Snapd Canonical Snapd

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Recent Canonical Snapd Security Advisories

Advisory Title Published
USN-6125-1 USN-6125-1: snapd vulnerability May 31, 2023
USN-6030-1 USN-6030-1: Linux kernel (Qualcomm Snapdragon) vulnerabilities April 19, 2023
USN-5862-1 USN-5862-1: Linux kernel (Qualcomm Snapdragon) vulnerabilities February 9, 2023
USN-5753-1 USN-5753-1: snapd vulnerability December 1, 2022
USN-5292-4 USN-5292-4: snapd regression February 24, 2022
USN-5292-3 USN-5292-3: snapd vulnerabilities February 18, 2022
USN-5292-2 USN-5292-2: snapd vulnerabilities February 18, 2022
USN-5292-1 USN-5292-1: snapd vulnerabilities February 17, 2022

By the Year

In 2024 there have been 1 vulnerability in Canonical Snapd with an average score of 7.0 out of ten. Last year Snapd had 1 security vulnerability published. At the current rates, it appears that the number of vulnerabilities last year and this year may equal out. Last year, the average CVE base score was greater by 3.00

Year Vulnerabilities Average Score
2024 1 7.00
2023 1 10.00
2022 4 7.48
2021 0 0.00
2020 1 6.80
2019 4 8.08
2018 0 0.00

It may take a day or so for new Snapd vulnerabilities to show up in the stats or in the list of recent security vulnerabilties. Additionally vulnerabilities may be tagged under a different product or component name.

Recent Canonical Snapd Security Vulnerabilities

Race condition in snap-confine's must_mkdir_and_open_with_perms()

CVE-2022-3328 7 - High - January 08, 2024

Race condition in snap-confine's must_mkdir_and_open_with_perms()

Race Condition

Using the TIOCLINUX ioctl request, a malicious snap could inject contents into the input of the controlling terminal which could

CVE-2023-1523 10 - Critical - September 01, 2023

Using the TIOCLINUX ioctl request, a malicious snap could inject contents into the input of the controlling terminal which could allow it to cause arbitrary commands to be executed outside of the snap sandbox after the snap exits. Graphical terminal emulators like xterm, gnome-terminal and others are not affected - this can only be exploited when snaps are run on a virtual console.


snapd 2.54.2 and earlier created ~/snap directories in user home directories without specifying owner-only permissions

CVE-2021-3155 5.5 - Medium - February 17, 2022

snapd 2.54.2 and earlier created ~/snap directories in user home directories without specifying owner-only permissions. This could allow a local attacker to read information that should have been private. Fixed in snapd versions 2.54.3+18.04, 2.54.3+20.04 and 2.54.3+21.10.1

Incorrect Default Permissions

A race condition existed in the snapd 2.54.2 snap-confine binary when preparing a private mount namespace for a snap

CVE-2021-44731 7.8 - High - February 17, 2022

A race condition existed in the snapd 2.54.2 snap-confine binary when preparing a private mount namespace for a snap. This could allow a local attacker to gain root privileges by bind-mounting their own contents inside the snap's private mount namespace and causing snap-confine to execute arbitrary code and hence gain privilege escalation. Fixed in snapd versions 2.54.3+18.04, 2.54.3+20.04 and 2.54.3+21.10.1

Race Condition

snapd 2.54.2 did not properly validate the location of the snap-confine binary

CVE-2021-44730 8.8 - High - February 17, 2022

snapd 2.54.2 did not properly validate the location of the snap-confine binary. A local attacker who can hardlink this binary to another location to cause snap-confine to execute other arbitrary binaries and hence gain privilege escalation. Fixed in snapd versions 2.54.3+18.04, 2.54.3+20.04 and 2.54.3+21.10.1

insecure temporary file

snapd 2.54.2 fails to perform sufficient validation of snap content interface and layout paths, resulting in the ability for snaps to inject arbitrary AppArmor policy rules

CVE-2021-4120 7.8 - High - February 17, 2022

snapd 2.54.2 fails to perform sufficient validation of snap content interface and layout paths, resulting in the ability for snaps to inject arbitrary AppArmor policy rules via malformed content interface and layout declarations and hence escape strict snap confinement. Fixed in snapd versions 2.54.3+18.04, 2.54.3+20.04 and 2.54.3+21.10.1

Improper Input Validation

cloud-init as managed by snapd on Ubuntu Core 16 and Ubuntu Core 18 devices was run without restrictions on every boot, which a physical attacker could exploit by crafting cloud-init user-data/meta-data

CVE-2020-11933 6.8 - Medium - July 29, 2020

cloud-init as managed by snapd on Ubuntu Core 16 and Ubuntu Core 18 devices was run without restrictions on every boot, which a physical attacker could exploit by crafting cloud-init user-data/meta-data via external media to perform arbitrary changes on the device to bypass intended security mechanisms such as full disk encryption. This issue did not affect traditional Ubuntu systems. Fixed in snapd version 2.45.2, revision 8539 and core version 2.45.2, revision 9659.

snap-confine in snapd before 2.38 incorrectly set the ownership of a snap application to the uid and gid of the first calling user

CVE-2019-11502 7.5 - High - April 24, 2019

snap-confine in snapd before 2.38 incorrectly set the ownership of a snap application to the uid and gid of the first calling user. Consequently, that user had unintended access to a private /tmp directory.

insecure temporary file

snap-confine as included in snapd before 2.39 did not guard against symlink races when performing the chdir() to the current working directory of the calling user

CVE-2019-11503 7.5 - High - April 24, 2019

snap-confine as included in snapd before 2.39 did not guard against symlink races when performing the chdir() to the current working directory of the calling user, aka a "cwd restore permission bypass."

insecure temporary file

A vulnerability in the seccomp filters of Canonical snapd before version 2.37.4

CVE-2019-7303 7.5 - High - April 23, 2019

A vulnerability in the seccomp filters of Canonical snapd before version 2.37.4 allows a strict mode snap to insert characters into a terminal on a 64-bit host. The seccomp rules were generated to match 64-bit ioctl(2) commands on a 64-bit platform; however, the Linux kernel only uses the lower 32 bits to determine which ioctl(2) commands to run. This issue affects: Canonical snapd versions prior to 2.37.4.

Permissions, Privileges, and Access Controls

Canonical snapd before version 2.37.1 incorrectly performed socket owner validation, allowing an attacker to run arbitrary commands as root

CVE-2019-7304 9.8 - Critical - April 23, 2019

Canonical snapd before version 2.37.1 incorrectly performed socket owner validation, allowing an attacker to run arbitrary commands as root. This issue affects: Canonical snapd versions prior to 2.37.1.


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