Phpgurukul Employee Record Management System
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By the Year
In 2024 there have been 0 vulnerabilities in Phpgurukul Employee Record Management System . Employee Record Management System did not have any published security vulnerabilities last year.
Year | Vulnerabilities | Average Score |
2024 | 0 | 0.00 |
2023 | 0 | 0.00 |
2022 | 2 | 7.60 |
2021 | 4 | 9.23 |
2020 | 0 | 0.00 |
2019 | 0 | 0.00 |
2018 | 0 | 0.00 |
It may take a day or so for new Employee Record Management System vulnerabilities to show up in the stats or in the list of recent security vulnerabilties. Additionally vulnerabilities may be tagged under a different product or component name.
Recent Phpgurukul Employee Record Management System Security Vulnerabilities
Employee Record Management System v 1.2 is vulnerable to SQL Injection
9.8 - Critical
- October 28, 2022
Employee Record Management System v 1.2 is vulnerable to SQL Injection via editempprofile.php.
SQL Injection
Employee Record Management System v 1.2 is vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
5.4 - Medium
- October 28, 2022
Employee Record Management System v 1.2 is vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS) via editempprofile.php.
SQL injection bypass authentication vulnerability in PHPGURUKUL Employee Record Management System 1.2 via index.php
9.8 - Critical
- December 13, 2021
SQL injection bypass authentication vulnerability in PHPGURUKUL Employee Record Management System 1.2 via index.php. An attacker can log in as an admin account of this system and can destroy, change or manipulate all sensitive information on the system.
SQL Injection
Directory traversal vulnerability in /admin/includes/* directory for PHPGURUKUL Employee Record Management System 1.2 The attacker can retrieve and download sensitive information
7.5 - High
- December 13, 2021
Directory traversal vulnerability in /admin/includes/* directory for PHPGURUKUL Employee Record Management System 1.2 The attacker can retrieve and download sensitive information from the vulnerable server.
Directory traversal
SQL Injection vulnerability exists in PHPGURUKUL Employee Record Management System 1.2
9.8 - Critical
- December 01, 2021
SQL Injection vulnerability exists in PHPGURUKUL Employee Record Management System 1.2 via the Email POST parameter in /forgetpassword.php.
SQL Injection
SQL injection vulnerability in PHPGurukul Employee Record Management System 1.1
9.8 - Critical
- July 20, 2021
SQL injection vulnerability in PHPGurukul Employee Record Management System 1.1 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands and bypass authentication.
SQL Injection
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