Solarwinds Platform Solarwinds Platform

Do you want an email whenever new security vulnerabilities are reported in Solarwinds Platform?

By the Year

In 2024 there have been 5 vulnerabilities in Solarwinds Platform with an average score of 7.7 out of ten. Last year Solarwinds Platform had 10 security vulnerabilities published. Right now, Solarwinds Platform is on track to have less security vulnerabilities in 2024 than it did last year. However, the average CVE base score of the vulnerabilities in 2024 is greater by 0.77.

Year Vulnerabilities Average Score
2024 5 7.72
2023 10 6.95
2022 1 6.10
2021 0 0.00
2020 0 0.00
2019 0 0.00
2018 0 0.00

It may take a day or so for new Solarwinds Platform vulnerabilities to show up in the stats or in the list of recent security vulnerabilties. Additionally vulnerabilities may be tagged under a different product or component name.

Recent Solarwinds Platform Security Vulnerabilities

The SolarWinds Platform was determined to be affected by a SWQL Injection Vulnerability

CVE-2024-28996 8.1 - High - June 04, 2024

The SolarWinds Platform was determined to be affected by a SWQL Injection Vulnerability. Attack complexity is high for this vulnerability.  

SQL Injection

The SolarWinds Platform was determined to be affected by a stored cross-site scripting vulnerability affecting the web console

CVE-2024-29004 4.8 - Medium - June 04, 2024

The SolarWinds Platform was determined to be affected by a stored cross-site scripting vulnerability affecting the web console. A high-privileged user and user interaction is required to exploit this vulnerability.


The SolarWinds Platform was determined to be affected by a Race Condition Vulnerability affecting the web console.

CVE-2024-28999 8.1 - High - June 04, 2024

The SolarWinds Platform was determined to be affected by a Race Condition Vulnerability affecting the web console.

Race Condition

SQL Injection Remote Code Execution Vulnerability was found using an update statement in the SolarWinds Platform

CVE-2023-50395 8.8 - High - February 06, 2024

SQL Injection Remote Code Execution Vulnerability was found using an update statement in the SolarWinds Platform. This vulnerability requires user authentication to be exploited

SQL Injection

SQL Injection Remote Code Execution Vulnerability was found using a create statement in the SolarWinds Platform

CVE-2023-35188 8.8 - High - February 06, 2024

SQL Injection Remote Code Execution Vulnerability was found using a create statement in the SolarWinds Platform. This vulnerability requires user authentication to be exploited.

SQL Injection

SQL Injection Remote Code Vulnerability was found in the SolarWinds Platform

CVE-2023-40056 8.8 - High - November 28, 2023

SQL Injection Remote Code Vulnerability was found in the SolarWinds Platform. This vulnerability can be exploited with a low privileged account.

SQL Injection

SolarWinds Platform Incomplete List of Disallowed Inputs Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

CVE-2023-40062 8.8 - High - November 01, 2023

SolarWinds Platform Incomplete List of Disallowed Inputs Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. If executed, this vulnerability would allow a low-privileged user to execute commands with SYSTEM privileges.

Improper Input Validation

 Insecure job execution mechanism vulnerability

CVE-2023-40061 8.8 - High - November 01, 2023

 Insecure job execution mechanism vulnerability. This vulnerability can lead to other attacks as a result.

Improper Input Validation

The SolarWinds Platform was susceptible to the Incorrect Input Neutralization Vulnerability

CVE-2023-33229 3.5 - Low - July 26, 2023

The SolarWinds Platform was susceptible to the Incorrect Input Neutralization Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows a remote adversary with a valid SolarWinds Platform account to append URL parameters to inject passive HTML.

Code Injection

Access Control Bypass Vulnerability in the SolarWinds Platform

CVE-2023-3622 4.3 - Medium - July 26, 2023

Access Control Bypass Vulnerability in the SolarWinds Platform that allows an underprivileged user to read arbitrary resource


The SolarWinds Platform was susceptible to the Incorrect Comparison Vulnerability

CVE-2023-23844 7.2 - High - July 26, 2023

The SolarWinds Platform was susceptible to the Incorrect Comparison Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows users with administrative access to SolarWinds Web Console to execute arbitrary commands with SYSTEM privileges.

Incorrect Comparison

The SolarWinds Platform was susceptible to the Incorrect Behavior Order Vulnerability

CVE-2023-33224 7.2 - High - July 26, 2023

The SolarWinds Platform was susceptible to the Incorrect Behavior Order Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows users with administrative access to SolarWinds Web Console to execute arbitrary commands with NETWORK SERVICE privileges.

The SolarWinds Platform was susceptible to the Incorrect Comparison Vulnerability

CVE-2023-23843 7.2 - High - July 26, 2023

The SolarWinds Platform was susceptible to the Incorrect Comparison Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows users with administrative access to SolarWinds Web Console to execute arbitrary commands.

Incorrect Comparison

The SolarWinds Platform was susceptible to the Incorrect Comparison Vulnerability

CVE-2023-33225 7.2 - High - July 26, 2023

The SolarWinds Platform was susceptible to the Incorrect Comparison Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows users with administrative access to SolarWinds Web Console to execute arbitrary commands with SYSTEM privileges.

Incorrect Comparison

The SolarWinds Platform was susceptible to the Exposure of Sensitive Information Vulnerability

CVE-2023-23839 6.5 - Medium - April 25, 2023

The SolarWinds Platform was susceptible to the Exposure of Sensitive Information Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows users to access Orion.WebCommunityStrings SWIS schema object and obtain sensitive information.

Insufficient sanitization of inputs in QoE application input field could lead to stored and Dom based XSS attack

CVE-2022-36965 6.1 - Medium - September 30, 2022

Insufficient sanitization of inputs in QoE application input field could lead to stored and Dom based XSS attack. This issue is fixed and released in SolarWinds Platform (2022.3.0).


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