Subscription Manager Red Hat Subscription Manager

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By the Year

In 2024 there have been 0 vulnerabilities in Red Hat Subscription Manager . Last year Subscription Manager had 1 security vulnerability published. Right now, Subscription Manager is on track to have less security vulnerabilities in 2024 than it did last year.

Year Vulnerabilities Average Score
2024 0 0.00
2023 1 7.80
2022 0 0.00
2021 0 0.00
2020 0 0.00
2019 0 0.00
2018 0 0.00

It may take a day or so for new Subscription Manager vulnerabilities to show up in the stats or in the list of recent security vulnerabilties. Additionally vulnerabilities may be tagged under a different product or component name.

Recent Red Hat Subscription Manager Security Vulnerabilities

A vulnerability was found in subscription-manager that allows local privilege escalation due to inadequate authorization

CVE-2023-3899 7.8 - High - August 23, 2023

A vulnerability was found in subscription-manager that allows local privilege escalation due to inadequate authorization. The D-Bus interface com.redhat.RHSM1 exposes a significant number of methods to all users that could change the state of the registration. By using the com.redhat.RHSM1.Config.SetAll() method, a low-privileged local user could tamper with the state of the registration, by unregistering the system or by changing the current entitlements. This flaw allows an attacker to set arbitrary configuration directives for /etc/rhsm/rhsm.conf, which can be abused to cause a local privilege escalation to an unconfined root.


The Subscription Manager package (aka subscription-manager) before 1.17.7-1 for Candlepin uses weak permissions (755) for subscription-manager cache directories, which

CVE-2016-4455 3.3 - Low - April 14, 2017

The Subscription Manager package (aka subscription-manager) before 1.17.7-1 for Candlepin uses weak permissions (755) for subscription-manager cache directories, which allows local users to obtain sensitive information by reading files in the directories.

Permissions, Privileges, and Access Controls

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