Machine Docker Machine

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By the Year

In 2024 there have been 0 vulnerabilities in Docker Machine . Last year Machine had 1 security vulnerability published. Right now, Machine is on track to have less security vulnerabilities in 2024 than it did last year.

Year Vulnerabilities Average Score
2024 0 0.00
2023 1 6.50
2022 0 0.00
2021 0 0.00
2020 0 0.00
2019 0 0.00
2018 0 0.00

It may take a day or so for new Machine vulnerabilities to show up in the stats or in the list of recent security vulnerabilties. Additionally vulnerabilities may be tagged under a different product or component name.

Recent Docker Machine Security Vulnerabilities

Docker Machine through 0.16.2 allows an attacker, who has control of a worker node, to provide crafted version data, which might potentially trick an administrator into performing an unsafe action (via escape sequence injection), or might have a data size

CVE-2023-40453 6.5 - Medium - November 07, 2023

Docker Machine through 0.16.2 allows an attacker, who has control of a worker node, to provide crafted version data, which might potentially trick an administrator into performing an unsafe action (via escape sequence injection), or might have a data size that causes a denial of service to a bastion node. NOTE: This vulnerability only affects products that are no longer supported by the maintainer.

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