Supportutils OpenSuse Supportutils

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By the Year

In 2024 there have been 0 vulnerabilities in OpenSuse Supportutils . Supportutils did not have any published security vulnerabilities last year.

Year Vulnerabilities Average Score
2024 0 0.00
2023 0 0.00
2022 0 0.00
2021 0 0.00
2020 0 0.00
2019 5 6.26
2018 0 0.00

It may take a day or so for new Supportutils vulnerabilities to show up in the stats or in the list of recent security vulnerabilties. Additionally vulnerabilities may be tagged under a different product or component name.

Recent OpenSuse Supportutils Security Vulnerabilities

Supportutils, before version 3.1-5.7.1, when run with command line argument -A searched the file system for a ndspath binary

CVE-2018-19636 7.8 - High - March 05, 2019

Supportutils, before version 3.1-5.7.1, when run with command line argument -A searched the file system for a ndspath binary. If an attacker provides one at an arbitrary location it is executed with root privileges

Improper Input Validation

Supportutils, before version 3.1-5.7.1, wrote data to static file /tmp/supp_log

CVE-2018-19637 5.5 - Medium - March 05, 2019

Supportutils, before version 3.1-5.7.1, wrote data to static file /tmp/supp_log, allowing local attackers to overwrite files on systems without symlink protection

insecure temporary file

In supportutils, before version 3.1-5.7.1 and if pacemaker is installed on the system, an unprivileged user could have overwritten arbitrary files in the directory

CVE-2018-19638 4.7 - Medium - March 05, 2019

In supportutils, before version 3.1-5.7.1 and if pacemaker is installed on the system, an unprivileged user could have overwritten arbitrary files in the directory that is used by supportutils to collect the log files.

insecure temporary file

If supportutils before version 3.1-5.7.1 is run with -v to perform rpm verification and the attacker manages to manipulate the rpm listing (e.g

CVE-2018-19639 7.8 - High - March 05, 2019

If supportutils before version 3.1-5.7.1 is run with -v to perform rpm verification and the attacker manages to manipulate the rpm listing (e.g. with CVE-2018-19638) he can execute arbitrary commands as root.

If the attacker manages to create files in the directory used to collect log files in supportutils before version 3.1-5.7.1 (e.g

CVE-2018-19640 5.5 - Medium - March 05, 2019

If the attacker manages to create files in the directory used to collect log files in supportutils before version 3.1-5.7.1 (e.g. with CVE-2018-19638) he can kill arbitrary processes on the local machine.

Improper Input Validation

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