Undertow Red Hat Undertow Java HTTP Server and Servlet Container

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By the Year

In 2025 there have been 0 vulnerabilities in Red Hat Undertow. Last year, in 2024 Undertow had 8 security vulnerabilities published. Right now, Undertow is on track to have less security vulnerabilities in 2025 than it did last year.

Year Vulnerabilities Average Score
2025 0 0.00
2024 8 6.93
2023 4 7.50
2022 8 6.78
2021 2 6.15
2020 6 7.37
2019 3 9.03
2018 3 5.97

It may take a day or so for new Undertow vulnerabilities to show up in the stats or in the list of recent security vulnerabilties. Additionally vulnerabilities may be tagged under a different product or component name.

Recent Red Hat Undertow Security Vulnerabilities

Undertow Cookie Parsing Vulnerability

CVE-2023-4639 7.4 - High - November 17, 2024

A flaw was found in Undertow, which incorrectly parses cookies with certain value-delimiting characters in incoming requests. This issue could allow an attacker to construct a cookie value to exfiltrate HttpOnly cookie values or spoof arbitrary additional cookie values, leading to unauthorized data access or modification. The main threat from this flaw impacts data confidentiality and integrity.

HTTP Request Smuggling

Undertow FormAuth DoS via Memory Exhaustion

CVE-2023-1973 7.5 - High - November 07, 2024

A flaw was found in Undertow package. Using the FormAuthenticationMechanism, a malicious user could trigger a Denial of Service by sending crafted requests, leading the server to an OutofMemory error, exhausting the server's memory.

A vulnerability was found in Undertow where the ProxyProtocolReadListener reuses the same StringBuilder instance across multiple requests

CVE-2024-7885 7.5 - High - August 21, 2024

A vulnerability was found in Undertow where the ProxyProtocolReadListener reuses the same StringBuilder instance across multiple requests. This issue occurs when the parseProxyProtocolV1 method processes multiple requests on the same HTTP connection. As a result, different requests may share the same StringBuilder instance, potentially leading to information leakage between requests or responses. In some cases, a value from a previous request or response may be erroneously reused, which could lead to unintended data exposure. This issue primarily results in errors and connection termination but creates a risk of data leakage in multi-request environments.

Race Condition

A vulnerability was found in Undertow

CVE-2024-3653 - July 08, 2024

A vulnerability was found in Undertow. This issue requires enabling the learning-push handler in the server's config, which is disabled by default, leaving the maxAge config in the handler unconfigured. The default is -1, which makes the handler vulnerable. If someone overwrites that config, the server is not subject to the attack. The attacker needs to be able to reach the server with a normal HTTP request.

Memory Leak

A vulnerability was found in Undertow, where the chunked response hangs after the body was flushed

CVE-2024-5971 - July 08, 2024

A vulnerability was found in Undertow, where the chunked response hangs after the body was flushed. The response headers and body were sent but the client would continue waiting as Undertow does not send the expected 0\r\n termination of the chunked response. This results in uncontrolled resource consumption, leaving the server side to a denial of service attack. This happens only with Java 17 TLSv1.3 scenarios.

Stack Exhaustion

A vulnerability was found in Undertow, where URL-encoded request paths can be mishandled during concurrent requests on the AJP listener

CVE-2024-6162 - June 20, 2024

A vulnerability was found in Undertow, where URL-encoded request paths can be mishandled during concurrent requests on the AJP listener. This issue arises because the same buffer is used to decode the paths for multiple requests simultaneously, leading to incorrect path information being processed. As a result, the server may attempt to access the wrong path, causing errors such as "404 Not Found" or other application failures. This flaw can potentially lead to a denial of service, as legitimate resources become inaccessible due to the path mix-up.

Resource Exhaustion

A vulnerability was found in Undertow

CVE-2024-1635 - February 19, 2024

A vulnerability was found in Undertow. This vulnerability impacts a server that supports the wildfly-http-client protocol. Whenever a malicious user opens and closes a connection with the HTTP port of the server and then closes the connection immediately, the server will end with both memory and open file limits exhausted at some point, depending on the amount of memory available. At HTTP upgrade to remoting, the WriteTimeoutStreamSinkConduit leaks connections if RemotingConnection is closed by Remoting ServerConnectionOpenListener. Because the remoting connection originates in Undertow as part of the HTTP upgrade, there is an external layer to the remoting connection. This connection is unaware of the outermost layer when closing the connection during the connection opening procedure. Hence, the Undertow WriteTimeoutStreamSinkConduit is not notified of the closed connection in this scenario. Because WriteTimeoutStreamSinkConduit creates a timeout task, the whole dependency tree leaks via that task, which is added to XNIO WorkerThread. So, the workerThread points to the Undertow conduit, which contains the connections and causes the leak.

Resource Exhaustion

A path traversal vulnerability was found in Undertow

CVE-2024-1459 5.3 - Medium - February 12, 2024

A path traversal vulnerability was found in Undertow. This issue may allow a remote attacker to append a specially-crafted sequence to an HTTP request for an application deployed to JBoss EAP, which may permit access to privileged or restricted files and directories.

Path Traversal: '../filedir'

A flaw was found in Undertow

CVE-2023-5379 7.5 - High - December 12, 2023

A flaw was found in Undertow. When an AJP request is sent that exceeds the max-header-size attribute in ajp-listener, JBoss EAP is marked in an error state by mod_cluster in httpd, causing JBoss EAP to close the TCP connection without returning an AJP response. This happens because mod_proxy_cluster marks the JBoss EAP instance as an error worker when the TCP connection is closed from the backend after sending the AJP request without receiving an AJP response, and stops forwarding. This issue could allow a malicious user could to repeatedly send requests that exceed the max-header-size, causing a Denial of Service (DoS).

Allocation of Resources Without Limits or Throttling

A flaw was found in undertow

CVE-2023-3223 7.5 - High - September 27, 2023

A flaw was found in undertow. Servlets annotated with @MultipartConfig may cause an OutOfMemoryError due to large multipart content. This may allow unauthorized users to cause remote Denial of Service (DoS) attack. If the server uses fileSizeThreshold to limit the file size, it's possible to bypass the limit by setting the file name in the request to null.

A flaw was found in undertow

CVE-2023-1108 7.5 - High - September 14, 2023

A flaw was found in undertow. This issue makes achieving a denial of service possible due to an unexpected handshake status updated in SslConduit, where the loop never terminates.

Infinite Loop

The undertow client is not checking the server identity presented by the server certificate in https connections

CVE-2022-4492 7.5 - High - February 23, 2023

The undertow client is not checking the server identity presented by the server certificate in https connections. This is a compulsory step (at least it should be performed by default) in https and in http/2. I would add it to any TLS client protocol.

A flaw was found in Undertow

CVE-2022-2764 4.9 - Medium - September 01, 2022

A flaw was found in Undertow. Denial of service can be achieved as Undertow server waits for the LAST_CHUNK forever for EJB invocations.

A flaw was found in Undertow

CVE-2022-1319 7.5 - High - August 31, 2022

A flaw was found in Undertow. For an AJP 400 response, EAP 7 is improperly sending two response packets, and those packets have the reuse flag set even though JBoss EAP closes the connection. A failure occurs when the connection is reused after a 400 by CPING since it reads in the second SEND_HEADERS response packet instead of a CPONG.

Unchecked Return Value

A flaw was found in Undertow

CVE-2022-1259 7.5 - High - August 31, 2022

A flaw was found in Undertow. A potential security issue in flow control handling by the browser over HTTP/2 may cause overhead or a denial of service in the server. This flaw exists because of an incomplete fix for CVE-2021-3629.

Resource Exhaustion

A flaw was found in Undertow that tripped the client-side invocation timeout with certain calls made over HTTP2

CVE-2021-3859 7.5 - High - August 26, 2022

A flaw was found in Undertow that tripped the client-side invocation timeout with certain calls made over HTTP2. This flaw allows an attacker to carry out denial of service attacks.

Invocation of Process Using Visible Sensitive Information

A flaw was found in Undertow

CVE-2021-3690 7.5 - High - August 23, 2022

A flaw was found in Undertow. A buffer leak on the incoming WebSocket PONG message may lead to memory exhaustion. This flaw allows an attacker to cause a denial of service. The highest threat from this vulnerability is availability.

Memory Leak

When a POST request comes through AJP and the request exceeds the max-post-size limit (maxEntitySize)

CVE-2022-2053 7.5 - High - August 05, 2022

When a POST request comes through AJP and the request exceeds the max-post-size limit (maxEntitySize), Undertow's AjpServerRequestConduit implementation closes a connection without sending any response to the client/proxy. This behavior results in that a front-end proxy marking the backend worker (application server) as an error state and not forward requests to the worker for a while. In mod_cluster, this continues until the next STATUS request (10 seconds intervals) from the application server updates the server state. So, in the worst case, it can result in "All workers are in error state" and mod_cluster responds "503 Service Unavailable" for a while (up to 10 seconds). In mod_proxy_balancer, it does not forward requests to the worker until the "retry" timeout passes. However, luckily, mod_proxy_balancer has "forcerecovery" setting (On by default; this parameter can force the immediate recovery of all workers without considering the retry parameter of the workers if all workers of a balancer are in error state.). So, unlike mod_cluster, mod_proxy_balancer does not result in responding "503 Service Unavailable". An attacker could use this behavior to send a malicious request and trigger server errors, resulting in DoS (denial of service). This flaw was fixed in Undertow 2.2.19.Final, Undertow 2.3.0.Alpha2.

Resource Exhaustion

A flaw was found in undertow

CVE-2021-3597 5.9 - Medium - May 24, 2022

A flaw was found in undertow. The HTTP2SourceChannel fails to write the final frame under some circumstances, resulting in a denial of service. The highest threat from this vulnerability is availability. This flaw affects Undertow versions prior to 2.0.35.SP1, prior to 2.2.6.SP1, prior to 2.2.7.SP1, prior to 2.0.36.SP1, prior to 2.2.9.Final and prior to 2.0.39.Final.

Race Condition

A flaw was found in Undertow

CVE-2021-3629 5.9 - Medium - May 24, 2022

A flaw was found in Undertow. A potential security issue in flow control handling by the browser over http/2 may potentially cause overhead or a denial of service in the server. The highest threat from this vulnerability is availability. This flaw affects Undertow versions prior to 2.0.40.Final and prior to 2.2.11.Final.

Resource Exhaustion

A flaw was found in Undertow when using Remoting as shipped in Red Hat Jboss EAP before version 7.2.4

CVE-2019-19343 7.5 - High - March 23, 2021

A flaw was found in Undertow when using Remoting as shipped in Red Hat Jboss EAP before version 7.2.4. A memory leak in HttpOpenListener due to holding remote connections indefinitely may lead to denial of service. Versions before undertow 2.0.25.SP1 and jboss-remoting 5.0.14.SP1 are believed to be vulnerable.

Improper Resource Shutdown or Release

A flaw was found in Undertow

CVE-2021-20220 4.8 - Medium - February 23, 2021

A flaw was found in Undertow. A regression in the fix for CVE-2020-10687 was found. HTTP request smuggling related to CVE-2017-2666 is possible against HTTP/1.x and HTTP/2 due to permitting invalid characters in an HTTP request. This flaw allows an attacker to poison a web-cache, perform an XSS attack, or obtain sensitive information from request other than their own. The highest threat from this vulnerability is to data confidentiality and integrity.

HTTP Request Smuggling

A flaw was discovered in all versions of Undertow before Undertow 2.2.0.Final

CVE-2020-10687 4.8 - Medium - September 23, 2020

A flaw was discovered in all versions of Undertow before Undertow 2.2.0.Final, where HTTP request smuggling related to CVE-2017-2666 is possible against HTTP/1.x and HTTP/2 due to permitting invalid characters in an HTTP request. This flaw allows an attacker to poison a web-cache, perform an XSS attack, or obtain sensitive information from request other than their own.

HTTP Request Smuggling

A flaw was discovered in Undertow in versions before Undertow 2.1.1.Final where certain requests to the "Expect: 100-continue" header may cause an out of memory error

CVE-2020-10705 7.5 - High - June 10, 2020

A flaw was discovered in Undertow in versions before Undertow 2.1.1.Final where certain requests to the "Expect: 100-continue" header may cause an out of memory error. This flaw may potentially lead to a denial of service.

Allocation of Resources Without Limits or Throttling

A flaw was found in Undertow in versions before 2.1.1.Final, regarding the processing of invalid HTTP requests with large chunk sizes

CVE-2020-10719 6.5 - Medium - May 26, 2020

A flaw was found in Undertow in versions before 2.1.1.Final, regarding the processing of invalid HTTP requests with large chunk sizes. This flaw allows an attacker to take advantage of HTTP request smuggling.

HTTP Request Smuggling

A file inclusion vulnerability was found in the AJP connector enabled with a default AJP configuration port of 8009 in Undertow version 2.0.29.Final and before and was fixed in 2.0.30.Final

CVE-2020-1745 9.8 - Critical - April 28, 2020

A file inclusion vulnerability was found in the AJP connector enabled with a default AJP configuration port of 8009 in Undertow version 2.0.29.Final and before and was fixed in 2.0.30.Final. A remote, unauthenticated attacker could exploit this vulnerability to read web application files from a vulnerable server. In instances where the vulnerable server allows file uploads, an attacker could upload malicious JavaServer Pages (JSP) code within a variety of file types and trigger this vulnerability to gain remote code execution.

A flaw was found in all undertow-2.x.x SP1 versions prior to undertow-2.0.30.SP1, all undertow-1.x.x and undertow-2.x.x versions prior to undertow-2.1.0.Final, where the Servlet container causes servletPath to normalize incorrectly by truncating the path after semicolon

CVE-2020-1757 8.1 - High - April 21, 2020

A flaw was found in all undertow-2.x.x SP1 versions prior to undertow-2.0.30.SP1, all undertow-1.x.x and undertow-2.x.x versions prior to undertow-2.1.0.Final, where the Servlet container causes servletPath to normalize incorrectly by truncating the path after semicolon which may lead to an application mapping resulting in the security bypass.

Improper Input Validation

A vulnerability was found in the Undertow HTTP server in versions before 2.0.28.SP1 when listening on HTTPS

CVE-2019-14888 7.5 - High - January 23, 2020

A vulnerability was found in the Undertow HTTP server in versions before 2.0.28.SP1 when listening on HTTPS. An attacker can target the HTTPS port to carry out a Denial Of Service (DOS) to make the service unavailable on SSL.

A flaw was found in, all under 2.0.20, in the Undertow DEBUG log for io.undertow.request.security

CVE-2019-10212 9.8 - Critical - October 02, 2019

A flaw was found in, all under 2.0.20, in the Undertow DEBUG log for io.undertow.request.security. If enabled, an attacker could abuse this flaw to obtain the user's credentials from the log files.

Insertion of Sensitive Information into Log File

undertow before version 2.0.23.Final is vulnerable to an information leak issue

CVE-2019-10184 7.5 - High - July 25, 2019

undertow before version 2.0.23.Final is vulnerable to an information leak issue. Web apps may have their directory structures predicted through requests without trailing slashes via the api.


A vulnerability was found in Undertow web server before 2.0.21

CVE-2019-3888 9.8 - Critical - June 12, 2019

A vulnerability was found in Undertow web server before 2.0.21. An information exposure of plain text credentials through log files because Connectors.executeRootHandler:402 logs the HttpServerExchange object at ERROR level using UndertowLogger.REQUEST_LOGGER.undertowRequestFailed(t, exchange)

Insertion of Sensitive Information into Log File

An information leak vulnerability was found in Undertow

CVE-2018-14642 5.3 - Medium - September 18, 2018

An information leak vulnerability was found in Undertow. If all headers are not written out in the first write() call then the code that handles flushing the buffer will always write out the full contents of the writevBuffer buffer, which may contain data from previous requests.

Information Disclosure

It was found that URLResource.getLastModified() in Undertow closes the file descriptors only when they are finalized

CVE-2018-1114 6.5 - Medium - September 11, 2018

It was found that URLResource.getLastModified() in Undertow closes the file descriptors only when they are finalized which can cause file descriptors to exhaust. This leads to a file handler leak.

Resource Exhaustion

In Undertow before versions 7.1.2.CR1, 7.1.2.GA it was found

CVE-2018-1067 6.1 - Medium - May 21, 2018

In Undertow before versions 7.1.2.CR1, 7.1.2.GA it was found that the fix for CVE-2016-4993 was incomplete and Undertow web server is vulnerable to the injection of arbitrary HTTP headers, and also response splitting, due to insufficient sanitization and validation of user input before the input is used as part of an HTTP header value.

HTTP Response Splitting

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Red Hat Undertow
Java HTTP Server and Servlet Container
