Xalan Java Apache Xalan Java

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By the Year

In 2025 there have been 0 vulnerabilities in Apache Xalan Java. Xalan Java did not have any published security vulnerabilities last year.

Year Vulnerabilities Average Score
2025 0 0.00
2024 0 0.00
2023 0 0.00
2022 1 7.50
2021 0 0.00
2020 0 0.00
2019 0 0.00
2018 0 0.00

It may take a day or so for new Xalan Java vulnerabilities to show up in the stats or in the list of recent security vulnerabilties. Additionally vulnerabilities may be tagged under a different product or component name.

Recent Apache Xalan Java Security Vulnerabilities

The Apache Xalan Java XSLT library is vulnerable to an integer truncation issue when processing malicious XSLT stylesheets

CVE-2022-34169 7.5 - High - July 19, 2022

The Apache Xalan Java XSLT library is vulnerable to an integer truncation issue when processing malicious XSLT stylesheets. This can be used to corrupt Java class files generated by the internal XSLTC compiler and execute arbitrary Java bytecode. Users are recommended to update to version 2.7.3 or later. Note: Java runtimes (such as OpenJDK) include repackaged copies of Xalan.

Incorrect Conversion between Numeric Types

The TransformerFactory in Apache Xalan-Java before 2.7.2 does not properly restrict access to certain properties when FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING is enabled, which allows remote attackers to bypass expected restrictions and load arbitrary classes or access external resources via a crafted (1) xalan:content-header, (2) xalan:entities, (3) xslt:content-header, or (4) xslt:entities property, or a Java property

CVE-2014-0107 - April 15, 2014

The TransformerFactory in Apache Xalan-Java before 2.7.2 does not properly restrict access to certain properties when FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING is enabled, which allows remote attackers to bypass expected restrictions and load arbitrary classes or access external resources via a crafted (1) xalan:content-header, (2) xalan:entities, (3) xslt:content-header, or (4) xslt:entities property, or a Java property that is bound to the XSLT 1.0 system-property function.

Permissions, Privileges, and Access Controls

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