Cloudfoundry Cloudfoundry

Do you want an email whenever new security vulnerabilities are reported in any Cloudfoundry product?

Products by Cloudfoundry Sorted by Most Security Vulnerabilities since 2018

Cloudfoundry Cf Deployment34 vulnerabilities

Cloudfoundry Cf Release25 vulnerabilities

Cloudfoundry Capi Release19 vulnerabilities

Cloudfoundry Routing Release10 vulnerabilities

Cloudfoundry Uaa Release6 vulnerabilities

Cloudfoundry Stratos2 vulnerabilities

Cloudfoundry Credhub2 vulnerabilities

Cloudfoundry Loggregator2 vulnerabilities

Cloudfoundry Garden Runc2 vulnerabilities

Cloudfoundry Silk Release1 vulnerability

Cloudfoundry Uaa1 vulnerability

Cloudfoundry Credhub Cli1 vulnerability

Cloudfoundry Garden Linux1 vulnerability

Cloudfoundry Diego1 vulnerability

Cloudfoundry Archiver1 vulnerability

Cloudfoundry Bosh1 vulnerability

Cloudfoundry Bits Service1 vulnerability

By the Year

In 2024 there have been 1 vulnerability in Cloudfoundry with an average score of 7.5 out of ten. Last year Cloudfoundry had 5 security vulnerabilities published. Right now, Cloudfoundry is on track to have less security vulnerabilities in 2024 than it did last year. However, the average CVE base score of the vulnerabilities in 2024 is greater by 0.96.

Year Vulnerabilities Average Score
2024 1 7.50
2023 5 6.54
2022 2 7.20
2021 4 6.90
2020 11 6.84
2019 23 7.48
2018 16 7.36

It may take a day or so for new Cloudfoundry vulnerabilities to show up in the stats or in the list of recent security vulnerabilties. Additionally vulnerabilities may be tagged under a different product or component name.

Recent Cloudfoundry Security Vulnerabilities

Improper handling of requests in Routing Release > v0.273.0 and <= v0.297.0

CVE-2024-22279 7.5 - High - June 10, 2024

Improper handling of requests in Routing Release > v0.273.0 and <= v0.297.0 allows an unauthenticated attacker to degrade the service availability of the Cloud Foundry deployment if performed at scale.

HTTP Request Smuggling

Cloud foundry routing release versions prior to 0.278.0 are vulnerable to abuse of HTTP Hop-by-Hop Headers

CVE-2023-34041 5.3 - Medium - September 08, 2023

Cloud foundry routing release versions prior to 0.278.0 are vulnerable to abuse of HTTP Hop-by-Hop Headers. An unauthenticated attacker can use this vulnerability for headers like B3 or X-B3-SpanID to affect the identification value recorded in the logs in foundations.

In Cloud foundry routing release versions

CVE-2023-20882 5.9 - Medium - May 26, 2023

In Cloud foundry routing release versions from 0.262.0 and prior to 0.266.0,a bug in the gorouter process can lead to a denial of service of applications hosted on Cloud Foundry. Under the right circumstances, when client connections are closed prematurely, gorouter marks the currently selected backend as failed and removes it from the routing pool.

Cloud foundry instances having CAPI version between 1.140 and 1.152.0 along with loggregator-agent v7+ may override other users syslog drain credentials if they're aware of the client certificate used for

CVE-2023-20881 8.1 - High - May 19, 2023

Cloud foundry instances having CAPI version between 1.140 and 1.152.0 along with loggregator-agent v7+ may override other users syslog drain credentials if they're aware of the client certificate used for that syslog drain. This applies even if the drain has zero certs. This would allow the user to override the private key and add or modify a certificate authority used for the connection.

Improper Certificate Validation

This disclosure regards a vulnerability related to UAA refresh tokens and external identity providers.Assuming

CVE-2023-20903 4.3 - Medium - March 28, 2023

This disclosure regards a vulnerability related to UAA refresh tokens and external identity providers.Assuming that an external identity provider is linked to the UAA, a refresh token is issued to a client on behalf of a user from that identity provider, the administrator of the UAA deactivates the identity provider from the UAA. It is expected that the UAA would reject a refresh token during a refresh token grant, but it does not (hence the vulnerability). It will continue to issue access tokens to request presenting such refresh tokens, as if the identity provider was still active. As a result, clients with refresh tokens issued through the deactivated identity provider would still have access to Cloud Foundry resources until their refresh token expires (which defaults to 30 days).

Insufficient Session Expiration

Starting with diego-release 2.55.0 and up to 2.69.0, and starting with CF Deployment 17.1 and up to 23.2.0, apps are accessible via another port on diego cells

CVE-2022-31733 9.1 - Critical - February 03, 2023

Starting with diego-release 2.55.0 and up to 2.69.0, and starting with CF Deployment 17.1 and up to 23.2.0, apps are accessible via another port on diego cells, allowing application ingress without a client certificate. If mTLS route integrity is enabled AND unproxied ports are turned off, then an attacker could connect to an application that should be only reachable via mTLS, without presenting a client certificate.

Improper Certificate Validation

Due to improper path sanitization, archives containing relative file paths

CVE-2018-25046 9.1 - Critical - December 27, 2022

Due to improper path sanitization, archives containing relative file paths can cause files to be written (or overwritten) outside of the target directory.

Directory traversal

In cloud foundry CAPI versions prior to 1.122, a denial-of-service attack in which a developer can push a service broker

CVE-2021-22100 5.3 - Medium - March 25, 2022

In cloud foundry CAPI versions prior to 1.122, a denial-of-service attack in which a developer can push a service broker that (accidentally or maliciously) causes CC instances to timeout and fail is possible. An attacker can leverage this vulnerability to cause an inability for anyone to push or manage apps.

Resource Exhaustion

Cloud Controller versions prior to 1.118.0 are vulnerable to unauthenticated denial of Service(DoS) vulnerability

CVE-2021-22101 7.5 - High - October 27, 2021

Cloud Controller versions prior to 1.118.0 are vulnerable to unauthenticated denial of Service(DoS) vulnerability allowing unauthenticated attackers to cause denial of service by using REST HTTP requests with label_selectors on multiple V3 endpoints by generating an enormous SQL query.

Resource Exhaustion

UAA server versions prior to 75.4.0 are vulnerable to an open redirect vulnerability

CVE-2021-22098 6.1 - Medium - August 11, 2021

UAA server versions prior to 75.4.0 are vulnerable to an open redirect vulnerability. A malicious user can exploit the open redirect vulnerability by social engineering leading to take over of victims accounts in certain cases along with redirection of UAA users to a malicious sites.

Open Redirect

In UAA versions prior to 75.3.0

CVE-2021-22001 7.5 - High - July 22, 2021

In UAA versions prior to 75.3.0, sensitive information like relaying secret of the provider was revealed in response when deletion request of an identity provider( IdP) of type oauth 1.0 was sent to UAA server.

Cloud Controller API versions prior to 1.106.0 logs service broker credentials if the default value of db logging config field is changed

CVE-2021-22115 6.5 - Medium - April 08, 2021

Cloud Controller API versions prior to 1.106.0 logs service broker credentials if the default value of db logging config field is changed. CAPI database logs service broker password in plain text whenever a job to clean up orphaned items is run by Cloud Controller.

Insufficiently Protected Credentials

CAPI (Cloud Controller) versions prior to 1.101.0 are vulnerable to a denial-of-service attack in

CVE-2020-5423 7.5 - High - December 02, 2020

CAPI (Cloud Controller) versions prior to 1.101.0 are vulnerable to a denial-of-service attack in which an unauthenticated malicious attacker can send specially-crafted YAML files to certain endpoints, causing the YAML parser to consume excessive CPU and RAM.

Resource Exhaustion

BOSH System Metrics Server releases prior to 0.1.0 exposed the UAA password as a flag to a process running on the BOSH director

CVE-2020-5422 6.5 - Medium - October 02, 2020

BOSH System Metrics Server releases prior to 0.1.0 exposed the UAA password as a flag to a process running on the BOSH director. It exposed the password to any user or process with access to the same VM (through ps or looking at process details).

Exposure of Resource to Wrong Sphere

Cloud Foundry Routing (Gorouter) versions prior to 0.206.0 allow a malicious developer with "cf push" access to cause denial-of-service to the CF cluster by pushing an app

CVE-2020-5420 7.7 - High - September 03, 2020

Cloud Foundry Routing (Gorouter) versions prior to 0.206.0 allow a malicious developer with "cf push" access to cause denial-of-service to the CF cluster by pushing an app that returns specially crafted HTTP responses that crash the Gorouters.

Improper Check for Unusual or Exceptional Conditions

Cloud Foundry CAPI (Cloud Controller) versions prior to 1.98.0

CVE-2020-5418 4.3 - Medium - September 03, 2020

Cloud Foundry CAPI (Cloud Controller) versions prior to 1.98.0 allow authenticated users having only the "" scope, but no roles in any spaces, to list all droplets in all spaces (whereas they should see none).


Cloud Foundry CAPI (Cloud Controller), versions prior to 1.97.0, when used in a deployment where an app domain is also the system domain (which is true in the default CF Deployment manifest), were vulnerable to developers maliciously or accidentally claiming certain sensitive routes, potentially resulting in the developer's app handling some requests

CVE-2020-5417 8.8 - High - August 21, 2020

Cloud Foundry CAPI (Cloud Controller), versions prior to 1.97.0, when used in a deployment where an app domain is also the system domain (which is true in the default CF Deployment manifest), were vulnerable to developers maliciously or accidentally claiming certain sensitive routes, potentially resulting in the developer's app handling some requests that were expected to go to certain system components.

Incorrect Permission Assignment for Critical Resource

Cloud Foundry Routing (Gorouter), versions prior to 0.204.0, when used in a deployment with NGINX reverse proxies in front of the Gorouters, is potentially vulnerable to denial-of-service attacks in which an unauthenticated malicious attacker can send specially-crafted HTTP requests

CVE-2020-5416 6.5 - Medium - August 21, 2020

Cloud Foundry Routing (Gorouter), versions prior to 0.204.0, when used in a deployment with NGINX reverse proxies in front of the Gorouters, is potentially vulnerable to denial-of-service attacks in which an unauthenticated malicious attacker can send specially-crafted HTTP requests that may cause the Gorouters to be dropped from the NGINX backend pool.

Improper Resource Shutdown or Release

Go before 1.13.13 and 1.14.x before 1.14.5 has a data race in some net/http servers, as demonstrated by the httputil.ReverseProxy Handler

CVE-2020-15586 5.9 - Medium - July 17, 2020

Go before 1.13.13 and 1.14.x before 1.14.5 has a data race in some net/http servers, as demonstrated by the httputil.ReverseProxy Handler, because it reads a request body and writes a response at the same time.

Race Condition

Cloud Foundry Cloud Controller (CAPI), versions prior to 1.91.0, logs properties of background jobs when they are run

CVE-2020-5400 6.5 - Medium - February 27, 2020

Cloud Foundry Cloud Controller (CAPI), versions prior to 1.91.0, logs properties of background jobs when they are run, which may include sensitive information such as credentials if provided to the job. A malicious user with access to those logs may gain unauthorized access to resources protected by such credentials.

Insertion of Sensitive Information into Log File

In Cloud Foundry UAA

CVE-2020-5402 8.8 - High - February 27, 2020

In Cloud Foundry UAA, versions prior to 74.14.0, a CSRF vulnerability exists due to the OAuth2 state parameter not being checked in the callback function when authenticating with external identity providers.

Session Riding

Cloud Foundry Routing Release, versions prior to 0.197.0, contains GoRouter, which

CVE-2020-5401 5.3 - Medium - February 27, 2020

Cloud Foundry Routing Release, versions prior to 0.197.0, contains GoRouter, which allows malicious clients to send invalid headers, causing caching layers to reject subsequent legitimate clients trying to access the app.

HTTP Request Smuggling

Cloud Foundry CredHub, versions prior to 2.5.10, connects to a MySQL database without TLS even when configured to use TLS

CVE-2020-5399 7.4 - High - February 12, 2020

Cloud Foundry CredHub, versions prior to 2.5.10, connects to a MySQL database without TLS even when configured to use TLS. A malicious user with access to the network between CredHub and its MySQL database may eavesdrop on database connections and thereby gain unauthorized access to CredHub and other components.

Cleartext Transmission of Sensitive Information

Cloud Foundry Cloud Controller API (CAPI), version 1.88.0

CVE-2019-11294 4.3 - Medium - December 19, 2019

Cloud Foundry Cloud Controller API (CAPI), version 1.88.0, allows space developers to list all global service brokers, including service broker URLs and GUIDs, which should only be accessible to admins.


Cloud Foundry UAA Release

CVE-2019-11293 6.5 - Medium - December 06, 2019

Cloud Foundry UAA Release, versions prior to v74.10.0, when set to logging level DEBUG, logs client_secret credentials when sent as a query parameter. A remote authenticated malicious user could gain access to user credentials via the uaa.log file if authentication is provided via query parameters.

Insertion of Sensitive Information into Log File

Cloud Foundry UAA Release, versions prior to v74.8.0, logs all query parameters to tomcatâs access file

CVE-2019-11290 7.5 - High - November 26, 2019

Cloud Foundry UAA Release, versions prior to v74.8.0, logs all query parameters to tomcatâs access file. If the query parameters are used to provide authentication, ie. credentials, then they will be logged as well.

Information Disclosure

Cloud Foundry Routing, all versions before 0.193.0, does not properly validate nonce input

CVE-2019-11289 8.6 - High - November 19, 2019

Cloud Foundry Routing, all versions before 0.193.0, does not properly validate nonce input. A remote unauthenticated malicious user could forge an HTTP route service request using an invalid nonce that will cause the Gorouter to crash.

Improper Input Validation

Cloud Foundry SMB Volume, versions prior to v2.0.3, accidentally outputs sensitive information to the logs

CVE-2019-11283 8.8 - High - October 23, 2019

Cloud Foundry SMB Volume, versions prior to v2.0.3, accidentally outputs sensitive information to the logs. A remote user with access to the SMB Volume logs can discover the username and password for volumes that have been recently created, allowing the user to take control of the SMB Volume.

Insertion of Sensitive Information into Log File

Cloud Foundry UAA, versions prior to v74.3.0, contains an endpoint that is vulnerable to SCIM injection attack

CVE-2019-11282 4.3 - Medium - October 23, 2019

Cloud Foundry UAA, versions prior to v74.3.0, contains an endpoint that is vulnerable to SCIM injection attack. A remote authenticated malicious user with scim.invite scope can craft a request with malicious content which can leak information about users of the UAA.


CF UAA versions prior to 74.1.0 can request scopes for a client that shouldn't be allowed by submitting an array of requested scopes

CVE-2019-11279 8.8 - High - September 26, 2019

CF UAA versions prior to 74.1.0 can request scopes for a client that shouldn't be allowed by submitting an array of requested scopes. A remote malicious user can escalate their own privileges to any scope, allowing them to take control of UAA and the resources it controls.

Improper Privilege Management

CF UAA versions prior to 74.1.0, allow external input to be directly queried against

CVE-2019-11278 9.8 - Critical - September 26, 2019

CF UAA versions prior to 74.1.0, allow external input to be directly queried against. A remote malicious user with 'client.write' and 'groups.update' can craft a SCIM query, which leaks information that allows an escalation of privileges, ultimately allowing the malicious user to gain control of UAA scopes they should not have.

Improper Input Validation

Cloud Foundry NFS Volume Service, 1.7.x versions prior to 1.7.11 and 2.x versions prior to 2.3.0, is vulnerable to LDAP injection

CVE-2019-11277 8.1 - High - September 23, 2019

Cloud Foundry NFS Volume Service, 1.7.x versions prior to 1.7.11 and 2.x versions prior to 2.3.0, is vulnerable to LDAP injection. A remote authenticated malicious space developer can potentially inject LDAP filters via service instance creation, facilitating the malicious space developer to deny service or perform a dictionary attack.


Cloud Foundry UAA, versions prior to 74.0.0, is vulnerable to an XSS attack

CVE-2019-11274 6.1 - Medium - August 09, 2019

Cloud Foundry UAA, versions prior to 74.0.0, is vulnerable to an XSS attack. A remote unauthenticated malicious attacker could craft a URL that contains a SCIM filter that contains malicious JavaScript, which older browsers may execute.


Cloud Foundry cf-deployment, versions prior to 7.9.0, contain java components

CVE-2019-3801 9.8 - Critical - April 25, 2019

Cloud Foundry cf-deployment, versions prior to 7.9.0, contain java components that are using an insecure protocol to fetch dependencies when building. A remote unauthenticated malicious attacker could hijack the DNS entry for the dependency, and inject malicious code into the component.

Cleartext Transmission of Sensitive Information

Cloud Foundry UAA Release, versions prior to 71.0, allows clients to be configured with an insecure redirect uri

CVE-2019-3788 6.1 - Medium - April 25, 2019

Cloud Foundry UAA Release, versions prior to 71.0, allows clients to be configured with an insecure redirect uri. Given a UAA client was configured with a wildcard in the redirect uri's subdomain, a remote malicious unauthenticated user can craft a phishing link to get a UAA access code from the victim.

Open Redirect

Cloud Foundry BOSH Backup and Restore CLI, all versions prior to 1.5.0, does not check the authenticity of backup scripts in BOSH

CVE-2019-3786 6.5 - Medium - April 24, 2019

Cloud Foundry BOSH Backup and Restore CLI, all versions prior to 1.5.0, does not check the authenticity of backup scripts in BOSH. A remote authenticated malicious user can modify the metadata file of a Bosh Backup and Restore job to request extra backup files from different jobs upon restore. The exploited hooks in this metadata script were only maintained in the cfcr-etcd-release, so clusters deployed with the BBR job for etcd in this release are vulnerable.


Cloud Foundry Routing Release, all versions prior to 0.188.0, contains a vulnerability

CVE-2019-3789 6.5 - Medium - April 24, 2019

Cloud Foundry Routing Release, all versions prior to 0.188.0, contains a vulnerability that can hijack the traffic to route services hosted outside the platform. A user with space developer permissions can create a private domain that shadows the external domain of the route service, and map that route to an app. When the gorouter receives traffic destined for the external route service, this traffic will instead be directed to the internal app using the shadow route.

Permissions, Privileges, and Access Controls

Cloud Foundry Cloud Controller API Release, versions prior to 1.79.0, contains improper authentication when validating user permissions

CVE-2019-3798 7.5 - High - April 17, 2019

Cloud Foundry Cloud Controller API Release, versions prior to 1.79.0, contains improper authentication when validating user permissions. A remote authenticated malicious user with the ability to create UAA clients and knowledge of the email of a victim in the foundation may escalate their privileges to that of the victim by creating a client with a name equal to the guid of their victim.


Cloud Foundry Cloud Controller, versions prior to 1.78.0, contain an endpoint with improper authorization

CVE-2019-3785 8.1 - High - March 13, 2019

Cloud Foundry Cloud Controller, versions prior to 1.78.0, contain an endpoint with improper authorization. A remote authenticated malicious user with read permissions can request package information and receive a signed bit-service url that grants the user write permissions to the bit-service.

Improper Privilege Management

Cloud Foundry Container Runtime, versions prior to 0.28.0, deploys K8s worker nodes

CVE-2019-3780 8.8 - High - March 08, 2019

Cloud Foundry Container Runtime, versions prior to 0.28.0, deploys K8s worker nodes that contains a configuration file with IAAS credentials. A malicious user with access to the k8s nodes can obtain IAAS credentials allowing the user to escalate privileges to gain access to the IAAS account.

Permissions, Privileges, and Access Controls

Cloud Foundry Container Runtime

CVE-2019-3779 8.8 - High - March 08, 2019

Cloud Foundry Container Runtime, versions prior to 0.29.0, deploys Kubernetes clusters utilize the same CA (Certificate Authority) to sign and trust certs for ETCD as used by the Kubernetes API. This could allow a user authenticated with a cluster to request a signed certificate leveraging the Kubernetes CSR capability to obtain a credential that could escalate privilege access to ETCD.

Permissions, Privileges, and Access Controls

Cloud Foundry Stratos, versions prior to 2.3.0, deploys with a public default session store secret

CVE-2019-3783 8.8 - High - March 07, 2019

Cloud Foundry Stratos, versions prior to 2.3.0, deploys with a public default session store secret. A malicious user with default session store secret can brute force another user's current Stratos session, and act on behalf of that user.

Credentials Management Errors

Cloud Foundry Stratos, versions prior to 2.3.0, contains an insecure session that can be spoofed

CVE-2019-3784 6.5 - Medium - March 07, 2019

Cloud Foundry Stratos, versions prior to 2.3.0, contains an insecure session that can be spoofed. When deployed on cloud foundry with multiple instances using the default embedded SQLite database, a remote authenticated malicious user can switch sessions to another user with the same session id.

Session Fixation

Cloud Foundry CLI, versions prior to v6.43.0, improperly exposes passwords when verbose/trace/debugging is turned on

CVE-2019-3781 7.5 - High - March 07, 2019

Cloud Foundry CLI, versions prior to v6.43.0, improperly exposes passwords when verbose/trace/debugging is turned on. A local unauthenticated or remote authenticated malicious user with access to logs may gain part or all of a users password.

Credentials Management Errors

Cloud Foundry UAA, versions prior to v70.0, allows a user to update their own email address

CVE-2019-3775 6.5 - Medium - March 07, 2019

Cloud Foundry UAA, versions prior to v70.0, allows a user to update their own email address. A remote authenticated user can impersonate a different user by changing their email address to that of a different user.


Cloud Foundry CredHub CLI, versions prior to 2.2.1, inadvertently writes authentication credentials provided

CVE-2019-3782 7.8 - High - February 13, 2019

Cloud Foundry CredHub CLI, versions prior to 2.2.1, inadvertently writes authentication credentials provided via environment variables to its persistent config file. A local authenticated malicious user with access to the CredHub CLI config file can use these credentials to retrieve and modify credentials stored in CredHub that are authorized to the targeted user.

Credentials Management Errors

Cloud Foundry Bits Service, versions prior to 2.18.0, includes an information disclosure vulnerability

CVE-2018-15800 6.8 - Medium - December 10, 2018

Cloud Foundry Bits Service, versions prior to 2.18.0, includes an information disclosure vulnerability. A remote malicious user may execute a timing attack to brute-force the signing key, allowing them complete read and write access to the the Bits Service storage.

Information Disclosure

Cloud Foundry CF Networking Release

CVE-2018-15755 8.8 - High - October 12, 2018

Cloud Foundry CF Networking Release, versions 2.11.0 prior to 2.16.0, contain an internal api endpoint vulnerable to SQL injection between Diego cells and the policy server. A remote authenticated malicious user with mTLS certs can issue arbitrary SQL queries and gain access to the policy server.

SQL Injection

Cloud Foundry BOSH, versions v264 prior to v264.14.0 and v265 prior to v265.7.0 and v266 prior to v266.8.0 and v267 prior to v267.2.0

CVE-2018-11083 8.1 - High - October 05, 2018

Cloud Foundry BOSH, versions v264 prior to v264.14.0 and v265 prior to v265.7.0 and v266 prior to v266.8.0 and v267 prior to v267.2.0, allows refresh tokens to be as access tokens when using UAA for authentication. A remote attacker with an admin refresh token given by UAA can be used to access BOSH resources without obtaining an access token, even if their user no longer has access to those resources.

Cloud Foundry Garden-runC release, versions prior to 1.16.1, prevents deletion of some app environments based on file attributes

CVE-2018-11084 6.5 - Medium - September 18, 2018

Cloud Foundry Garden-runC release, versions prior to 1.16.1, prevents deletion of some app environments based on file attributes. A remote authenticated malicious user may create and delete apps with crafted file attributes to cause a denial of service for new app instances or scaling up of existing apps.

Cloud Foundry Loggregator

CVE-2018-1269 6.5 - Medium - June 06, 2018

Cloud Foundry Loggregator, versions 89.x prior to 89.5 or 96.x prior to 96.1 or 99.x prior to 99.1 or 101.x prior to 101.9 or 102.x prior to 102.2, does not handle errors thrown while constructing certain http requests. A remote authenticated user may construct malicious requests to cause the traffic controller to leave dangling TCP connections, which could cause denial of service.

Improper Handling of Exceptional Conditions

Cloud Foundry Loggregator

CVE-2018-1268 6.8 - Medium - June 06, 2018

Cloud Foundry Loggregator, versions 89.x prior to 89.5 or 96.x prior to 96.1 or 99.x prior to 99.1 or 101.x prior to 101.9 or 102.x prior to 102.2, does not validate app GUID structure in requests. A remote authenticated malicious user knowing the GUID of an app may construct malicious requests to read from or write to the logs of that app.

Improper Input Validation

Cloud Foundry Diego, release versions prior to 2.8.0, does not properly sanitize file paths in tar and zip files headers

CVE-2018-1265 7.2 - High - June 06, 2018

Cloud Foundry Diego, release versions prior to 2.8.0, does not properly sanitize file paths in tar and zip files headers. A remote attacker with CF admin privileges can upload a malicious buildpack that will allow a complete takeover of a Diego Cell VM and access to all apps running on that Diego Cell.

Unrestricted File Upload

Cloud Foundry routing-release, versions prior to 0.175.0, lacks sanitization for user-provided X-Forwarded-Proto headers

CVE-2018-1193 5.3 - Medium - May 23, 2018

Cloud Foundry routing-release, versions prior to 0.175.0, lacks sanitization for user-provided X-Forwarded-Proto headers. A remote user can set the X-Forwarded-Proto header in a request to potentially bypass an application requirement to only respond over secure connections.

Cloud Foundry Foundation UAA, versions 4.12.X and 4.13.X, introduced a feature which could

CVE-2018-1262 7.2 - High - May 15, 2018

Cloud Foundry Foundation UAA, versions 4.12.X and 4.13.X, introduced a feature which could allow privilege escalation across identity zones for clients performing offline validation. A zone administrator could configure their zone to issue tokens which impersonate another zone, granting up to admin privileges in the impersonated zone for clients performing offline token validation.

Cloud Foundry Garden-runC, versions prior to 1.13.0, does not correctly enforce disc quotas for Docker image layers

CVE-2018-1277 6.5 - Medium - April 30, 2018

Cloud Foundry Garden-runC, versions prior to 1.13.0, does not correctly enforce disc quotas for Docker image layers. A remote authenticated user may push an app with a malicious Docker image that will consume more space on a Diego cell than allocated in their quota, potentially causing a DoS against the cell.

Resource Exhaustion

Cloud Foundry Garden-runC, versions prior to 1.11.0, contains an information exposure vulnerability

CVE-2018-1191 8.8 - High - March 29, 2018

Cloud Foundry Garden-runC, versions prior to 1.11.0, contains an information exposure vulnerability. A user with access to Garden logs may be able to obtain leaked credentials and perform authenticated actions using those credentials.

Information Disclosure

Cloud Foundry Silk CNI plugin, versions prior to 0.2.0, contains an improper access control vulnerability

CVE-2018-1267 8.1 - High - March 27, 2018

Cloud Foundry Silk CNI plugin, versions prior to 0.2.0, contains an improper access control vulnerability. If the platform is configured with an application security group (ASG) that overlaps with the Silk overlay network, any applications can reach any other application on the network regardless of the configured routing policies.

Incorrect Permission Assignment for Critical Resource

Cloud Foundry Cloud Controller, versions prior to 1.52.0, contains information disclosure and path traversal vulnerabilities

CVE-2018-1266 8.1 - High - March 27, 2018

Cloud Foundry Cloud Controller, versions prior to 1.52.0, contains information disclosure and path traversal vulnerabilities. An authenticated malicious user can predict the location of application blobs and leverage path traversal to create a malicious application that has the ability to overwrite arbitrary files on the Cloud Controller instance.

Directory traversal

In cf-deployment before 1.14.0 and routing-release before 0.172.0

CVE-2018-1221 8.1 - High - March 19, 2018

In cf-deployment before 1.14.0 and routing-release before 0.172.0, the Cloud Foundry Gorouter mishandles WebSocket requests for AWS Application Load Balancers (ALBs) and some other HTTP-aware Load Balancers. A user with developer privileges could use this vulnerability to steal data or cause denial of service.

Improper Input Validation

In Cloud Controller versions prior to 1.46.0

CVE-2018-1195 8.8 - High - March 19, 2018

In Cloud Controller versions prior to 1.46.0, cf-deployment versions prior to 1.3.0, and cf-release versions prior to 283, Cloud Controller accepts refresh tokens for authentication where access tokens are expected. This exposes a vulnerability where a refresh token that would otherwise be insufficient to obtain an access token, either due to lack of client credentials or revocation, would allow authentication.

Insufficient Session Expiration

An issue was discovered in these Pivotal Cloud Foundry products: all versions prior to cf-release v270

CVE-2018-1190 6.1 - Medium - January 04, 2018

An issue was discovered in these Pivotal Cloud Foundry products: all versions prior to cf-release v270, UAA v3.x prior to v3.20.2, and UAA bosh v30.x versions prior to v30.8 and all other versions prior to v45.0. A cross-site scripting (XSS) attack is possible in the clientId parameter of a request to the UAA OpenID Connect check session iframe endpoint used for single logout session management.


An issue was discovered in Cloud Foundry Foundation capi-release (all versions prior to 1.45.0)

CVE-2017-14389 6.5 - Medium - November 28, 2017

An issue was discovered in Cloud Foundry Foundation capi-release (all versions prior to 1.45.0), cf-release (all versions prior to v280), and cf-deployment (all versions prior to v1.0.0). The Cloud Controller does not prevent space developers from creating subdomains to an already existing route that belongs to a different user in a different org and space, aka an "Application Subdomain Takeover."

An issue was discovered in Cloud Foundry Foundation cf-release (all versions prior to v279) and UAA (30.x versions prior to 30.6

CVE-2017-8031 5.3 - Medium - November 27, 2017

An issue was discovered in Cloud Foundry Foundation cf-release (all versions prior to v279) and UAA (30.x versions prior to 30.6, 45.x versions prior to 45.4, 52.x versions prior to 52.1). In some cases, the UAA allows an authenticated user for a particular client to revoke client tokens for other users on the same client. This occurs only if the client is using opaque tokens or JWT tokens validated using the check_token endpoint. A malicious actor could cause denial of service.

Cloud Foundry Runtime cf-release before 216, UAA before 2.5.2, and Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) Elastic Runtime before 1.7.0

CVE-2015-5173 8.8 - High - October 24, 2017

Cloud Foundry Runtime cf-release before 216, UAA before 2.5.2, and Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) Elastic Runtime before 1.7.0 allow attackers to have unspecified impact via vectors involving emails with password recovery links, aka "Cross Domain Referer Leakage."

Information Disclosure

Cloud Foundry Runtime cf-release before 216, UAA before 2.5.2, and Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) Elastic Runtime before 1.7.0

CVE-2015-5172 9.8 - Critical - October 24, 2017

Cloud Foundry Runtime cf-release before 216, UAA before 2.5.2, and Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) Elastic Runtime before 1.7.0 allow attackers to have unspecified impact by leveraging failure to expire password reset links.

Weak Password Recovery Mechanism for Forgotten Password

The password change functionality in Cloud Foundry Runtime cf-release before 216, UAA before 2.5.2, and Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) Elastic Runtime before 1.7.0

CVE-2015-5171 9.8 - Critical - October 24, 2017

The password change functionality in Cloud Foundry Runtime cf-release before 216, UAA before 2.5.2, and Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) Elastic Runtime before 1.7.0 allow attackers to have unspecified impact by leveraging failure to expire existing sessions.

Insufficient Session Expiration

Cloud Foundry Runtime cf-release before 216, UAA before 2.5.2, and Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) Elastic Runtime before 1.7.0

CVE-2015-5170 8.8 - High - October 24, 2017

Cloud Foundry Runtime cf-release before 216, UAA before 2.5.2, and Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) Elastic Runtime before 1.7.0 allow remote attackers to conduct cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks on PWS and log a user into an arbitrary account by leveraging lack of CSRF checks.

Session Riding

In Cloud Foundry router routing-release all versions prior to v0.163.0 and cf-release all versions prior to v274, in some applications, it is possible to append a combination of characters to the URL

CVE-2017-8047 6.1 - Medium - October 04, 2017

In Cloud Foundry router routing-release all versions prior to v0.163.0 and cf-release all versions prior to v274, in some applications, it is possible to append a combination of characters to the URL that will allow for an open redirect. An attacker could exploit this as a phishing attack to gain access to user credentials or other sensitive data. NOTE: 274 resolves the vulnerability but has a serious bug that is fixed in 275.

Open Redirect

In Cloud Foundry capi-release versions 1.33.0 and later, prior to 1.42.0 and cf-release versions 268 and later, prior to 274, the original fix for CVE-2017-8033 introduces an API regression

CVE-2017-8048 7.8 - High - October 04, 2017

In Cloud Foundry capi-release versions 1.33.0 and later, prior to 1.42.0 and cf-release versions 268 and later, prior to 274, the original fix for CVE-2017-8033 introduces an API regression that allows a space developer to execute arbitrary code on the Cloud Controller VM by pushing a specially crafted application. NOTE: 274 resolves the vulnerability but has a serious bug that is fixed in 275.

The identity zones feature in Pivotal Cloud Foundry 208 through 229; UAA 2.0.0 through 2.7.3 and 3.0.0; UAA-Release 2 through 4, when configured with multiple identity zones; and Elastic Runtime 1.6.0 through 1.6.13

CVE-2016-0732 8.8 - High - September 07, 2017

The identity zones feature in Pivotal Cloud Foundry 208 through 229; UAA 2.0.0 through 2.7.3 and 3.0.0; UAA-Release 2 through 4, when configured with multiple identity zones; and Elastic Runtime 1.6.0 through 1.6.13 allows remote authenticated users with privileges in one zone to gain privileges and perform operations on a different zone via unspecified vectors.

Improper Privilege Management

An issue was discovered in the Cloud Controller API in Cloud Foundry Foundation CAPI-release versions prior to v1.35.0 and cf-release versions prior to v268

CVE-2017-8033 7.8 - High - July 25, 2017

An issue was discovered in the Cloud Controller API in Cloud Foundry Foundation CAPI-release versions prior to v1.35.0 and cf-release versions prior to v268. A filesystem traversal vulnerability exists in the Cloud Controller that allows a space developer to escalate privileges by pushing a specially crafted application that can write arbitrary files to the Cloud Controller VM.

Directory traversal

An issue was discovered in the Cloud Controller API in Cloud Foundry Foundation CAPI-release versions after v1.6.0 and prior to v1.35.0 and cf-release versions after v244 and prior to v268

CVE-2017-8035 7.5 - High - July 25, 2017

An issue was discovered in the Cloud Controller API in Cloud Foundry Foundation CAPI-release versions after v1.6.0 and prior to v1.35.0 and cf-release versions after v244 and prior to v268. A carefully crafted CAPI request from a Space Developer can allow them to gain access to files on the Cloud Controller VM for that installation.

Information Disclosure

An issue was discovered in the Cloud Controller API in Cloud Foundry Foundation CAPI-release version 1.33.0 (only)

CVE-2017-8036 7.8 - High - July 24, 2017

An issue was discovered in the Cloud Controller API in Cloud Foundry Foundation CAPI-release version 1.33.0 (only). The original fix for CVE-2017-8033 included in CAPI-release 1.33.0 introduces a regression that allows a space developer to execute arbitrary code on the Cloud Controller VM by pushing a specially crafted application.

In Cloud Foundry cf-release versions prior to v264; UAA release all versions of UAA v2.x.x

CVE-2017-8032 6.6 - Medium - July 10, 2017

In Cloud Foundry cf-release versions prior to v264; UAA release all versions of UAA v2.x.x, 3.6.x versions prior to v3.6.13, 3.9.x versions prior to v3.9.15, 3.20.x versions prior to v3.20.0, and other versions prior to v4.4.0; and UAA bosh release (uaa-release) 13.x versions prior to v13.17, 24.x versions prior to v24.12. 30.x versions prior to 30.5, and other versions prior to v41, zone administrators are allowed to escalate their privileges when mapping permissions for an external provider.

Improper Privilege Management

An issue was discovered in Cloud Foundry Foundation cf-release versions prior to 250 and CAPI-release versions prior to 1.12.0

CVE-2016-8219 6.5 - Medium - June 13, 2017

An issue was discovered in Cloud Foundry Foundation cf-release versions prior to 250 and CAPI-release versions prior to 1.12.0. A user with the SpaceAuditor role is over-privileged with the ability to restage applications. This could cause application downtime if the restage fails.

Improper Privilege Management

An issue was discovered in Cloud Foundry Foundation cf-release versions prior to v258; UAA release 2.x versions prior to v2.7.4.15

CVE-2017-4974 6.5 - Medium - June 13, 2017

An issue was discovered in Cloud Foundry Foundation cf-release versions prior to v258; UAA release 2.x versions prior to v2.7.4.15, 3.6.x versions prior to v3.6.9, 3.9.x versions prior to v3.9.11, and other versions prior to v3.16.0; and UAA bosh release (uaa-release) 13.x versions prior to v13.13, 24.x versions prior to v24.8, and other versions prior to v30.1. An authorized user can use a blind SQL injection attack to query the contents of the UAA database, aka "Blind SQL Injection with privileged UAA endpoints."

SQL Injection

An issue was discovered in Cloud Foundry Foundation cf-release versions prior to v260; UAA release 2.x versions prior to v2.7.4.16

CVE-2017-4991 7.2 - High - June 13, 2017

An issue was discovered in Cloud Foundry Foundation cf-release versions prior to v260; UAA release 2.x versions prior to v2.7.4.16, 3.6.x versions prior to v3.6.10, 3.9.x versions prior to v3.9.12, and other versions prior to v3.17.0; and UAA bosh release (uaa-release) 13.x versions prior to v13.14, 24.x versions prior to v24.9, 30.x versions prior to 30.2, and other versions prior to v36. Privileged users in one zone are allowed to perform a password reset for users in a different zone.

Improper Privilege Management

An issue was discovered in Cloud Foundry Foundation cf-release versions prior to v257; UAA release 2.x versions prior to v2.7.4.14

CVE-2017-4973 8.8 - High - June 13, 2017

An issue was discovered in Cloud Foundry Foundation cf-release versions prior to v257; UAA release 2.x versions prior to v2.7.4.14, 3.6.x versions prior to v3.6.8, 3.9.x versions prior to v3.9.10, and other versions prior to v3.15.0; and UAA bosh release (uaa-release) 13.x versions prior to v13.12, 24.x versions prior to v24.7, and other versions prior to v30. A vulnerability has been identified with the groups endpoint in UAA allowing users to elevate their privileges.

Improper Privilege Management

An issue was discovered in Cloud Foundry Foundation cf-release versions prior to v257; UAA release 2.x versions prior to v2.7.4.14

CVE-2017-4972 7.5 - High - June 13, 2017

An issue was discovered in Cloud Foundry Foundation cf-release versions prior to v257; UAA release 2.x versions prior to v2.7.4.14, 3.6.x versions prior to v3.6.8, 3.9.x versions prior to v3.9.10, and other versions prior to v3.15.0; and UAA bosh release (uaa-release) 13.x versions prior to v13.12, 24.x versions prior to v24.7, and other versions prior to v30. An attacker can use a blind SQL injection attack to query the contents of the UAA database.

SQL Injection

An issue was discovered in Cloud Foundry Foundation cf-release versions prior to v261; UAA release 2.x versions prior to v2.7.4.17

CVE-2017-4992 9.8 - Critical - June 13, 2017

An issue was discovered in Cloud Foundry Foundation cf-release versions prior to v261; UAA release 2.x versions prior to v2.7.4.17, 3.6.x versions prior to v3.6.11, 3.9.x versions prior to v3.9.13, and other versions prior to v4.2.0; and UAA bosh release (uaa-release) 13.x versions prior to v13.15, 24.x versions prior to v24.10, 30.x versions prior to 30.3, and other versions prior to v37. There is privilege escalation (arbitrary password reset) with user invitations.

Improper Privilege Management

An issue was discovered in Cloud Foundry Foundation cf-release versions prior to v263; UAA release 2.x versions prior to v2.7.4.18

CVE-2017-4994 7.5 - High - June 13, 2017

An issue was discovered in Cloud Foundry Foundation cf-release versions prior to v263; UAA release 2.x versions prior to v2.7.4.18, 3.6.x versions prior to v3.6.12, 3.9.x versions prior to v3.9.14, and other versions prior to v4.3.0; and UAA bosh release (uaa-release) 13.x versions prior to v13.16, 24.x versions prior to v24.11, 30.x versions prior to 30.4, and other versions prior to v40. There was an issue with forwarded http headers in UAA that could result in account corruption.

Improper Input Validation

Cloud Foundry Garden-Linux versions prior to v0.333.0 and Elastic Runtime 1.6.x version prior to 1.6.17 contain a flaw in managing container files during Docker image preparation

CVE-2016-0761 9.8 - Critical - May 25, 2017

Cloud Foundry Garden-Linux versions prior to v0.333.0 and Elastic Runtime 1.6.x version prior to 1.6.17 contain a flaw in managing container files during Docker image preparation that could be used to delete, corrupt or overwrite host files and directories, including other container filesystems on the host.

Data Processing Errors

The UAA reset password flow in Cloud Foundry release v236 and earlier versions

CVE-2016-3084 8.1 - High - May 25, 2017

The UAA reset password flow in Cloud Foundry release v236 and earlier versions, UAA release v3.3.0 and earlier versions, all versions of Login-server, UAA release v10 and earlier versions and Pivotal Elastic Runtime versions prior to 1.7.2 is vulnerable to a brute force attack due to multiple active codes at a given time. This vulnerability is applicable only when using the UAA internal user store for authentication. Deployments enabled for integration via SAML or LDAP are not affected.

Permissions, Privileges, and Access Controls

The UAA OAuth approval pages in Cloud Foundry v208 to v231

CVE-2016-0781 6.1 - Medium - May 25, 2017

The UAA OAuth approval pages in Cloud Foundry v208 to v231, Login-server v1.6 to v1.14, UAA v2.0.0 to v2.7.4.1, UAA v3.0.0 to v3.2.0, UAA-Release v2 to v7 and Pivotal Elastic Runtime 1.6.x versions prior to 1.6.20 are vulnerable to an XSS attack by specifying malicious java script content in either the OAuth scopes (SCIM groups) or SCIM group descriptions.


The Loggregator Traffic Controller endpoints in cf-release v231 and lower

CVE-2016-2165 6.5 - Medium - May 25, 2017

The Loggregator Traffic Controller endpoints in cf-release v231 and lower, Pivotal Elastic Runtime versions prior to 1.5.19 AND 1.6.x versions prior to 1.6.20 are not cleansing request URL paths when they are invalid and are returning them in the 404 response. This could allow malicious scripts to be written directly into the 404 response.

Improper Input Validation

A path traversal vulnerability was identified in the Cloud Foundry component Cloud Controller

CVE-2015-1834 6.5 - Medium - May 25, 2017

A path traversal vulnerability was identified in the Cloud Foundry component Cloud Controller that affects cf-release versions prior to v208 and Pivotal Cloud Foundry Elastic Runtime versions prior to 1.4.2. Path traversal is the 'outbreak' of a given directory structure through relative file paths in the user input. It aims at accessing files and directories that are stored outside the web root folder, for disallowed reading or even executing arbitrary system commands. An attacker could use a certain parameter of the file path for instance to inject '../' sequences in order to navigate through the file system. In this particular case a remote authenticated attacker can exploit the identified vulnerability in order to upload arbitrary files to the server running a Cloud Controller instance - outside the isolated application container.

Directory traversal

With Cloud Foundry Runtime cf-release versions v208 or earlier

CVE-2015-3189 3.7 - Low - May 25, 2017

With Cloud Foundry Runtime cf-release versions v208 or earlier, UAA Standalone versions 2.2.5 or earlier and Pivotal Cloud Foundry Runtime 1.4.5 or earlier, old Password Reset Links are not expired after the user changes their current email address to a new one. This vulnerability is applicable only when using the UAA internal user store for authentication. Deployments enabled for integration via SAML or LDAP are not affected.

Weak Password Recovery Mechanism for Forgotten Password

With Cloud Foundry Runtime cf-release versions v209 or earlier, UAA Standalone versions 2.2.6 or earlier and Pivotal Cloud Foundry Runtime 1.4.5 or earlier the UAA logout link is susceptible to an open redirect which

CVE-2015-3190 6.1 - Medium - May 25, 2017

With Cloud Foundry Runtime cf-release versions v209 or earlier, UAA Standalone versions 2.2.6 or earlier and Pivotal Cloud Foundry Runtime 1.4.5 or earlier the UAA logout link is susceptible to an open redirect which allows an attacker to insert malicious web page as a redirect parameter.

Open Redirect

With Cloud Foundry Runtime cf-release versions v209 or earlier

CVE-2015-3191 8.8 - High - May 25, 2017

With Cloud Foundry Runtime cf-release versions v209 or earlier, UAA Standalone versions 2.2.6 or earlier and Pivotal Cloud Foundry Runtime 1.4.5 or earlier the change_email form in UAA is vulnerable to a CSRF attack. This allows an attacker to trigger an e-mail change for a user logged into a cloud foundry instance via a malicious link on a attacker controlled site. This vulnerability is applicable only when using the UAA internal user store for authentication. Deployments enabled for integration via SAML or LDAP are not affected.

Session Riding

It was discovered that cf-release v231 and lower

CVE-2016-0780 7.5 - High - May 25, 2017

It was discovered that cf-release v231 and lower, Pivotal Cloud Foundry Elastic Runtime 1.5.x versions prior to 1.5.17 and Pivotal Cloud Foundry Elastic Runtime 1.6.x versions prior to 1.6.18 do not properly enforce disk quotas in certain cases. An attacker could use an improper disk quota value to bypass enforcement and consume all the disk on DEAs/CELLs causing a potential denial of service for other applications.

Resource Management Errors

SQL injection vulnerability in Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) before 238; UAA 2.x before, 3.x before, and 3.4.x before 3.4.1; UAA BOSH before 11.2 and 12.x before 12.2; Elastic Runtime before 1.6.29 and 1.7.x before 1.7.7; and Ops Manager 1.7.x before 1.7.8

CVE-2016-4468 8.8 - High - April 11, 2017

SQL injection vulnerability in Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) before 238; UAA 2.x before, 3.x before, and 3.4.x before 3.4.1; UAA BOSH before 11.2 and 12.x before 12.2; Elastic Runtime before 1.6.29 and 1.7.x before 1.7.7; and Ops Manager 1.7.x before 1.7.8 allows remote authenticated users to execute arbitrary SQL commands via unspecified vectors.

SQL Injection

Cloud Foundry Foundation BOSH Azure CPI v22 could potentially

CVE-2017-4964 8.8 - High - April 06, 2017

Cloud Foundry Foundation BOSH Azure CPI v22 could potentially allow a maliciously crafted stemcell to execute arbitrary code on VMs created by the director, aka a "CPI code injection vulnerability."

Code Injection

An issue was discovered in Cloud Foundry release v247 through v252

CVE-2017-4960 7.5 - High - March 10, 2017

An issue was discovered in Cloud Foundry release v247 through v252, UAA stand-alone release v3.9.0 through v3.11.0, and UAA Bosh Release v21 through v26. There is a potential to subject the UAA OAuth clients to a denial of service attack.

An issue was discovered in Cloud Foundry Foundation cf-release versions prior to v250 and CAPI-release versions prior to v1.12.0

CVE-2016-9882 7.5 - High - January 13, 2017

An issue was discovered in Cloud Foundry Foundation cf-release versions prior to v250 and CAPI-release versions prior to v1.12.0. Cloud Foundry logs the credentials returned from service brokers in Cloud Controller system component logs. These logs are written to disk and often sent to a log aggregator via syslog.

Insertion of Sensitive Information into Log File

Cloud Foundry before 248; UAA 2.x before, 3.x before 3.6.5, and 3.7.x through 3.9.x before 3.9.3; and UAA bosh release (aka uaa-release) before 13.9 for UAA 3.6.5 and before 24 for UAA 3.9.3 allow attackers to gain privileges by accessing UAA logs and subsequently running a specially crafted application

CVE-2016-6659 8.1 - High - December 23, 2016

Cloud Foundry before 248; UAA 2.x before, 3.x before 3.6.5, and 3.7.x through 3.9.x before 3.9.3; and UAA bosh release (aka uaa-release) before 13.9 for UAA 3.6.5 and before 24 for UAA 3.9.3 allow attackers to gain privileges by accessing UAA logs and subsequently running a specially crafted application that interacts with a configured SAML provider.


The OAuth authorization implementation in Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) before 242; UAA 2.x before, 3.x before, and 3.4.x before 3.4.4; UAA BOSH before 11.5 and 12.x before 12.5; Elastic Runtime before 1.6.40, 1.7.x before 1.7.21, and 1.8.x before 1.8.1; and Ops Manager 1.7.x before 1.7.13 and 1.8.x before 1.8.1 mishandles redirect_uri subdomains, which

CVE-2016-6636 5.3 - Medium - September 30, 2016

The OAuth authorization implementation in Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) before 242; UAA 2.x before, 3.x before, and 3.4.x before 3.4.4; UAA BOSH before 11.5 and 12.x before 12.5; Elastic Runtime before 1.6.40, 1.7.x before 1.7.21, and 1.8.x before 1.8.1; and Ops Manager 1.7.x before 1.7.13 and 1.8.x before 1.8.1 mishandles redirect_uri subdomains, which allows remote attackers to obtain implicit access tokens via a modified subdomain.

Open Redirect

Multiple cross-site request forgery (CSRF) vulnerabilities in Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) before 242; UAA 2.x before, 3.x before, and 3.4.x before 3.4.4; UAA BOSH before 11.5 and 12.x before 12.5; Elastic Runtime before 1.6.40, 1.7.x before 1.7.21, and 1.8.x before 1.8.2; and Ops Manager 1.7.x before 1.7.13 and 1.8.x before 1.8.1 allow remote attackers to hijack the authentication of unspecified victims for requests

CVE-2016-6637 9.6 - Critical - September 30, 2016

Multiple cross-site request forgery (CSRF) vulnerabilities in Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) before 242; UAA 2.x before, 3.x before, and 3.4.x before 3.4.4; UAA BOSH before 11.5 and 12.x before 12.5; Elastic Runtime before 1.6.40, 1.7.x before 1.7.21, and 1.8.x before 1.8.2; and Ops Manager 1.7.x before 1.7.13 and 1.8.x before 1.8.1 allow remote attackers to hijack the authentication of unspecified victims for requests that approve or deny a scope via a profile or authorize approval page.

Session Riding

The UAA /oauth/token endpoint in Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) before 243; UAA 2.x before, 3.x before, and 3.4.x before 3.4.5; UAA BOSH before 11.7 and 12.x before 12.6; Elastic Runtime before 1.6.40, 1.7.x before 1.7.21, and 1.8.x before 1.8.2; and Ops Manager 1.7.x before 1.7.13 and 1.8.x before 1.8.1

CVE-2016-6651 8.8 - High - September 30, 2016

The UAA /oauth/token endpoint in Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) before 243; UAA 2.x before, 3.x before, and 3.4.x before 3.4.5; UAA BOSH before 11.7 and 12.x before 12.6; Elastic Runtime before 1.6.40, 1.7.x before 1.7.21, and 1.8.x before 1.8.2; and Ops Manager 1.7.x before 1.7.13 and 1.8.x before 1.8.1 allows remote authenticated users to gain privileges by leveraging possession of a token.

Permissions, Privileges, and Access Controls

Cloud Foundry PHP Buildpack (aka php-buildpack) before 4.3.18 and PHP Buildpack Cf-release before 242, as used in Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) Elastic Runtime before 1.6.38 and 1.7.x before 1.7.19 and other products, place the .profile file in the htdocs directory, which might

CVE-2016-6639 7.5 - High - September 18, 2016

Cloud Foundry PHP Buildpack (aka php-buildpack) before 4.3.18 and PHP Buildpack Cf-release before 242, as used in Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) Elastic Runtime before 1.6.38 and 1.7.x before 1.7.19 and other products, place the .profile file in the htdocs directory, which might allow remote attackers to obtain sensitive information via an HTTP GET request for this file.

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