 packets

CVE-2023-3107 7.5 - High - August 01, 2023

A set of carefully crafted ipv6 packets can trigger an integer overflow in the calculation of a fragment reassembled packet's payload length field. This allows an attacker to trigger a kernel panic, resulting in a denial of service.

Integer Overflow or Wraparound

The fwctl driver implements a state machine which is executed when a bhyve guest accesses certain x86 I/O ports

CVE-2023-3494 8.8 - High - August 01, 2023

The fwctl driver implements a state machine which is executed when a bhyve guest accesses certain x86 I/O ports. The interface lets the guest copy a string into a buffer resident in the bhyve process' memory. A bug in the state machine implementation can result in a buffer overflowing when copying this string. Malicious, privileged software running in a guest VM can exploit the buffer overflow to achieve code execution on the host in the bhyve userspace process, which typically runs as root, mitigated by the capabilities assigned through the Capsicum sandbox available to the bhyve process.

Classic Buffer Overflow

pam_krb5 authenticates a user by essentially running kinit with the password, getting a ticket-granting ticket (tgt)

CVE-2023-3326 9.8 - Critical - June 22, 2023

pam_krb5 authenticates a user by essentially running kinit with the password, getting a ticket-granting ticket (tgt) from the Kerberos KDC (Key Distribution Center) over the network, as a way to verify the password. However, if a keytab is not provisioned on the system, pam_krb5 has no way to validate the response from the KDC, and essentially trusts the tgt provided over the network as being valid. In a non-default FreeBSD installation that leverages pam_krb5 for authentication and does not have a keytab provisioned, an attacker that is able to control both the password and the KDC responses can return a valid tgt, allowing authentication to occur for any user on the system.


When GELI reads a key file

CVE-2023-0751 6.5 - Medium - February 08, 2023

When GELI reads a key file from standard input, it does not reuse the key file to initialize multiple providers at once resulting in the second and subsequent devices silently using a NULL key as the user key file. If a user only uses a key file without a user passphrase, the master key is encrypted with an empty key file allowing trivial recovery of the master key.

sys/netinet/tcp_timer.h in FreeBSD before 7.0 contains a denial-of-service (DoS) vulnerability due to improper handling of TSopt on TCP connections

CVE-2022-32264 7.5 - High - September 06, 2022

sys/netinet/tcp_timer.h in FreeBSD before 7.0 contains a denial-of-service (DoS) vulnerability due to improper handling of TSopt on TCP connections. NOTE: This vulnerability only affects products that are no longer supported by the maintainer

Improper Handling of Exceptional Conditions

In FreeBSD 13.0-STABLE before n247428-9352de39c3dc

CVE-2021-29632 7.5 - High - January 18, 2022

In FreeBSD 13.0-STABLE before n247428-9352de39c3dc, 12.2-STABLE before r370674, 13.0-RELEASE before p6, and 12.2-RELEASE before p12, certain conditions involving use of the highlight buffer while text is scrolling on the console, console data may overwrite data structures associated with the system console or other kernel memory.

FreeBSD's crontab calculates the MD5 sum of the previous and new cronjob to determine if any changes have been made before copying the new version in

CVE-2011-1075 3.7 - Low - October 19, 2021

FreeBSD's crontab calculates the MD5 sum of the previous and new cronjob to determine if any changes have been made before copying the new version in. In particular, it uses the MD5File() function, which takes a pathname as an argument, and is called with euid 0. A race condition in this process may lead to an arbitrary MD5 comparison regardless of the read permissions.

Race Condition

In FreeBSD 13.0-STABLE before n246938-0729ba2f49c9, 12.2-STABLE before r370383, 11.4-STABLE before r370381, 13.0-RELEASE before p4, 12.2-RELEASE before p10, and 11.4-RELEASE before p13, the ggatec daemon does not validate the size of a response before writing it to a fixed-sized buffer

CVE-2021-29630 8.1 - High - August 30, 2021

In FreeBSD 13.0-STABLE before n246938-0729ba2f49c9, 12.2-STABLE before r370383, 11.4-STABLE before r370381, 13.0-RELEASE before p4, 12.2-RELEASE before p10, and 11.4-RELEASE before p13, the ggatec daemon does not validate the size of a response before writing it to a fixed-sized buffer allowing a malicious attacker in a privileged network position to overwrite the stack of ggatec and potentially execute arbitrary code.

Memory Corruption

In FreeBSD 13.0-STABLE before n246941-20f96f215562

CVE-2021-29631 7.8 - High - August 30, 2021

In FreeBSD 13.0-STABLE before n246941-20f96f215562, 12.2-STABLE before r370400, 11.4-STABLE before r370399, 13.0-RELEASE before p4, 12.2-RELEASE before p10, and 11.4-RELEASE before p13, certain VirtIO-based device models in bhyve failed to handle errors when fetching I/O descriptors. A malicious guest may cause the device model to operate on uninitialized I/O vectors leading to memory corruption, crashing of the bhyve process, and possibly arbitrary code execution in the bhyve process.

Use of Uninitialized Resource

libfetch before 2021-07-26, as used in apk-tools, xbps, and other products, mishandles numeric strings for the FTP and HTTP protocols

CVE-2021-36159 9.1 - Critical - August 03, 2021

libfetch before 2021-07-26, as used in apk-tools, xbps, and other products, mishandles numeric strings for the FTP and HTTP protocols. The FTP passive mode implementation allows an out-of-bounds read because strtol is used to parse the relevant numbers into address bytes. It does not check if the line ends prematurely. If it does, the for-loop condition checks for the '\0' terminator one byte too late.

Out-of-bounds Read

In FreeBSD 12.2-STABLE before r367402

CVE-2020-7469 7.5 - High - June 04, 2021

In FreeBSD 12.2-STABLE before r367402, 11.4-STABLE before r368202, 12.2-RELEASE before p1, 12.1-RELEASE before p11 and 11.4-RELEASE before p5 the handler for a routing option caches a pointer into the packet buffer holding the ICMPv6 message. However, when processing subsequent options the packet buffer may be freed, rendering the cached pointer invalid. The network stack may later dereference the pointer, potentially triggering a use-after-free.

Dangling pointer

In FreeBSD 13.0-STABLE before n245765-bec0d2c9c841, 12.2-STABLE before r369859, 11.4-STABLE before r369866, 13.0-RELEASE before p1, 12.2-RELEASE before p7, and 11.4-RELEASE before p10, missing message validation in libradius(3) could

CVE-2021-29629 7.5 - High - May 28, 2021

In FreeBSD 13.0-STABLE before n245765-bec0d2c9c841, 12.2-STABLE before r369859, 11.4-STABLE before r369866, 13.0-RELEASE before p1, 12.2-RELEASE before p7, and 11.4-RELEASE before p10, missing message validation in libradius(3) could allow malicious clients or servers to trigger denial of service in vulnerable servers or clients respectively.

Improper Input Validation

In FreeBSD 13.0-STABLE before n245764-876ffe28796c

CVE-2021-29628 7.5 - High - May 28, 2021

In FreeBSD 13.0-STABLE before n245764-876ffe28796c, 12.2-STABLE before r369857, 13.0-RELEASE before p1, and 12.2-RELEASE before p7, a system call triggering a fault could cause SMAP protections to be disabled for the duration of the system call. This weakness could be combined with other kernel bugs to craft an exploit.


In FreeBSD 13.0-STABLE before n245118, 12.2-STABLE before r369552, 11.4-STABLE before r369560, 13.0-RC5 before p1, 12.2-RELEASE before p6, and 11.4-RELEASE before p9, a superuser inside a FreeBSD jail configured with the non-default

CVE-2020-25584 7.5 - High - April 07, 2021

In FreeBSD 13.0-STABLE before n245118, 12.2-STABLE before r369552, 11.4-STABLE before r369560, 13.0-RC5 before p1, 12.2-RELEASE before p6, and 11.4-RELEASE before p9, a superuser inside a FreeBSD jail configured with the non-default allow.mount permission could cause a race condition between the lookup of ".." and remounting a filesystem, allowing access to filesystem hierarchy outside of the jail.

Race Condition

In FreeBSD 13.0-STABLE before n245117, 12.2-STABLE before r369551, 11.4-STABLE before r369559, 13.0-RC5 before p1, 12.2-RELEASE before p6, and 11.4-RELEASE before p9, copy-on-write logic failed to invalidate shared memory page mappings between multiple processes

CVE-2021-29626 5.5 - Medium - April 07, 2021

In FreeBSD 13.0-STABLE before n245117, 12.2-STABLE before r369551, 11.4-STABLE before r369559, 13.0-RC5 before p1, 12.2-RELEASE before p6, and 11.4-RELEASE before p9, copy-on-write logic failed to invalidate shared memory page mappings between multiple processes allowing an unprivileged process to maintain a mapping after it is freed, allowing the process to read private data belonging to other processes or the kernel.

Dangling pointer

In FreeBSD 13.0-STABLE before n245050

CVE-2021-29627 7.8 - High - April 07, 2021

In FreeBSD 13.0-STABLE before n245050, 12.2-STABLE before r369525, 13.0-RC4 before p0, and 12.2-RELEASE before p6, listening socket accept filters implementing the accf_create callback incorrectly freed a process supplied argument string. Additional operations on the socket can lead to a double free or use after free.


In FreeBSD 12.2-STABLE before r368250, 11.4-STABLE before r368253, 12.2-RELEASE before p1, 12.1-RELEASE before p11 and 11.4-RELEASE before p5 rtsold(8) does not verify

CVE-2020-25577 9.8 - Critical - March 29, 2021

In FreeBSD 12.2-STABLE before r368250, 11.4-STABLE before r368253, 12.2-RELEASE before p1, 12.1-RELEASE before p11 and 11.4-RELEASE before p5 rtsold(8) does not verify that the RDNSS option does not extend past the end of the received packet before processing its contents. While the kernel currently ignores such malformed packets, it passes them to userspace programs. Any programs expecting the kernel to do validation may be vulnerable to an overflow.

Classic Buffer Overflow

In FreeBSD 12.2-STABLE before r368250, 11.4-STABLE before r368253, 12.2-RELEASE before p1, 12.1-RELEASE before p11 and 11.4-RELEASE before p5 when processing a DNSSL option, rtsold(8) decodes domain name labels per an encoding specified in RFC 1035 in

CVE-2020-25583 9.8 - Critical - March 29, 2021

In FreeBSD 12.2-STABLE before r368250, 11.4-STABLE before r368253, 12.2-RELEASE before p1, 12.1-RELEASE before p11 and 11.4-RELEASE before p5 when processing a DNSSL option, rtsold(8) decodes domain name labels per an encoding specified in RFC 1035 in which the first octet of each label contains the label's length. rtsold(8) did not validate label lengths correctly and could overflow the destination buffer.

Classic Buffer Overflow

In FreeBSD 12.1-STABLE before r365010

CVE-2020-7461 7.3 - High - March 26, 2021

In FreeBSD 12.1-STABLE before r365010, 11.4-STABLE before r365011, 12.1-RELEASE before p9, 11.4-RELEASE before p3, and 11.3-RELEASE before p13, dhclient(8) fails to handle certain malformed input related to handling of DHCP option 119 resulting a heap overflow. The heap overflow could in principle be exploited to achieve remote code execution. The affected process runs with reduced privileges in a Capsicum sandbox, limiting the immediate impact of an exploit.

Memory Corruption

In 11.4-PRERELEASE before r360733 and 11.3-RELEASE before p13

CVE-2020-7462 5.5 - Medium - March 26, 2021

In 11.4-PRERELEASE before r360733 and 11.3-RELEASE before p13, improper mbuf handling in the kernel causes a use-after-free bug by sending IPv6 Hop-by-Hop options over the loopback interface. The use-after-free situation may result in unintended kernel behaviour including a kernel panic.

Dangling pointer

In FreeBSD 12.1-STABLE before r364644, 11.4-STABLE before r364651, 12.1-RELEASE before p9, 11.4-RELEASE before p3, and 11.3-RELEASE before p13, improper handling in the kernel causes a use-after-free bug by sending large user messages

CVE-2020-7463 5.5 - Medium - March 26, 2021

In FreeBSD 12.1-STABLE before r364644, 11.4-STABLE before r364651, 12.1-RELEASE before p9, 11.4-RELEASE before p3, and 11.3-RELEASE before p13, improper handling in the kernel causes a use-after-free bug by sending large user messages from multiple threads on the same SCTP socket. The use-after-free situation may result in unintended kernel behaviour including a kernel panic.

Dangling pointer

In FreeBSD 12.2-STABLE before r365730

CVE-2020-7464 5.3 - Medium - March 26, 2021

In FreeBSD 12.2-STABLE before r365730, 11.4-STABLE before r365738, 12.1-RELEASE before p10, 11.4-RELEASE before p4, and 11.3-RELEASE before p14, a programming error in the ure(4) device driver caused some Realtek USB Ethernet interfaces to incorrectly report packets with more than 2048 bytes in a single USB transfer as having a length of only 2048 bytes. An adversary can exploit this to cause the driver to misinterpret part of the payload of a large packet as a separate packet, and thereby inject packets across security boundaries such as VLANs.


In FreeBSD 12.2-STABLE before r365767

CVE-2020-7467 7.6 - High - March 26, 2021

In FreeBSD 12.2-STABLE before r365767, 11.4-STABLE before r365769, 12.1-RELEASE before p10, 11.4-RELEASE before p4 and 11.3-RELEASE before p14 a number of AMD virtualization instructions operate on host physical addresses, are not subject to nested page table translation, and guest use of these instructions was not trapped.

Improper Privilege Management

In FreeBSD 12.2-STABLE before r365772, 11.4-STABLE before r365773, 12.1-RELEASE before p10, 11.4-RELEASE before p4 and 11.3-RELEASE before p14 a ftpd(8) bug in the implementation of the file system sandbox, combined with capabilities available to an authenticated FTP user

CVE-2020-7468 8.8 - High - March 26, 2021

In FreeBSD 12.2-STABLE before r365772, 11.4-STABLE before r365773, 12.1-RELEASE before p10, 11.4-RELEASE before p4 and 11.3-RELEASE before p14 a ftpd(8) bug in the implementation of the file system sandbox, combined with capabilities available to an authenticated FTP user, can be used to escape the file system restriction configured in ftpchroot(5). Moreover, the bug allows a malicious client to gain root privileges.

In FreeBSD 12.2-STABLE before r368969

CVE-2020-25578 5.3 - Medium - March 26, 2021

In FreeBSD 12.2-STABLE before r368969, 11.4-STABLE before r369047, 12.2-RELEASE before p3, 12.1-RELEASE before p13 and 11.4-RELEASE before p7 several file systems were not properly initializing the d_off field of the dirent structures returned by VOP_READDIR. In particular, tmpfs(5), smbfs(5), autofs(5) and mqueuefs(5) were failing to do so. As a result, eight uninitialized kernel stack bytes may be leaked to userspace by these file systems.

Information Disclosure

In FreeBSD 12.2-STABLE before r368969

CVE-2020-25579 5.3 - Medium - March 26, 2021

In FreeBSD 12.2-STABLE before r368969, 11.4-STABLE before r369047, 12.2-RELEASE before p3, 12.1-RELEASE before p13 and 11.4-RELEASE before p7 msdosfs(5) was failing to zero-fill a pair of padding fields in the dirent structure, resulting in a leak of three uninitialized bytes.

Missing Initialization of Resource

In FreeBSD 12.2-STABLE before r369346

CVE-2020-25580 5.3 - Medium - March 26, 2021

In FreeBSD 12.2-STABLE before r369346, 11.4-STABLE before r369345, 12.2-RELEASE before p4 and 11.4-RELEASE before p8 a regression in the login.access(5) rule processor has the effect of causing rules to fail to match even when they should not. This means that rules denying access may be ignored.

Incorrect Comparison

In FreeBSD 12.2-STABLE before r369312

CVE-2020-25581 7.5 - High - March 26, 2021

In FreeBSD 12.2-STABLE before r369312, 11.4-STABLE before r369313, 12.2-RELEASE before p4 and 11.4-RELEASE before p8 due to a race condition in the jail_remove(2) implementation, it may fail to kill some of the processes.

Race Condition

In FreeBSD 12.2-STABLE before r369334, 11.4-STABLE before r369335, 12.2-RELEASE before p4 and 11.4-RELEASE before p8 when a process, such as jexec(8) or killall(1), calls jail_attach(2) to enter a jail, the jailed root

CVE-2020-25582 8.7 - High - March 26, 2021

In FreeBSD 12.2-STABLE before r369334, 11.4-STABLE before r369335, 12.2-RELEASE before p4 and 11.4-RELEASE before p8 when a process, such as jexec(8) or killall(1), calls jail_attach(2) to enter a jail, the jailed root can attach to it using ptrace(2) before the current working directory is changed.

Race Condition

An OpenSSL TLS server may crash if sent a maliciously crafted renegotiation ClientHello message from a client

CVE-2021-3449 5.9 - Medium - March 25, 2021

An OpenSSL TLS server may crash if sent a maliciously crafted renegotiation ClientHello message from a client. If a TLSv1.2 renegotiation ClientHello omits the signature_algorithms extension (where it was present in the initial ClientHello), but includes a signature_algorithms_cert extension then a NULL pointer dereference will result, leading to a crash and a denial of service attack. A server is only vulnerable if it has TLSv1.2 and renegotiation enabled (which is the default configuration). OpenSSL TLS clients are not impacted by this issue. All OpenSSL 1.1.1 versions are affected by this issue. Users of these versions should upgrade to OpenSSL 1.1.1k. OpenSSL 1.0.2 is not impacted by this issue. Fixed in OpenSSL 1.1.1k (Affected 1.1.1-1.1.1j).

NULL Pointer Dereference

The X509_V_FLAG_X509_STRICT flag enables additional security checks of the certificates present in a certificate chain

CVE-2021-3450 7.4 - High - March 25, 2021

The X509_V_FLAG_X509_STRICT flag enables additional security checks of the certificates present in a certificate chain. It is not set by default. Starting from OpenSSL version 1.1.1h a check to disallow certificates in the chain that have explicitly encoded elliptic curve parameters was added as an additional strict check. An error in the implementation of this check meant that the result of a previous check to confirm that certificates in the chain are valid CA certificates was overwritten. This effectively bypasses the check that non-CA certificates must not be able to issue other certificates. If a "purpose" has been configured then there is a subsequent opportunity for checks that the certificate is a valid CA. All of the named "purpose" values implemented in libcrypto perform this check. Therefore, where a purpose is set the certificate chain will still be rejected even when the strict flag has been used. A purpose is set by default in libssl client and server certificate verification routines, but it can be overridden or removed by an application. In order to be affected, an application must explicitly set the X509_V_FLAG_X509_STRICT verification flag and either not set a purpose for the certificate verification or, in the case of TLS client or server applications, override the default purpose. OpenSSL versions 1.1.1h and newer are affected by this issue. Users of these versions should upgrade to OpenSSL 1.1.1k. OpenSSL 1.0.2 is not impacted by this issue. Fixed in OpenSSL 1.1.1k (Affected 1.1.1h-1.1.1j).

Improper Certificate Validation

bhyve, as used in FreeBSD through 12.1 and illumos (e.g

CVE-2020-24718 8.2 - High - September 25, 2020

bhyve, as used in FreeBSD through 12.1 and illumos (e.g., OmniOS CE through r151034 and OpenIndiana through Hipster 2020.04), does not properly restrict VMCS and VMCB read/write operations, as demonstrated by a root user in a container on an Intel system, who can gain privileges by modifying VMCS_HOST_RIP.


In MidnightBSD before 1.2.6 and 1.3 before August 2020, and FreeBSD before 7, a NULL pointer dereference was found in the Linux emulation layer

CVE-2020-24385 5.5 - Medium - September 03, 2020

In MidnightBSD before 1.2.6 and 1.3 before August 2020, and FreeBSD before 7, a NULL pointer dereference was found in the Linux emulation layer that allows attackers to crash the running kernel. During binary interaction, td->td_emuldata in sys/compat/linux/linux_emul.h is not getting initialized and returns NULL from em_find().

NULL Pointer Dereference

A memory corruption vulnerability was found in the kernel function kern_getfsstat in MidnightBSD before 1.2.7 and 1.3 through 2020-08-19, and FreeBSD through 11.4

CVE-2020-24863 5.5 - Medium - September 03, 2020

A memory corruption vulnerability was found in the kernel function kern_getfsstat in MidnightBSD before 1.2.7 and 1.3 through 2020-08-19, and FreeBSD through 11.4, that allows an attacker to trigger an invalid free and crash the system via a crafted size value in conjunction with an invalid mode.

Memory Corruption

In FreeBSD 12.1-STABLE before r362166, 12.1-RELEASE before p8, 11.4-STABLE before r362167, 11.4-RELEASE before p2, and 11.3-RELEASE before p12, missing length validation code common to mulitple USB network drivers

CVE-2020-7459 6.8 - Medium - August 06, 2020

In FreeBSD 12.1-STABLE before r362166, 12.1-RELEASE before p8, 11.4-STABLE before r362167, 11.4-RELEASE before p2, and 11.3-RELEASE before p12, missing length validation code common to mulitple USB network drivers allows a malicious USB device to write beyond the end of an allocated network packet buffer.

Improper Input Validation

In FreeBSD 12.1-STABLE before r363918, 12.1-RELEASE before p8, 11.4-STABLE before r363919, 11.4-RELEASE before p2, and 11.3-RELEASE before p12, the sendmsg system call in the compat32 subsystem on 64-bit platforms has a time-of-check to time-of-use vulnerability

CVE-2020-7460 7 - High - August 06, 2020

In FreeBSD 12.1-STABLE before r363918, 12.1-RELEASE before p8, 11.4-STABLE before r363919, 11.4-RELEASE before p2, and 11.3-RELEASE before p12, the sendmsg system call in the compat32 subsystem on 64-bit platforms has a time-of-check to time-of-use vulnerability allowing a mailcious userspace program to modify control message headers after they were validation.


In FreeBSD 12.1-STABLE before r359565, 12.1-RELEASE before p7, 11.4-STABLE before r362975, 11.4-RELEASE before p1, and 11.3-RELEASE before p11, missing synchronization in the IPV6_2292PKTOPTIONS socket option set handler contained a race condition

CVE-2020-7457 8.1 - High - July 09, 2020

In FreeBSD 12.1-STABLE before r359565, 12.1-RELEASE before p7, 11.4-STABLE before r362975, 11.4-RELEASE before p1, and 11.3-RELEASE before p11, missing synchronization in the IPV6_2292PKTOPTIONS socket option set handler contained a race condition allowing a malicious application to modify memory after being freed, possibly resulting in code execution.

Race Condition

In FreeBSD 12.1-STABLE before r362281

CVE-2020-7458 9.8 - Critical - July 09, 2020

In FreeBSD 12.1-STABLE before r362281, 11.4-STABLE before r362281, and 11.4-RELEASE before p1, long values in the user-controlled PATH environment variable cause posix_spawnp to write beyond the end of the heap allocated stack possibly leading to arbitrary code execution.

Memory Corruption

In FreeBSD 12.1-STABLE before r361918, 12.1-RELEASE before p6, 11.4-STABLE before r361919, 11.3-RELEASE before p10, and 11.4-RC2 before p1, an invalid memory location may be used for HID items if the push/pop level is not restored within the processing of

CVE-2020-7456 6.8 - Medium - June 09, 2020

In FreeBSD 12.1-STABLE before r361918, 12.1-RELEASE before p6, 11.4-STABLE before r361919, 11.3-RELEASE before p10, and 11.4-RC2 before p1, an invalid memory location may be used for HID items if the push/pop level is not restored within the processing of that HID item allowing an attacker with physical access to a USB port to be able to use a specially crafted USB device to gain kernel or user-space code execution.

Buffer Overflow

SQLite through 3.32.0 has an integer overflow in sqlite3_str_vappendf in printf.c.

CVE-2020-13434 5.5 - Medium - May 24, 2020

SQLite through 3.32.0 has an integer overflow in sqlite3_str_vappendf in printf.c.

Integer Overflow or Wraparound

In FreeBSD 12.1-STABLE before r360971

CVE-2020-7454 9.8 - Critical - May 13, 2020

In FreeBSD 12.1-STABLE before r360971, 12.1-RELEASE before p5, 11.4-STABLE before r360971, 11.4-BETA1 before p1 and 11.3-RELEASE before p9, libalias does not properly validate packet length resulting in modules causing an out of bounds read/write condition if no checking was built into the module.

Improper Input Validation

In FreeBSD 12.1-STABLE before r360973, 12.1-RELEASE before p5, 11.4-STABLE before r360973, 11.4-BETA1 before p1 and 11.3-RELEASE before p9, the FTP packet handler in libalias incorrectly calculates some packet length

CVE-2020-7455 5.5 - Medium - May 13, 2020

In FreeBSD 12.1-STABLE before r360973, 12.1-RELEASE before p5, 11.4-STABLE before r360973, 11.4-BETA1 before p1 and 11.3-RELEASE before p9, the FTP packet handler in libalias incorrectly calculates some packet length allowing disclosure of small amounts of kernel (for kernel NAT) or natd process space (for userspace natd).

Missing Release of Resource after Effective Lifetime

In FreeBSD 12.1-STABLE before r352509, 11.3-STABLE before r352509, and 11.3-RELEASE before p9, an unprivileged local user

CVE-2019-15878 7.8 - High - May 13, 2020

In FreeBSD 12.1-STABLE before r352509, 11.3-STABLE before r352509, and 11.3-RELEASE before p9, an unprivileged local user can trigger a use-after-free situation due to improper checking in SCTP when an application tries to update an SCTP-AUTH shared key.

Dangling pointer

In FreeBSD 12.1-STABLE before r356908, 12.1-RELEASE before p5, 11.3-STABLE before r356908, and 11.3-RELEASE before p9, a race condition in the cryptodev module permitted a data structure in the kernel to be used after it was freed

CVE-2019-15879 7.4 - High - May 13, 2020

In FreeBSD 12.1-STABLE before r356908, 12.1-RELEASE before p5, 11.3-STABLE before r356908, and 11.3-RELEASE before p9, a race condition in the cryptodev module permitted a data structure in the kernel to be used after it was freed, allowing an unprivileged process can overwrite arbitrary kernel memory.

Missing Release of Resource after Effective Lifetime

In FreeBSD 12.1-STABLE before r356911, and 12.1-RELEASE before p5, insufficient checking in the cryptodev module allocated the size of a kernel buffer based on a user-supplied length

CVE-2019-15880 9.8 - Critical - May 13, 2020

In FreeBSD 12.1-STABLE before r356911, and 12.1-RELEASE before p5, insufficient checking in the cryptodev module allocated the size of a kernel buffer based on a user-supplied length allowing an unprivileged process to trigger a kernel panic.

Buffer Overflow

In FreeBSD 12.1-STABLE before r356035

CVE-2019-5614 9.8 - Critical - April 29, 2020

In FreeBSD 12.1-STABLE before r356035, 12.1-RELEASE before 12.1-RELEASE-p4, 11.3-STABLE before r356036, and 11.3-RELEASE before 11.3-RELEASE-p8, incomplete packet data validation may result in accessing out-of-bounds memory leading to a kernel panic or other unpredictable results.

Buffer Overflow

In FreeBSD 12.1-STABLE before r357490, 12.1-RELEASE before 12.1-RELEASE-p3, 11.3-STABLE before r357489, and 11.3-RELEASE before 11.3-RELEASE-p7, incorrect use of a user-controlled pointer in the epair virtual network module

CVE-2020-7452 9.1 - Critical - April 29, 2020

In FreeBSD 12.1-STABLE before r357490, 12.1-RELEASE before 12.1-RELEASE-p3, 11.3-STABLE before r357489, and 11.3-RELEASE before 11.3-RELEASE-p7, incorrect use of a user-controlled pointer in the epair virtual network module allowed vnet jailed privileged users to panic the host system and potentially execute arbitrary code in the kernel.

Buffer Overflow

In FreeBSD 12.1-STABLE before r359021, 12.1-RELEASE before 12.1-RELEASE-p3, 11.3-STABLE before r359020, and 11.3-RELEASE before 11.3-RELEASE-p7, a missing null termination check in the jail_set configuration option "osrelease" may return more bytes with a subsequent jail_get system call

CVE-2020-7453 6 - Medium - April 29, 2020

In FreeBSD 12.1-STABLE before r359021, 12.1-RELEASE before 12.1-RELEASE-p3, 11.3-STABLE before r359020, and 11.3-RELEASE before 11.3-RELEASE-p7, a missing null termination check in the jail_set configuration option "osrelease" may return more bytes with a subsequent jail_get system call allowing a malicious jail superuser with permission to create nested jails to read kernel memory.

Improper Check for Unusual or Exceptional Conditions

In FreeBSD 12.1-STABLE before r356035

CVE-2019-15874 9.8 - Critical - April 29, 2020

In FreeBSD 12.1-STABLE before r356035, 12.1-RELEASE before 12.1-RELEASE-p4, 11.3-STABLE before r356036, and 11.3-RELEASE before 11.3-RELEASE-p8, incomplete packet data validation may result in memory access after it has been freed leading to a kernel panic or other unpredictable results.

Improper Input Validation

In FreeBSD 12.1-STABLE before r358739, 12.1-RELEASE before 12.1-RELEASE-p3, 11.3-STABLE before r358740, and 11.3-RELEASE before 11.3-RELEASE-p7, a TCP SYN-ACK or challenge TCP-ACK segment over IPv6

CVE-2020-7451 5.3 - Medium - April 28, 2020

In FreeBSD 12.1-STABLE before r358739, 12.1-RELEASE before 12.1-RELEASE-p3, 11.3-STABLE before r358740, and 11.3-RELEASE before 11.3-RELEASE-p7, a TCP SYN-ACK or challenge TCP-ACK segment over IPv6 that is transmitted or retransmitted does not properly initialize the Traffic Class field disclosing one byte of kernel memory over the network.

Information Disclosure

In FreeBSD 12.1-STABLE before r356089, 12.1-RELEASE before 12.1-RELEASE-p3, 11.3-STABLE before r356090, and 11.3-RELEASE before 11.3-RELEASE-p7, driver specific ioctl command handlers in the oce network driver failed to check whether the caller has sufficient privileges

CVE-2019-15876 5.5 - Medium - April 28, 2020

In FreeBSD 12.1-STABLE before r356089, 12.1-RELEASE before 12.1-RELEASE-p3, 11.3-STABLE before r356090, and 11.3-RELEASE before 11.3-RELEASE-p7, driver specific ioctl command handlers in the oce network driver failed to check whether the caller has sufficient privileges allowing unprivileged users to send passthrough commands to the device firmware.

Improper Privilege Management

In FreeBSD 12.1-STABLE before r356606 and 12.1-RELEASE before 12.1-RELEASE-p3, driver specific ioctl command handlers in the ixl network driver failed to check whether the caller has sufficient privileges

CVE-2019-15877 5.5 - Medium - April 28, 2020

In FreeBSD 12.1-STABLE before r356606 and 12.1-RELEASE before 12.1-RELEASE-p3, driver specific ioctl command handlers in the ixl network driver failed to check whether the caller has sufficient privileges allowing unprivileged users to trigger updates to the device's non-volatile memory.

Improper Input Validation

Server or client applications

CVE-2020-1967 7.5 - High - April 21, 2020

Server or client applications that call the SSL_check_chain() function during or after a TLS 1.3 handshake may crash due to a NULL pointer dereference as a result of incorrect handling of the "signature_algorithms_cert" TLS extension. The crash occurs if an invalid or unrecognised signature algorithm is received from the peer. This could be exploited by a malicious peer in a Denial of Service attack. OpenSSL version 1.1.1d, 1.1.1e, and 1.1.1f are affected by this issue. This issue did not affect OpenSSL versions prior to 1.1.1d. Fixed in OpenSSL 1.1.1g (Affected 1.1.1d-1.1.1f).

NULL Pointer Dereference


CVE-2020-10565 7.8 - High - March 14, 2020

grub2-bhyve, as used in FreeBSD bhyve before revision 525916 2020-02-12, does not validate the address provided as part of a memrw command (read_* or write_*) by a guest through a grub2.cfg file. This allows an untrusted guest to perform arbitrary read or write operations in the context of the grub-bhyve process, resulting in code execution as root on the host OS.

Improper Privilege Management


CVE-2020-10566 7.8 - High - March 14, 2020

grub2-bhyve, as used in FreeBSD bhyve before revision 525916 2020-02-12, mishandles font loading by a guest through a grub2.cfg file, leading to a buffer overflow.

Classic Buffer Overflow

In FreeBSD 12.0-RELEASE before 12.0-RELEASE-p13, a missing check in the ipsec packet processor

CVE-2019-5613 9.8 - Critical - February 18, 2020

In FreeBSD 12.0-RELEASE before 12.0-RELEASE-p13, a missing check in the ipsec packet processor allows reinjection of an old packet to be accepted by the ipsec endpoint. Depending on the higher-level protocol in use over ipsec, this could allow an action to be repeated.

Insufficient Verification of Data Authenticity

In FreeBSD 12.1-STABLE before r357213, 12.1-RELEASE before 12.1-RELEASE-p2, 12.0-RELEASE before 12.0-RELEASE-p13, 11.3-STABLE before r357214, and 11.3-RELEASE before 11.3-RELEASE-p6, URL handling in libfetch with URLs containing username and/or password components is vulnerable to a heap buffer overflow

CVE-2020-7450 9.8 - Critical - February 18, 2020

In FreeBSD 12.1-STABLE before r357213, 12.1-RELEASE before 12.1-RELEASE-p2, 12.0-RELEASE before 12.0-RELEASE-p13, 11.3-STABLE before r357214, and 11.3-RELEASE before 11.3-RELEASE-p6, URL handling in libfetch with URLs containing username and/or password components is vulnerable to a heap buffer overflow allowing program misbehavior or malicious code execution.

Memory Corruption

In FreeBSD 12.1-STABLE before r354734

CVE-2019-15875 3.3 - Low - February 18, 2020

In FreeBSD 12.1-STABLE before r354734, 12.1-RELEASE before 12.1-RELEASE-p2, 12.0-RELEASE before 12.0-RELEASE-p13, 11.3-STABLE before r354735, and 11.3-RELEASE before 11.3-RELEASE-p6, due to incorrect initialization of a stack data structure, core dump files may contain up to 20 bytes of kernel data previously stored on the stack.

Improper Initialization

A vulnerability was discovered in Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, MacOS, iOS, and Android

CVE-2019-14899 7.4 - High - December 11, 2019

A vulnerability was discovered in Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, MacOS, iOS, and Android that allows a malicious access point, or an adjacent user, to determine if a connected user is using a VPN, make positive inferences about the websites they are visiting, and determine the correct sequence and acknowledgement numbers in use, allowing the bad actor to inject data into the TCP stream. This provides everything that is needed for an attacker to hijack active connections inside the VPN tunnel.

Man-in-the-Middle / MITM

In FreeBSD 12.0-STABLE before r350648

CVE-2019-5608 9.8 - Critical - August 30, 2019

In FreeBSD 12.0-STABLE before r350648, 12.0-RELEASE before 12.0-RELEASE-p9, 11.3-STABLE before r350650, 11.3-RELEASE before 11.3-RELEASE-p2, and 11.2-RELEASE before 11.2-RELEASE-p13, the ICMPv6 input path incorrectly handles cases where an MLDv2 listener query packet is internally fragmented across multiple mbufs. A remote attacker may be able to cause an out-of-bounds read or write that may cause the kernel to attempt to access an unmapped page and subsequently panic.

Out-of-bounds Read

In FreeBSD 12.0-STABLE before r350619

CVE-2019-5609 7.5 - High - August 30, 2019

In FreeBSD 12.0-STABLE before r350619, 12.0-RELEASE before 12.0-RELEASE-p9, 11.3-STABLE before r350619, 11.3-RELEASE before 11.3-RELEASE-p2, and 11.2-RELEASE before 11.2-RELEASE-p13, the bhyve e1000 device emulation used a guest-provided value to determine the size of the on-stack buffer without validation when TCP segmentation offload is requested for a transmitted packet. A misbehaving bhyve guest could overwrite memory in the bhyve process on the host.

Memory Corruption

In FreeBSD 12.0-STABLE before r350637, 12.0-RELEASE before 12.0-RELEASE-p9, 11.3-STABLE before r350638, 11.3-RELEASE before 11.3-RELEASE-p2, and 11.2-RELEASE before 11.2-RELEASE-p13, the bsnmp library is not properly validating the submitted length

CVE-2019-5610 7.5 - High - August 30, 2019

In FreeBSD 12.0-STABLE before r350637, 12.0-RELEASE before 12.0-RELEASE-p9, 11.3-STABLE before r350638, 11.3-RELEASE before 11.3-RELEASE-p2, and 11.2-RELEASE before 11.2-RELEASE-p13, the bsnmp library is not properly validating the submitted length from a type-length-value encoding. A remote user could cause an out-of-bounds read or trigger a crash of the software such as bsnmpd resulting in a denial of service.

Out-of-bounds Read

In FreeBSD 12.0-STABLE before r350828

CVE-2019-5611 7.5 - High - August 30, 2019

In FreeBSD 12.0-STABLE before r350828, 12.0-RELEASE before 12.0-RELEASE-p10, 11.3-STABLE before r350829, 11.3-RELEASE before 11.3-RELEASE-p3, and 11.2-RELEASE before 11.2-RELEASE-p14, a missing check in the function to arrange data in a chain of mbufs could cause data returned not to be contiguous. Extra checks in the IPv6 stack could catch the error condition and trigger a kernel panic, leading to a remote denial of service.

Improper Input Validation

In FreeBSD 12.0-STABLE before r351264, 12.0-RELEASE before 12.0-RELEASE-p10, 11.3-STABLE before r351265, 11.3-RELEASE before 11.3-RELEASE-p3, and 11.2-RELEASE before 11.2-RELEASE-p14, the kernel driver for /dev/midistat implements a read handler

CVE-2019-5612 7.5 - High - August 30, 2019

In FreeBSD 12.0-STABLE before r351264, 12.0-RELEASE before 12.0-RELEASE-p10, 11.3-STABLE before r351265, 11.3-RELEASE before 11.3-RELEASE-p3, and 11.2-RELEASE before 11.2-RELEASE-p14, the kernel driver for /dev/midistat implements a read handler that is not thread-safe. A multi-threaded program can exploit races in the handler to copy out kernel memory outside the boundaries of midistat's data buffer.

Race Condition

In FreeBSD 12.0-STABLE before r350261, 12.0-RELEASE before 12.0-RELEASE-p8, 11.3-STABLE before r350263, 11.3-RELEASE before 11.3-RELEASE-p1, and 11.2-RELEASE before 11.2-RELEASE-p12, system calls operating on file descriptors as part of mqueuefs did not properly release the reference

CVE-2019-5603 7.8 - High - July 26, 2019

In FreeBSD 12.0-STABLE before r350261, 12.0-RELEASE before 12.0-RELEASE-p8, 11.3-STABLE before r350263, 11.3-RELEASE before 11.3-RELEASE-p1, and 11.2-RELEASE before 11.2-RELEASE-p12, system calls operating on file descriptors as part of mqueuefs did not properly release the reference allowing a malicious user to overflow the counter allowing access to files, directories, and sockets opened by processes owned by other users.

Improper Resource Shutdown or Release

In FreeBSD 12.0-STABLE before r350246, 12.0-RELEASE before 12.0-RELEASE-p8, 11.3-STABLE before r350247, 11.3-RELEASE before 11.3-RELEASE-p1, and 11.2-RELEASE before 11.2-RELEASE-p12, the emulated XHCI device included with the bhyve hypervisor did not properly validate data provided by the guest

CVE-2019-5604 9.6 - Critical - July 26, 2019

In FreeBSD 12.0-STABLE before r350246, 12.0-RELEASE before 12.0-RELEASE-p8, 11.3-STABLE before r350247, 11.3-RELEASE before 11.3-RELEASE-p1, and 11.2-RELEASE before 11.2-RELEASE-p12, the emulated XHCI device included with the bhyve hypervisor did not properly validate data provided by the guest, allowing an out-of-bounds read. This provides a malicious guest the possibility to crash the system or access system memory.

Out-of-bounds Read

In FreeBSD 11.3-STABLE before r350217

CVE-2019-5605 6.5 - Medium - July 26, 2019

In FreeBSD 11.3-STABLE before r350217, 11.3-RELEASE before 11.3-RELEASE-p1, and 11.2-RELEASE before 11.2-RELEASE-p12, due to insufficient initialization of memory copied to userland in the freebsd32_ioctl interface, small amounts of kernel memory may be disclosed to userland processes. This may allow an attacker to leverage this information to obtain elevated privileges either directly or indirectly.

Improper Initialization

In FreeBSD 12.0-STABLE before r349805, 12.0-RELEASE before 12.0-RELEASE-p8, 11.3-STABLE before r349806, 11.3-RELEASE before 11.3-RELEASE-p1, and 11.2-RELEASE before 11.2-RELEASE-p12, code

CVE-2019-5606 7.8 - High - July 26, 2019

In FreeBSD 12.0-STABLE before r349805, 12.0-RELEASE before 12.0-RELEASE-p8, 11.3-STABLE before r349806, 11.3-RELEASE before 11.3-RELEASE-p1, and 11.2-RELEASE before 11.2-RELEASE-p12, code which handles close of a descriptor created by posix_openpt fails to undo a signal configuration. This causes an incorrect signal to be raised leading to a write after free of kernel memory allowing a malicious user to gain root privileges or escape a jail.

Dangling pointer

In FreeBSD 12.0-STABLE before r350222, 12.0-RELEASE before 12.0-RELEASE-p8, 11.3-STABLE before r350223, 11.3-RELEASE before 11.3-RELEASE-p1, and 11.2-RELEASE before 11.2-RELEASE-p12, rights transmitted over a domain socket did not properly release a reference on transmission error

CVE-2019-5607 7.8 - High - July 26, 2019

In FreeBSD 12.0-STABLE before r350222, 12.0-RELEASE before 12.0-RELEASE-p8, 11.3-STABLE before r350223, 11.3-RELEASE before 11.3-RELEASE-p1, and 11.2-RELEASE before 11.2-RELEASE-p12, rights transmitted over a domain socket did not properly release a reference on transmission error allowing a malicious user to cause the reference counter to wrap, forcing a free event. This could allow a malicious local user to gain root privileges or escape from a jail.

Incorrect Calculation

In FreeBSD 12.0-STABLE before r349622, 12.0-RELEASE before 12.0-RELEASE-p7, 11.3-PRERELEASE before r349624, 11.3-RC3 before 11.3-RC3-p1, and 11.2-RELEASE before 11.2-RELEASE-p11, a bug in iconv implementation may

CVE-2019-5600 9.8 - Critical - July 03, 2019

In FreeBSD 12.0-STABLE before r349622, 12.0-RELEASE before 12.0-RELEASE-p7, 11.3-PRERELEASE before r349624, 11.3-RC3 before 11.3-RC3-p1, and 11.2-RELEASE before 11.2-RELEASE-p11, a bug in iconv implementation may allow an attacker to write past the end of an output buffer. Depending on the implementation, an attacker may be able to create a denial of service, provoke incorrect program behavior, or induce a remote code execution.

Memory Corruption

In FreeBSD 12.0-STABLE before r347474

CVE-2019-5601 6.5 - Medium - July 03, 2019

In FreeBSD 12.0-STABLE before r347474, 12.0-RELEASE before 12.0-RELEASE-p7, 11.2-STABLE before r347475, and 11.2-RELEASE before 11.2-RELEASE-p11, a bug in the FFS implementation causes up to three bytes of kernel stack memory to be written to disk as uninitialized directory entry padding.

Information Disclosure

In FreeBSD 12.0-STABLE before r349628, 12.0-RELEASE before 12.0-RELEASE-p7, 11.3-PRERELEASE before r349629, 11.3-RC3 before 11.3-RC3-p1, and 11.2-RELEASE before 11.2-RELEASE-p11, a bug in the cdrom driver

CVE-2019-5602 8.8 - High - July 03, 2019

In FreeBSD 12.0-STABLE before r349628, 12.0-RELEASE before 12.0-RELEASE-p7, 11.3-PRERELEASE before r349629, 11.3-RC3 before 11.3-RC3-p1, and 11.2-RELEASE before 11.2-RELEASE-p11, a bug in the cdrom driver allows users with read access to the cdrom device to arbitrarily overwrite kernel memory when media is present thereby allowing a malicious user in the operator group to gain root privileges.

Memory Corruption

In FreeBSD 12.0-STABLE before r349197 and 12.0-RELEASE before 12.0-RELEASE-p6, a bug in the non-default RACK TCP stack can allow an attacker to cause several linked lists to grow unbounded

CVE-2019-5599 7.5 - High - July 02, 2019

In FreeBSD 12.0-STABLE before r349197 and 12.0-RELEASE before 12.0-RELEASE-p6, a bug in the non-default RACK TCP stack can allow an attacker to cause several linked lists to grow unbounded and cause an expensive list traversal on every packet being processed, leading to resource exhaustion and a denial of service.

Allocation of Resources Without Limits or Throttling

BZ2_decompress in decompress.c in bzip2 through 1.0.6 has an out-of-bounds write when there are many selectors.

CVE-2019-12900 9.8 - Critical - June 19, 2019

BZ2_decompress in decompress.c in bzip2 through 1.0.6 has an out-of-bounds write when there are many selectors.

Memory Corruption

In FreeBSD 11.3-PRERELEASE and 12.0-STABLE before r347591, 11.2-RELEASE before 11.2-RELEASE-p10, and 12.0-RELEASE before 12.0-RELEASE-p4, a bug in the pf IPv6 fragment reassembly logic incorrectly uses the last extension header offset from the last received packet instead of the first packet

CVE-2019-5597 9.1 - Critical - May 15, 2019

In FreeBSD 11.3-PRERELEASE and 12.0-STABLE before r347591, 11.2-RELEASE before 11.2-RELEASE-p10, and 12.0-RELEASE before 12.0-RELEASE-p4, a bug in the pf IPv6 fragment reassembly logic incorrectly uses the last extension header offset from the last received packet instead of the first packet allowing maliciously crafted IPv6 packets to cause a crash or potentially bypass the packet filter.

Improper Input Validation

In FreeBSD 11.3-PRERELEASE before r345378, 12.0-STABLE before r345377, 11.2-RELEASE before 11.2-RELEASE-p10, and 12.0-RELEASE before 12.0-RELEASE-p4, a bug in pf does not check if the outer ICMP or ICMP6 packet has the same destination IP as the source IP of the inner protocol packet allowing a maliciously crafted ICMP/ICMP6 packet could bypass the packet filter rules and be passed to a host

CVE-2019-5598 7.5 - High - May 15, 2019

In FreeBSD 11.3-PRERELEASE before r345378, 12.0-STABLE before r345377, 11.2-RELEASE before 11.2-RELEASE-p10, and 12.0-RELEASE before 12.0-RELEASE-p4, a bug in pf does not check if the outer ICMP or ICMP6 packet has the same destination IP as the source IP of the inner protocol packet allowing a maliciously crafted ICMP/ICMP6 packet could bypass the packet filter rules and be passed to a host that would otherwise be unavailable.

Improper Input Validation

The implementations of EAP-PWD in hostapd and wpa_supplicant are vulnerable to side-channel attacks as a result of cache access patterns

CVE-2019-9495 3.7 - Low - April 17, 2019

The implementations of EAP-PWD in hostapd and wpa_supplicant are vulnerable to side-channel attacks as a result of cache access patterns. All versions of hostapd and wpa_supplicant with EAP-PWD support are vulnerable. The ability to install and execute applications is necessary for a successful attack. Memory access patterns are visible in a shared cache. Weak passwords may be cracked. Versions of hostapd/wpa_supplicant 2.7 and newer, are not vulnerable to the timing attack described in CVE-2019-9494. Both hostapd with EAP-pwd support and wpa_supplicant with EAP-pwd support prior to and including version 2.7 are affected.

Side Channel Attack

The implementations of SAE in hostapd and wpa_suppli

CVE-2019-9494 5.9 - Medium - April 17, 2019

The implementations of SAE in hostapd and wpa_supplicant are vulnerable to side channel attacks as a result of observable timing differences and cache access patterns. An attacker may be able to gain leaked information from a side channel attack that can be used for full password recovery. Both hostapd with SAE support and wpa_supplicant with SAE support prior to and including version 2.7 are affected.

Side Channel Attack

In FreeBSD before 11.2-STABLE(r343782), 11.2-RELEASE-p9, 12.0-STABLE(r343781), and 12.0-RELEASE-p3, kernel callee-save registers are not properly sanitized before return from system calls, potentially

CVE-2019-5595 5.5 - Medium - February 12, 2019

In FreeBSD before 11.2-STABLE(r343782), 11.2-RELEASE-p9, 12.0-STABLE(r343781), and 12.0-RELEASE-p3, kernel callee-save registers are not properly sanitized before return from system calls, potentially allowing some kernel data used in the system call to be exposed.

Improper Input Validation

In FreeBSD 11.2-STABLE after r338618 and before r343786, 12.0-STABLE before r343781, and 12.0-RELEASE before 12.0-RELEASE-p3, a bug in the reference count implementation for UNIX domain sockets can cause a file structure to be incorrectly released potentially

CVE-2019-5596 8.8 - High - February 12, 2019

In FreeBSD 11.2-STABLE after r338618 and before r343786, 12.0-STABLE before r343781, and 12.0-RELEASE before 12.0-RELEASE-p3, a bug in the reference count implementation for UNIX domain sockets can cause a file structure to be incorrectly released potentially allowing a malicious local user to gain root privileges or escape from a jail.

FreeBSD CVSweb version 2.x contains a Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in all pages

CVE-2018-1000998 6.1 - Medium - February 04, 2019

FreeBSD CVSweb version 2.x contains a Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in all pages that can result in limited impact--CVSweb is anonymous & read-only. It might impact other sites on same domain. This attack appears to be exploitable via victim must load specially crafted url. This vulnerability appears to have been fixed in 3.x.


An issue was discovered in OpenSSH 7.9

CVE-2019-6111 5.9 - Medium - January 31, 2019

An issue was discovered in OpenSSH 7.9. Due to the scp implementation being derived from 1983 rcp, the server chooses which files/directories are sent to the client. However, the scp client only performs cursory validation of the object name returned (only directory traversal attacks are prevented). A malicious scp server (or Man-in-The-Middle attacker) can overwrite arbitrary files in the scp client target directory. If recursive operation (-r) is performed, the server can manipulate subdirectories as well (for example, to overwrite the .ssh/authorized_keys file).

Directory traversal

In FreeBSD before 11.2-STABLE(r348229), 11.2-RELEASE-p7, 12.0-STABLE(r342228), and 12.0-RELEASE-p1, insufficient validation of network-provided data in bootpd may make it possible for a malicious attacker to craft a bootp packet

CVE-2018-17161 9.8 - Critical - January 03, 2019

In FreeBSD before 11.2-STABLE(r348229), 11.2-RELEASE-p7, 12.0-STABLE(r342228), and 12.0-RELEASE-p1, insufficient validation of network-provided data in bootpd may make it possible for a malicious attacker to craft a bootp packet which could cause a stack buffer overflow. It is possible that the buffer overflow could lead to a Denial of Service or remote code execution.

Buffer Overflow

In FreeBSD before 11.2-STABLE(r341486) and 11.2-RELEASE-p6, insufficient bounds checking in one of the device models provided by bhyve

CVE-2018-17160 10 - Critical - December 04, 2018

In FreeBSD before 11.2-STABLE(r341486) and 11.2-RELEASE-p6, insufficient bounds checking in one of the device models provided by bhyve can permit a guest operating system to overwrite memory in the bhyve host possibly permitting arbitrary code execution. A guest OS using a firmware image can cause the bhyve process to crash, or possibly execute arbitrary code on the host as root.

Memory Corruption

In FreeBSD before 11.2-STABLE(r340854) and 11.2-RELEASE-p5, an integer overflow error when handling opcodes

CVE-2018-17157 9.8 - Critical - December 04, 2018

In FreeBSD before 11.2-STABLE(r340854) and 11.2-RELEASE-p5, an integer overflow error when handling opcodes can cause memory corruption by sending a specially crafted NFSv4 request. Unprivileged remote users with access to the NFS server may be able to execute arbitrary code.

Integer Overflow or Wraparound

In FreeBSD before 11.2-STABLE(r340854) and 11.2-RELEASE-p5, an integer overflow error

CVE-2018-17158 7.5 - High - December 04, 2018

In FreeBSD before 11.2-STABLE(r340854) and 11.2-RELEASE-p5, an integer overflow error can occur when handling the client address length field in an NFSv4 request. Unprivileged remote users with access to the NFS server can crash the system by sending a specially crafted NFSv4 request.

Integer Overflow or Wraparound

In FreeBSD before 11.2-STABLE(r340854) and 11.2-RELEASE-p5, the NFS server lacks a bounds check in the READDIRPLUS NFS request

CVE-2018-17159 7.5 - High - December 04, 2018

In FreeBSD before 11.2-STABLE(r340854) and 11.2-RELEASE-p5, the NFS server lacks a bounds check in the READDIRPLUS NFS request. Unprivileged remote users with access to the NFS server can cause a resource exhaustion by forcing the server to allocate an arbitrarily large memory allocation.

Resource Exhaustion

In FreeBSD before 11.2-STABLE(r340268) and 11.2-RELEASE-p5

CVE-2018-17156 5.9 - Medium - November 28, 2018

In FreeBSD before 11.2-STABLE(r340268) and 11.2-RELEASE-p5, due to incorrectly accounting for padding on 64-bit platforms, a buffer underwrite could occur when constructing an ICMP reply packet when using a non-standard value for the net.inet.icmp.quotelen sysctl.

Memory Corruption

In FreeBSD before 11.2-STABLE(r338986)

CVE-2018-6925 5.5 - Medium - September 28, 2018

In FreeBSD before 11.2-STABLE(r338986), 11.2-RELEASE-p4, 11.1-RELEASE-p15, 10.4-STABLE(r338985), and 10.4-RELEASE-p13, due to improper maintenance of IPv6 protocol control block flags through various failure paths, an unprivileged authenticated local user may be able to cause a NULL pointer dereference causing the kernel to crash.

NULL Pointer Dereference

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