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Known Exploited Elasticsearch Vulnerabilities

The following Elasticsearch vulnerabilities have been marked by CISA as Known to be Exploited by threat actors.

Title Description Added
Elasticsearch Groovy Scripting Engine Remote Code Execution Vulnerability The Groovy scripting engine in Elasticsearch allows remote attackers to bypass the sandbox protection mechanism and execute arbitrary shell commands. CVE-2015-1427 March 25, 2022
Elasticsearch Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Elasticsearch enables dynamic scripting, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary MVEL expressions and Java code. CVE-2014-3120 March 25, 2022

By the Year

In 2024 there have been 0 vulnerabilities in Elasticsearch . Last year Elasticsearch had 6 security vulnerabilities published. Right now, Elasticsearch is on track to have less security vulnerabilities in 2024 than it did last year.

Year Vulnerabilities Average Score
2024 0 0.00
2023 6 7.25
2022 2 5.90
2021 9 5.73
2020 4 6.80
2019 3 6.43
2018 5 7.50

It may take a day or so for new Elasticsearch vulnerabilities to show up in the stats or in the list of recent security vulnerabilties. Additionally vulnerabilities may be tagged under a different product or component name.

Recent Elasticsearch Security Vulnerabilities

An issue was identified

CVE-2023-46674 7.8 - High - December 05, 2023

An issue was identified that allowed the unsafe deserialization of java objects from hadoop or spark configuration properties that could have been modified by authenticated users. Elastic would like to thank Yakov Shafranovich, with Amazon Web Services for reporting this issue.

Marshaling, Unmarshaling

It was identified that malformed scripts used in the script processor of an Ingest Pipeline could cause an Elasticsearch node to crash when calling the Simulate Pipeline API.

CVE-2023-46673 7.5 - High - November 22, 2023

It was identified that malformed scripts used in the script processor of an Ingest Pipeline could cause an Elasticsearch node to crash when calling the Simulate Pipeline API.

Improper Handling of Exceptional Conditions

An issue was found with how API keys are created with the Fleet-Server service account

CVE-2021-37937 8.8 - High - November 22, 2023

An issue was found with how API keys are created with the Fleet-Server service account. When an API key is created with a service account, it is possible that the API key could be created with higher privileges than intended. Using this vulnerability, a compromised Fleet-Server service account could escalate themselves to a super-user.

Elasticsearch generally filters out sensitive information and credentials before logging to the audit log

CVE-2023-31417 4.4 - Medium - October 26, 2023

Elasticsearch generally filters out sensitive information and credentials before logging to the audit log. It was found that this filtering was not applied when requests to Elasticsearch use certain deprecated URIs for APIs. The impact of this flaw is that sensitive information such as passwords and tokens might be printed in cleartext in Elasticsearch audit logs. Note that audit logging is disabled by default and needs to be explicitly enabled and even when audit logging is enabled, request bodies that could contain sensitive information are not printed to the audit log unless explicitly configured.

Insertion of Sensitive Information into Log File

A flaw was discovered in Elasticsearch, affecting the _search API

CVE-2023-31419 7.5 - High - October 26, 2023

A flaw was discovered in Elasticsearch, affecting the _search API that allowed a specially crafted query string to cause a Stack Overflow and ultimately a Denial of Service.

Memory Corruption

An issue has been identified with how Elasticsearch handled incoming requests on the HTTP layer

CVE-2023-31418 7.5 - High - October 26, 2023

An issue has been identified with how Elasticsearch handled incoming requests on the HTTP layer. An unauthenticated user could force an Elasticsearch node to exit with an OutOfMemory error by sending a moderate number of malformed HTTP requests. The issue was identified by Elastic Engineering and we have no indication that the issue is known or that it is being exploited in the wild.

Resource Exhaustion

A Denial of Service flaw was discovered in Elasticsearch

CVE-2022-23712 7.5 - High - June 06, 2022

A Denial of Service flaw was discovered in Elasticsearch. Using this vulnerability, an unauthenticated attacker could forcibly shut down an Elasticsearch node with a specifically formatted network request.

A flaw was discovered in Elasticsearch 7.17.0s upgrade assistant, in which upgrading from version 6.x to 7.x would disable the in-built protections on the security index

CVE-2022-23708 4.3 - Medium - March 03, 2022

A flaw was discovered in Elasticsearch 7.17.0s upgrade assistant, in which upgrading from version 6.x to 7.x would disable the in-built protections on the security index, allowing authenticated users with * index permissions access to this index.

Elasticsearch before 7.14.0 did not apply document and field level security to searchable snapshots

CVE-2021-22147 6.5 - Medium - September 15, 2021

Elasticsearch before 7.14.0 did not apply document and field level security to searchable snapshots. This could lead to an authenticated user gaining access to information that they are unauthorized to view.


In Elasticsearch versions before 7.13.3 and 6.8.17 an uncontrolled recursion vulnerability

CVE-2021-22144 6.5 - Medium - July 26, 2021

In Elasticsearch versions before 7.13.3 and 6.8.17 an uncontrolled recursion vulnerability that could lead to a denial of service attack was identified in the Elasticsearch Grok parser. A user with the ability to submit arbitrary queries to Elasticsearch could create a malicious Grok query that will crash the Elasticsearch node.

Stack Exhaustion

All versions of Elastic Cloud Enterprise has the Elasticsearch anonymous user enabled by default in deployed clusters

CVE-2021-22146 7.5 - High - July 21, 2021

All versions of Elastic Cloud Enterprise has the Elasticsearch anonymous user enabled by default in deployed clusters. While in the default setting the anonymous user has no permissions and is unable to successfully query any Elasticsearch APIs, an attacker could leverage the anonymous user to gain insight into certain details of a deployed cluster.

A memory disclosure vulnerability was identified in Elasticsearch 7.10.0 to 7.13.3 error reporting

CVE-2021-22145 6.5 - Medium - July 21, 2021

A memory disclosure vulnerability was identified in Elasticsearch 7.10.0 to 7.13.3 error reporting. A user with the ability to submit arbitrary queries to Elasticsearch could submit a malformed query that would result in an error message returned containing previously used portions of a data buffer. This buffer could contain sensitive information such as Elasticsearch documents or authentication details.

Generation of Error Message Containing Sensitive Information

In Elasticsearch versions before 7.11.2 and 6.8.15 a document disclosure flaw was found when Document or Field Level Security is used

CVE-2021-22137 5.3 - Medium - May 13, 2021

In Elasticsearch versions before 7.11.2 and 6.8.15 a document disclosure flaw was found when Document or Field Level Security is used. Search queries do not properly preserve security permissions when executing certain cross-cluster search queries. This could result in the search disclosing the existence of documents the attacker should not be able to view. This could result in an attacker gaining additional insight into potentially sensitive indices.

Improper Preservation of Permissions

Elasticsearch versions before 7.11.2 and 6.8.15 contain a document disclosure flaw was found in the Elasticsearch suggester and profile API when Document and Field Level Security are enabled

CVE-2021-22135 5.3 - Medium - May 13, 2021

Elasticsearch versions before 7.11.2 and 6.8.15 contain a document disclosure flaw was found in the Elasticsearch suggester and profile API when Document and Field Level Security are enabled. The suggester and profile API are normally disabled for an index when document level security is enabled on the index. Certain queries are able to enable the profiler and suggester which could lead to disclosing the existence of documents and fields the attacker should not be able to view.

Information Disclosure

A document disclosure flaw was found in Elasticsearch versions after 7.6.0 and before 7.11.0 when Document or Field Level Security is used

CVE-2021-22134 4.3 - Medium - March 08, 2021

A document disclosure flaw was found in Elasticsearch versions after 7.6.0 and before 7.11.0 when Document or Field Level Security is used. Get requests do not properly apply security permissions when executing a query against a recently updated document. This affects documents that have been updated and not yet refreshed in the index. This could result in the search disclosing the existence of documents and fields the attacker should not be able to view.


Elasticsearch versions before 7.10.0 and 6.8.14 have an information disclosure issue when audit logging and the emit_request_body option is enabled

CVE-2020-7021 4.9 - Medium - February 10, 2021

Elasticsearch versions before 7.10.0 and 6.8.14 have an information disclosure issue when audit logging and the emit_request_body option is enabled. The Elasticsearch audit log could contain sensitive information such as password hashes or authentication tokens. This could allow an Elasticsearch administrator to view these details.

Insertion of Sensitive Information into Log File

Elasticsearch versions 7.7.0 to 7.10.1 contain an information disclosure flaw in the async search API

CVE-2021-22132 4.8 - Medium - January 14, 2021

Elasticsearch versions 7.7.0 to 7.10.1 contain an information disclosure flaw in the async search API. Users who execute an async search will improperly store the HTTP headers. An Elasticsearch user with the ability to read the .tasks index could obtain sensitive request headers of other users in the cluster. This issue is fixed in Elasticsearch 7.10.2

Insufficiently Protected Credentials

Elasticsearch versions before 6.8.13 and 7.9.2 contain a document disclosure flaw when Document or Field Level Security is used

CVE-2020-7020 3.1 - Low - October 22, 2020

Elasticsearch versions before 6.8.13 and 7.9.2 contain a document disclosure flaw when Document or Field Level Security is used. Search queries do not properly preserve security permissions when executing certain complex queries. This could result in the search disclosing the existence of documents the attacker should not be able to view. This could result in an attacker gaining additional insight into potentially sensitive indices.

Improper Privilege Management

In Elasticsearch before 7.9.0 and 6.8.12 a field disclosure flaw was found when running a scrolling search with Field Level Security

CVE-2020-7019 6.5 - Medium - August 18, 2020

In Elasticsearch before 7.9.0 and 6.8.12 a field disclosure flaw was found when running a scrolling search with Field Level Security. If a user runs the same query another more privileged user recently ran, the scrolling search can leak fields that should be hidden. This could result in an attacker gaining additional permissions against a restricted index.

Improper Privilege Management

The fix for CVE-2020-7009 was found to be incomplete

CVE-2020-7014 8.8 - High - June 03, 2020

The fix for CVE-2020-7009 was found to be incomplete. Elasticsearch versions from 6.7.0 to 6.8.7 and 7.0.0 to 7.6.1 contain a privilege escalation flaw if an attacker is able to create API keys and also authentication tokens. An attacker who is able to generate an API key and an authentication token can perform a series of steps that result in an authentication token being generated with elevated privileges.

Improper Privilege Management

Elasticsearch versions

CVE-2020-7009 8.8 - High - March 31, 2020

Elasticsearch versions from 6.7.0 before 6.8.8 and 7.0.0 before 7.6.2 contain a privilege escalation flaw if an attacker is able to create API keys. An attacker who is able to generate an API key can perform a series of steps that result in an API key being generated with elevated privileges.

Improper Privilege Management

Elasticsearch versions 7.0.0-7.3.2 and 6.7.0-6.8.3 contain a username disclosure flaw was found in the API Key service

CVE-2019-7619 5.3 - Medium - October 30, 2019

Elasticsearch versions 7.0.0-7.3.2 and 6.7.0-6.8.3 contain a username disclosure flaw was found in the API Key service. An unauthenticated attacker could send a specially crafted request and determine if a username exists in the Elasticsearch native realm.

A race condition flaw was found in the response headers Elasticsearch versions before 7.2.1 and 6.8.2 returns to a request

CVE-2019-7614 5.9 - Medium - July 30, 2019

A race condition flaw was found in the response headers Elasticsearch versions before 7.2.1 and 6.8.2 returns to a request. On a system with multiple users submitting requests, it could be possible for an attacker to gain access to response header containing sensitive data from another user.

Race Condition

A permission issue was found in Elasticsearch versions before 5.6.15 and 6.6.1 when Field Level Security and Document Level Security are disabled and the _aliases

CVE-2019-7611 8.1 - High - March 25, 2019

A permission issue was found in Elasticsearch versions before 5.6.15 and 6.6.1 when Field Level Security and Document Level Security are disabled and the _aliases, _shrink, or _split endpoints are used . If the elasticsearch.yml file has xpack.security.dls_fls.enabled set to false, certain permission checks are skipped when users perform one of the actions mentioned above, to make existing data available under a new index/alias name. This could result in an attacker gaining additional permissions against a restricted index.

Permission Issues

Elasticsearch Security versions 6.5.0 and 6.5.1 contain an XXE flaw in Machine Learning's find_file_structure API

CVE-2018-17247 5.9 - Medium - December 20, 2018

Elasticsearch Security versions 6.5.0 and 6.5.1 contain an XXE flaw in Machine Learning's find_file_structure API. If a policy allowing external network access has been added to Elasticsearch's Java Security Manager then an attacker could send a specially crafted request capable of leaking content of local files on the Elasticsearch node. This could allow a user to access information that they should not have access to.


Elasticsearch Security versions 6.4.0 to 6.4.2 contain an error in the way request headers are applied to requests when using the Active Directory

CVE-2018-17244 6.5 - Medium - December 20, 2018

Elasticsearch Security versions 6.4.0 to 6.4.2 contain an error in the way request headers are applied to requests when using the Active Directory, LDAP, Native, or File realms. A request may receive headers intended for another request if the same username is being authenticated concurrently; when used with run as, this can result in the request running as the incorrect user. This could allow a user to access information that they should not have access to.

Information Disclosure

Elasticsearch Alerting and Monitoring in versions before 6.4.1 or 5.6.12 have an information disclosure issue when secrets are configured

CVE-2018-3831 8.8 - High - September 19, 2018

Elasticsearch Alerting and Monitoring in versions before 6.4.1 or 5.6.12 have an information disclosure issue when secrets are configured via the API. The Elasticsearch _cluster/settings API, when queried, could leak sensitive configuration information such as passwords, tokens, or usernames. This could allow an authenticated Elasticsearch user to improperly view these details.

Information Disclosure

In Elasticsearch versions 6.0.0-beta1 to 6.2.4 a disclosure flaw was found in the _snapshot API

CVE-2018-3826 6.5 - Medium - September 19, 2018

In Elasticsearch versions 6.0.0-beta1 to 6.2.4 a disclosure flaw was found in the _snapshot API. When the access_key and security_key parameters are set using the _snapshot API they can be exposed as plain text by users able to query the _snapshot API.

Missing Encryption of Sensitive Data

Elasticsearch before 1.6.1 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via unspecified vectors involving the transport protocol

CVE-2015-5377 9.8 - Critical - March 06, 2018

Elasticsearch before 1.6.1 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via unspecified vectors involving the transport protocol. NOTE: ZDI appears to claim that CVE-2015-3253 and CVE-2015-5377 are the same vulnerability


The Groovy scripting engine in Elasticsearch before 1.3.8 and 1.4.x before 1.4.3

CVE-2015-1427 9.8 - Critical - February 17, 2015

The Groovy scripting engine in Elasticsearch before 1.3.8 and 1.4.x before 1.4.3 allows remote attackers to bypass the sandbox protection mechanism and execute arbitrary shell commands via a crafted script.

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