Beam Apache Beam

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By the Year

In 2025 there have been 0 vulnerabilities in Apache Beam. Beam did not have any published security vulnerabilities last year.

Year Vulnerabilities Average Score
2025 0 0.00
2024 0 0.00
2023 0 0.00
2022 0 0.00
2021 0 0.00
2020 2 7.25
2019 0 0.00
2018 0 0.00

It may take a day or so for new Beam vulnerabilities to show up in the stats or in the list of recent security vulnerabilties. Additionally vulnerabilities may be tagged under a different product or component name.

Recent Apache Beam Security Vulnerabilities

In Eclipse Jetty versions 1.0 thru 9.4.32.v20200930, 10.0.0.alpha1 thru 10.0.0.beta2, and 11.0.0.alpha1 thru 11.0.0.beta2O, on Unix like systems, the system's temporary directory is shared between all users on

CVE-2020-27216 7 - High - October 23, 2020

In Eclipse Jetty versions 1.0 thru 9.4.32.v20200930, 10.0.0.alpha1 thru 10.0.0.beta2, and 11.0.0.alpha1 thru 11.0.0.beta2O, on Unix like systems, the system's temporary directory is shared between all users on that system. A collocated user can observe the process of creating a temporary sub directory in the shared temporary directory and race to complete the creation of the temporary subdirectory. If the attacker wins the race then they will have read and write permission to the subdirectory used to unpack web applications, including their WEB-INF/lib jar files and JSP files. If any code is ever executed out of this temporary directory, this can lead to a local privilege escalation vulnerability.

The Apache Beam MongoDB connector in versions 2.10.0 to 2.16.0 has an option to disable SSL trust verification

CVE-2020-1929 7.5 - High - January 15, 2020

The Apache Beam MongoDB connector in versions 2.10.0 to 2.16.0 has an option to disable SSL trust verification. However this configuration is not respected and the certificate verification disables trust verification in every case. This exclusion also gets registered globally which disables trust checking for any code running in the same JVM.

Improper Certificate Validation

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Apache Beam
